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Bedrock VIP
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Status Replies posted by Frigated

  1. Head to Vekoro or whatever, see like 3 people running around. Try to intiate rp. Ignored. They continue to run in circles. What??

  2. Why is there so many people on the website, but no one on the server!?!?

  3. Loving the lore!

  4. How long does it normally take for your VIP to change after you donate?

  5. How long does it normally take for your VIP to change after you donate?

  6. If I loan someone minas IC, and they just quit the char I loaned minas to, do they just get to keep the minas OOC'ly?

  7. I like New Huntshill. Dunno why, I just do.

  8. There really needs to be a PVP free zone so players who want to have some casual peaceful RP can go there without worrying about getting clicked to death.

    1. Frigated


      I shall keep you posted. We have just finished the stairway. If you want you can all add me on skype: frigated.kyle

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  9. There really needs to be a PVP free zone so players who want to have some casual peaceful RP can go there without worrying about getting clicked to death.

    1. Frigated


      I'm currently in the process of constructing a college somewhere secluded in the fringe. I am hoping that the 'hardcore' rpers and not the 'nooby' pvpers come to the college. Here I hope to have an array of subjects so people who enjoy similar RP are within a group.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  10. Anyone good with building small forts and what not? All my stone is included. I am also willing to pay.

  11. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What was the most notable mountain of Oren in Aegis?

  12. I need to get out of this rut...I've been slacking in my events..

  13. A little birdy told me that Abresi is gonna go bye-bye today.

  14. Anyone else take off their t-shirt while having a ****? ( Bored Debates )

  15. Anyone else take off their t-shirt while having a ****? ( Bored Debates )

  16. It's 4:43, I woke up recently and couldn't get back to sleep. I have to be in school at 8:00. I usually leave at 7:40 or so... and usually get up at 7:00, do I go to sleep now or stay up?

  17. Any ideas on what my new character should be? It's for my alt mc account.

  18. So I was wondering...for the plague in Abresi, where would I be able to find the symptoms if I were to roleplay being infected?

  19. I wanna getg back into LoTC.

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