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Everything posted by Mpana

  1. Hello welcome to LOTC1

  2. Hello welcome to LOTC!

  3. Your new game, it amuses me I shall wait for the right moment and then I shall strike.

  4. Hello welcome to LOTC

  5. Hi you ninja you¡

  6. thanks to hurricane sandy I'll be with out power for several days I might or might not have internet I won't know till the generator gets sorted out I'm posting this from a borrowed phone

    1. Mpana


      internet finally up for good

  7. That moment when you look at your post and realize you've ranked up, and realize just how stupid you actually are.

  8. I Lurv It!!!!!!! I almost wish I'd perma killed my char at the opportunities I had, she'd make an epic ghost. I really like this idea, hope it get's accepted it's just plain EPIC!!!
  9. I have discovered forum roleplay. O.O it's a whole new world!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Samoblivion


      Westeros beckons...

    3. EmeraldStag


      Skppy is jelly of the power of Forum RP ;3.

    4. Guest


      Skippy get your own status to bother


  10. Brom said "People have an annoying habit of remembering things they shouldn't." Something you might enjoy: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/72656-eragon-forum-role-play/page__p__591230__fromsearch__1#entry591230

  11. I laughed for about five minutes after I saw your avatar!

  12. Um my inventory kinda got deleted

  13. I make one ridiculous post on one ridiculous thread and I earn all of my rep from that. Not the ones that took hours of creative writing skill and rp. NOOO! It's some thread that everyone is doing and I did because everyone was doing! WTF, is wrong with society. *Does a YouTube search on how to restore your faith in humanity and feels a little better*

    1. nppeck


      Heh, I got 20 rep for talking about ads it's nothing new honey

    2. Guest


      3 rep is a lot? O-o

    3. Mpana


      helped. Late night rage probably unjustified, I just put a lot of work into my rp, and get rep from something that took 5 seconds.

  14. I just had to comment to say: PRINCESS MONONOKE FOR THE WIN (I'd recognize a kudama anywhere)

  15. My character's wedding is in ten minets and I can get on lotc RAGE FACE

    1. ski_king3


      Makes me really happy I didn't try to have my character's wedding today. Sorry, that must be frustrating.

    2. Mpana


      It's been rescheduled to next weekend so no biggie.

    3. Dyn


      Pfft, I'm going to crash that we- Oh, I was invited.

  16. Come one, come all! To the official wedding of Warden Benedict Aves, of the Malinor Vanguard, and Ada Angelina Rose, of Normandor. The wedding will be held in the High Council meeting room at noon(6:00pm EST) All of Malinor is invited.

    1. Geo
    2. Mpana


      All of Malinor so if you your an elf and you want to come pretty much forum post here: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/70902-wedding-day-invitation/

  17. Mpana

    that awkward moment when you find someone on the forums you've rped with and the even awkwarder moment when you find out they're an accepted villain or HI DYNASTY

  18. Were is everybody there's next to no one in Normander

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. shiftnative


      I believe the elves have been makin another city :o

    3. GloryorSolitude


      I'm a little alergic to a lot of alliteration *sneeze*

    4. GloryorSolitude


      I'm a little alergic to a lot of alliteration *sneeze*

  19. OMG My character's getting married!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GloryorSolitude


      Nice. Make sure to tell Serva XD He hates being in the dark in rp

    3. GloryorSolitude


      Nice. Make sure to tell Serva XD He hates being in the dark in rp

    4. villen5


      alright,i will

  20. ya being denied is no fun I need to work on my ORQs if I want to get in: thanx about the story i worked really hard on it i hope you get in to

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