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Status Updates posted by Shady

  1. Shady

    - A wave of comments floods over his inbox, all saying the mysterious and magical words -




    " H - I "

  2. - begins to write her first VA ever, it must be good O_O -

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Shady



      meanies.. :<

      - slaps them all -

    3. Lym


      Hands off me, Satan! :O

    4. Lita


      The bio was really, really good. Just a lit- a lot creepy.

  3. Shady

    - has just ended playing LoL -

    " Back " ^-^

  4. Shady

    - Hasn't got a friend request -


  5. Shady

    - hugs instead of slaps - O_O

    Like now ? :3

  6. - looks at the clock on her computer table, seeing the 6:08. Slowly turns her head back and looks at the clock on her screen, being 6:08. She sighs silently and looks around, bed time.. -

    1. Lita


      Shady... I MISS YOU! :P

    2. Shady


      I miss you too. :<

      Why did you have to go.

      You broke Evelyn's heart!

    3. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      <_< >_> no she didn't...

  7. Shady

    - nods aprvoingly at him -

    We sure do..

    But this spam makes me look important O_O


  8. - pats back " It's fine.. " -

  9. Shady

    - points at her profile -

    Da skype name ~

    I'm going to spam and slap you :3

  10. Shady

    - slaps -

  11. Shady

    - slaps & hugs -

    Happy new year, dear

  12. Shady

    - slaps her gently in the face " Get a hold of yourself! " then hugs -

    On another note: Bedtime ~

    Sleepwell ^_^

  13. - slaps him -

    Thank you fo rthe kity tough :3µ

    - slaps him again -

  14. Shady

    - thinks deeply ' What if he thinks what I think and then turns it to think.. into what he thinks what I think.. thus thinking the correct what I think..' system 32 internal error.. -

    - shrugs -

    - slaps, hugs & kiss -


  15. Shady

    " Ya know, I wonder how long you have been thinking for that joke.. "


  16. Shady

    * licks *

    Can I call you.. My little Lym -cough - stalker ? :3

  17. Shady

    And I can understand german better then that I can speak it ^-^

  18. And I caught my first two slaves :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. George of House Glover

      George of House Glover

      dont try an sell them, or finley and finley will do horrible things to you

    3. Anore


      As the bids for your slaves go up, as shall the bounty for your head.

    4. Shady


      Aw :3

      That's kind of cool ^-^

      And George, I'm evelyn.. I know you sell them too XD

  19. Shady

    Are you fully sure that you prefere kisses & hugs over slaps ?

    You should think wisely before making such grave decisions..

    - slaps.. -

  20. Shady

    Aw no.. don't go ^-^

    I actually enjoy this, it's a tad childish.

    But fun ^-^

    - hugs -

  21. Aw, VasRoos has had her first beautiful night with her first slain.. it was soo cute ^^ The best point.. dead bodies.. never say.. " no " =)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TeaLulu
    3. Arbrek the Ancient

      Arbrek the Ancient


    4. Shady


      What .. :<

      Even the slave had to give him a kissy ~

  22. Shady

    Aw, you should talk about it.


    It'll feel better if you do.

    And we all have those days, atleast I did..

    - hugs -

  23. Shady

    Awesome, I got a stalker :3

    - Sit boy.. sit! -

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