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Status Updates posted by Aptrotta

  1. What is going on in Malinor. My mom changed internet passcode on me so i am out of touch with eberything

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Lord_Sauron_


      Not to be 'that guy', but if they quit... all the easier to reinstate the government anew. Wish they would cooperate and make it interesting, though 3:

    3. Major Dom

      Major Dom

      Xerxes for High Prince? Rule Malinor with an iron fist of demonic death.

    4. SteelMarshall


      stel marshul fur hai prinze

  2. Zippy de do

    1. Aptrotta


      Da, zippy de day. My oh my wht a wonderful day

    2. ayresalex


      r u dun yet

  3. We need someone to open up an Alcatraz like system. We could send all bad people there. Keep them in town jails until they depart to the other place. It would be fun rp

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lykos


      Prison isn't fun role play at all... Think of it like rping going to school. I'm pretty sure that your wouldn't want to do that.

    3. everblue2er101


      Ironically, some of the largest and most active Minecraft servers are actually prison semi-RP. So apparently it does hold appeal to some players.

    4. Panda! At The Disco

      Panda! At The Disco

      UNLESS! There were a ton of prisoners and all of them planned a prison break and had secret meetings and talked behind the warden's back.. xD

  4. Bored, teamspeak or not to teamspeak

  5. Its up!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Aptrotta


      To no suprise, its down agian. These are getting faster

    3. Aptrotta


      Its up up up!

    4. Aptrotta
  6. So how do this fishing net work, seems awesome!

  7. Why was there a grave in Asulons cloud temple

    1. Pnoynoy


      What grave are you speaking of?

    2. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      There is several dedicated to players who have passed away IRL.

  8. Sewers make a great touch, love that they are vast and detailed.

  9. I have a great idea for an rp thing(not releasing yet) but I don't know how I should make architecture look like. I will give a hint. In WoW it is owned by Bizmo

  10. I have a great idea for an rp thing(not releasing yet) but I don't know how I should make architecture look like. I will give a hint. In WoW it is owned by Bizmo

  11. What time is the 3.0 release for players that play pacific time? ( Pacific time California)

    1. Aiden


      It tells you EST, so minus three hours from that

    2. Aptrotta


      Ahh. Sorry, I did not notice that. Thankyoy

  12. Do you want to invest your Mina's in a great company. Invest with Western Wind Trading Co today. Click the link below

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Aptrotta


      Can't get on minecraft*

    3. Aptrotta


      Pm either Abdul or myself. Abdul is Acornlad on the forums. He can be of better help currently

    4. Ezo Karasuga
  13. Is there a seperate format for alt accounts?

    1. Danny


      Not currently, use the main format for now.

  14. Is there a seperate format for alt accounts?

  15. Is the server up?

  16. Is the server up?

  17. Can I please have a gm unwhitelist my account and whitelist my other one

    1. Kickstarted and Running
    2. Aptrotta


      Is that your answer for everything

    3. everblue2er101


      Make a topic in App Subs with the account to be unwhitelisted and the new account.

  18. Want to play on an alternate account but with same characters, will I have to write a new app to get accepted

    1. Secret Lizard President

      Secret Lizard President

      No, contact a GM or admin.

    2. Aptrotta
    3. Braxis


      If you still keep your current one whitelisted you will need to make the ALt. Account app [[just place on the main app that it is an alt account of yours]]

  19. Anyone line in Orange County California

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