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Status Updates posted by Destinator

  1. Front page woop woop https://minestatus.net/

    1. Parading


      Just look at the influx in applications! Oh wait...

  2. Going to be gone for the day- I'll update the Locate the Screenshot Game scoreboard when I return.

  3. Going to be inactive from today to next Sunday... Sorry Delvers and Lumidrim.

  4. Hear ye, hear ye! Get yer current Haelun'or election results here! Hear ye, hear ye! http://tinyurl.com/lnvgsfg

    1. Dizzy771


      Your vote is over, or this is just the running tally?

    2. Destinator
    3. Kralek


      Gonna be quite honest. One of the ugliest and most confusing tallies of an election I have ever seen.

  5. Heeeere it comes!

  6. Heeeere it comes!

  7. I will be taking an indefinite hiatus to focus on studies and limit distractions. This does not mean I will never return here, but that I will be gone for a couple months at the least. I will not be logging in or checking skype, but I will occasionally check the forums, so if you want to contact me send me a forum message.

    1. Anawkin


      Have fun on the break, random stranger.

    2. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      Best of luck, wherever your arrow points, man. Can't wait to see you in the server again!

  8. If anybody wants to know, I will be gone from tomorrow (Saturday) through Tuesday. So no, I will not have vanished into another dimension.

  9. Is it still possible to make string from white linen?

  10. Is the server down? None of the ip's are working...

    1. argonian


      login.lordofthecraft.net m8

    2. Destinator


      "Failed to connect to server: Unknown host"

    3. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      I have the same issue too. *sigh*

  11. It's been one year since I've been accepted to this great server and community. I've had lots of fun times and great memories in that one year. Now on to two years!

    1. Major Tom

      Major Tom

      *blows annoying little party blower thing* Yay!

  12. Iyathae ito Haelun'or! Ave Orenia!

  13. Just got 3.04 inches of rain in an hour at my house... sweet!

    1. big narstie

      big narstie

      Only 3 inches you'll ever have

    2. mmat
  14. Leaving to go to the grandparents with no internet. Be back Thursday.

  15. Oo! Server gossip - my favorite!

  16. Question: Why not make regions around each of the resource pits and have perms for the rest of the island?

  17. Rank 28, almost on the front page woooo

  18. Should I perma-kill Almecki? I really don't know what to do...

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