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Status Updates posted by Banter

  1. Nooo! Just deleted all my work. q.q

    1. Lym


      Alt + Z, bro!

  2. There we go, time to fill this baby out now. *knuckle crack.*

  3. Can someone be a darling and send me the new application, the spolier won't open for me.

    1. Ever


      For what race?

  4. Does anyone else ever wonder who gives reputation points? Or is that just me?

    1. Telanir


      Don't worry, everyone wonders about that sometimes. :o

    2. Malis


      ... Anyone has the option to give Rep Points.

  5. Seventeen people in the pending spot.. Wowza.

  6. No Wondering Souls... Dangit.. Waiting.. I wonder when I can see 3.0 for myself. :X

  7. Almost done with the application.. Just need the in game picture, add in a bit of lore.. And the link to my previous applications. Yay for more posting!

  8. Oh great, just informed I have to make another damned application. Today just sucks.

    1. Bethykinss


      Don't be like this! -.- be like this! _._ You know.. I never thought this through..

  9. Found a way to apply again, without really applying again. Thank the lord.

  10. Twiddiling my thumbs.

  11. Hmm, the applications were worth it.

    1. Kaiser


      were you accepted?

  12. Hmm, the applications were worth it.

  13. Hmm, the applications were worth it.

  14. You say the lore is wrong, I change it, you say it's wrong. I'm sicked and tired of that. I constantly change it, and you still say no, will you please look PAST the skin, at my APPLICTION!?! I mean after a while, it's tiresome for the only reason that I am being denied, is you don't think my skin is good enough.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Cyndikate


      Maybe you should...I don't know, DO IT RIGHT?!

    3. Rilath


      The 24 hour rule shouldn't apply if the ONLY thing wrong is his skin. Just be like, hey, when you get on, use a different skin.

    4. everblue2er101


      Usually if one small thing is wrong it will be put on pending for a certain amount of time, which is exactly what happened with the last app. The application was not edited in that time, and so it was denied.

  15. You say the lore is wrong, I change it, you say it's wrong. I'm sicked and tired of that. I constantly change it, and you still say no, will you please look PAST the skin, at my APPLICTION!?! I mean after a while, it's tiresome for the only reason that I am being denied, is you don't think my skin is good enough.

  16. You say the lore is wrong, I change it, you say it's wrong. I'm sicked and tired of that. I constantly change it, and you still say no, will you please look PAST the skin, at my APPLICTION!?! I mean after a while, it's tiresome for the only reason that I am being denied, is you don't think my skin is good enough.

  17. You say the lore is wrong, I change it, you say it's wrong. I'm sicked and tired of that. I constantly change it, and you still say no, will you please look PAST the skin, at my APPLICTION!?! I mean after a while, it's tiresome for the only reason that I am being denied, is you don't think my skin is good enough.

  18. You say the lore is wrong, I change it, you say it's wrong. I'm sicked and tired of that. I constantly change it, and you still say no, will you please look PAST the skin, at my APPLICTION!?! I mean after a while, it's tiresome for the only reason that I am being denied, is you don't think my skin is good enough.

  19. Here ya go, another picture. Now may I be accepted?

  20. Here ya go, another picture. Now may I be accepted?

  21. Here ya go, another picture. Now may I be accepted?

  22. Here ya go, another picture. Now may I be accepted?

  23. Here ya go, another picture. Now may I be accepted?

  24. Well, I need help. The guide on how to add the skin into the post doesn't work, so I need an alternate way of adding it, any help?

    1. Praetor


      You can link a picture instead. I think?

  25. Well, I need help. The guide on how to add the skin into the post doesn't work, so I need an alternate way of adding it, any help?

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