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Status Replies posted by Geldion

  1. What exactly does "Character Alignment" mean in a Minor Evil application?

  2. What exactly does "Character Alignment" mean in a Minor Evil application?

  3. Server's down... Rub some bacon in it

  4. Server may have to lower it's cap of players and set the maximum view distance a little lower to keep up with all the data - reag may not be online but i'm sure it'll get dealt with sometime soon

  5. The server is obviously trying to test our ability to RP within 5 second intervals.

  6. We are trying to push a cow 200 blocks to a group of bandits who asked for one. Stahp the crashing!

  7. Welp, I've been promised things nobody should pass up if I go see Beautiful Creatures in an hour. Unfortunately, this means I will not be there for the transition. Have fun everyone! I look forward to hearing about it.

  8. We're starting in a few minutes! Who's using a human character?

  9. Just got tortured and killed. :)

    1. Geldion


      But how do the monks heal me? Do I just RP that they did?

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  10. Just got tortured and killed. :)

  11. Just got tortured and killed. :)

    1. Geldion


      I was locked in a dungeon, no one knew what happened to me besides the guy who killed me.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  12. Just got tortured and killed. :)

  13. Ugh... the White Rose... ---___---

    1. Geldion


      We just asked though, at first, and he still said no when we asked nicely towards the beginning...

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  14. Ugh... the White Rose... ---___---

    1. Geldion


      @Joe I was just yelling "LET US IN!" and stuff like that, my friend got pretty mad though. XD

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  15. Ugh... the White Rose... ---___---

    1. Geldion


      @Rookie We were clearly allowed to be in the fort though...

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  16. Ugh... the White Rose... ---___---

    1. Geldion


      I'm a Sarkozy guard, and so is my friend, and they wouldn't let us in the fort, so we got into an arguement then left, then a guy from the White Rose followed us and sliced open my friend's stomach. -_-

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  17. It's been 26 hours since my application was posted, and 4 since it was accepted. Waiting for white-list.

  18. Sounds like LotC is having a bit of a crisis...

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