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Status Updates posted by 3VN

  1. Grab Red Orchestra 2 for free on Steam while you can!

  2. Milkfirst master race

    1. Uetta


      Filthy milk first scum

    2. Treshure
  3. Milk first master race

  4. I've been a LotC'er for more than a year now! ^^

  5. NG39YRYM6TG4PRTTENT6 Eso key for you guys

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ever


      If you alrady have a key, they didn't send you ane xtra one. Its the same key you've had since the start, they just re-send them to you before the next beta.

    3. 3VN


      This time it was new.

    4. 3VN
  6. Enchanted diamond armour? -.-

  7. Anyone here wanna start a massive EU4 game?

  8. 7T6DTNDAYPFPF347YDYT ESO key for y'all

  9. Crowley is love, Crowley is life

  10. #FreeCrowley2014

  11. Free Crowley before its to late!

  12. #BringBackCrowley

  13. Crowley is love, Crowley is life

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