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Posts posted by Delmodan

  1. This Aengul brings me back some when I was an LM. The nature of this Aengul is indeed not what you described. She is not meant to influence or have done anything of that sort. I was in the process of creating lore for her before I left the server, thus it didn't get finished. If you want, you can contact me and I can give you what was written for her and how she is. 

  2. Well to start off, I think you did an absolutely amazing job with the lore. Everything has been for the most part well defined and able to be understood. I do have a question though in regards to the refilling of the familiar itself.

    As it grows within the tiers and needs to be refilled, would it require more light to be place within it in the higher tiers given its size being grown?

    I also would like to state some concerns that some here have said and perhaps make suggestions on. I would have to agree on a player being needed to play as this creature given mostly by the more later tiers. How well defined and indepth they are along with the abilities they have required, it would be quite confusing and straining on the cleric to not only RP themselves, but their light creation as well. To be honest on keeping it like how a creature is with following you, you could just keep it max to tier 3 on it given around there it pretty much is fine. Or perhaps just decrease the size they grow to and keep them small yet still change and form like the later tiers along with adjusting how their strengths and abilities impact things.


    What is your Minecraft Account Name?: Delmodan

    How long have you played on LotC?: since Asulon

    How many hours per day/week are you available?: Varies depending on the day. I say about 20 hours a week though I am far more available on skype or discord if I’m need to answer questions.

    Have you read and do you thoroughly understand Magic Lore?: Yes

    What Magic Lore do you hold the most experience with?: I find myself in full understanding of paladin and druidism magics.

    Write about a magic-related topic that you find interesting (e.g. How mental barriers work): I guess one of the many magic-related topics I like to discuss and actually do is the limb of light. Yes, I know, I did create it, but I just always found it a very interesting way to RP. Usually people either get metal limbs, wooden limbs, or just say ‘monks healed it’, but with this ability in Xannic magic, you summon it with the mists and maintain it for a time then it disperses. A choice you have to make on needing a hand to fight or using your other abilities within battle. Even doing simple day to day activities can be challenging. The ability itself is hard enough to even learn, practicing to keep it stable and able to form into the limb you want, let alone being able to move it, has been a fun, interactive experience. You first summon the mists with one side, hover it around where the limb used to be then summon the mists with the other side to allow it to begin forming the outline of the limb missing. The trick is to focus enough and keep the light condensed down to where it is stable and able to be held. Each section requires focus to make until it is complete. The density of this is like iron which is pretty sturdy and when able to move it, packs a punch. Yet if unconscious in any way, the limb is lost or if exhaustion finally takes hold. Though despite the drawbacks, you have a functioning limb which at least for a paladin, that is crucial.

    Give a Summary of any Staff/Lead positions you’ve held on any Minecraft Server in the past: Before I joined the server, I was on Herocraft where I became a GM and handled the responsibilities where compared to this server would be several teams, including accepting/denying apps, fixing griefing/terraforming areas, creating lore and helping in testing out mods.  On lotc, I my first position was LM, more known as the druid LM given my experience and knowledge of the lore and magic. Eventually after while of departing then returning back to LM, I joined the MAT and helped there with monitoring various magics.

    Do you have a Skype account? (You may post it here, or choose to keep it private until you are asked for it. Note; Skype is required to communicate with the team and unless you have an account and the program it you will be incapable of joining the team): Private unless requested

    Have you ever receive a Magical Blacklist, if so, please link it: Nope


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