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Posts posted by Delmodan

  1. There isn't hate upon Oren or bad intent. The concern presented here is the fact that a nation can pretty much lay claim to the world if this is allowed. Oren being the largest currently and there is worry upon that given Oren's views. They worship the creator and to a lot of Oreners, they see others who have a different fate as heretics and some groups hunt people down of different faith daily. Groups are being targeted and are being told to change to their view to that of the creator and denounce their own religion or path. If they change it, yes they are left alone. If they do not change, they are attacked. 

    It isn't truly so much as people hating a nation. It isn't about people hating upon Oren. It is about opening the doors for others to be able to take full control and place their own nations views and beliefs upon the others with hardly a chance for the others to fight back. That is what the concern is. This could also be abused as well concerning plots. One group can force conquest plots and then just let them sit and not be used while others have to find new areas to RP. I am not saying that having wars and fights is a bad thing, but people do not like to be hunted down constantly just because of how they wish to play their character. And they certainly do not wish to run be out of their only area where it is actually deem safe for them to RP without a risk of attack. 

  2. Arinislia's eyes slowly open. Her silvery gaze cast towards her door to her office. With her ears flickering slightly, she moves to stand from her meditative position. Her hand extending outwards to grasp her carved, birch wood staff before moving to depart from her office. Her direction heading down towards the melody she hears down towards the grotto. Stopping at the edge of the cobblestone steps, she stares down towards the Song Druid, observing him in silence as she listens to his song. A faint smile appearing upon her lips before shifting her gaze towards the flora around her. "Van'alya Sister Bear and Brother Wolf. Ame nae evareh~" she would softly whisper.

  3. I have a few questions. If say you were behind iron bars, perhaps in a cage or prison, would you be able to shift out of that cage if you are looking between the gap in the bars? Reason I ask is because technically that gap, there is nothing in your way and you can clearly see where you are shifting too. Also, what if you are shackled in some way? Are you able to shift out of that binding? Example would be chained to a wall or maybe tied to a tree.

  4. MC name: Delmodan

    Character's name and age: Arinislia age:353


    Character’s Race: High Elf

    Link to your accepted magic application: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/125426-the-owl-druids-mat-app/

    What magics do you desire to teach?: Druidism: Communion, Control of Nature, and Healing


    Summarize the Lore of this Magic: Once given the blessing by the Aspects (being attuned), a druid has sort of a sixth sense to the living world. We are able to feel the ebb and flow of life around us depending on our communion.  Depending on the subtype, we ask requests upon nature and if accepted, are granted said request such as asking a tree to slightly grow or moving a vine or root. With Blight Healing, we cleanse the taint from the ground and depending on your tier, even give life to a desolate area. Druidic Healing is a more dangerous subtype for depending on the ability we use, we use our own life essence to heal and mend wounds, sooth pain, and depending on your tier, bring one from the edge of death (yet at a very high cost, more or less  the druid would  either fall into a coma or perish). Mending bones however is only for those of the highest tier and takes a long process of doing. Shapeshifting is a very secret subtype and very few even know of this art, allowing the druid to be able to shapeshift into an animal (only one and cannot fly nor swim).

    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student. (Do note, we will be contacting aspiring teachers for a quick interview, to try to better gauge your knowledge and understanding): Control of Nature:  The lesson would begin by taking the druid to an open clearing. Sitting upon the grass I direct them to sit down in a meditative position.  Placing myself in the same stance, I direct them to close their eyes and focus. Focus on the feeling of the ebb and flow of life around them. As they focus, I then direct them to reach our their hand and gently hold it just above the grass where their hand can feel the blades of grass. I then ask them to make a simple request, aiding the grass into growing a little more or perhaps becoming healthier. As they focus, I guide them. Making sure they are not forcing the grass to grow and to simply focus upon the connection. It will flow naturally through them and the plant will begin to grow or become more vibrant. This of course would depend on their level of communion and how much they can handle at once, and I would guide their efforts to help them strengthen their connection as they go through the lesson.

  5. MC name: Delmodan
    Character's name and age: Asarielle Darkblade, age: 145
    Character’s Race: Dark Elf
    What magic will you be learning?: Shade , Soul Puppetry
    Who will be teaching you?: Adorallen (Tsuyose) has already gifted me the shade and I have been for alittle bit. I am still learning from him along with being taught Soul Pupperty from him as well.
  6. MC name: Delmodan
    Character's name and age: Arinislia, age:353
    Character’s Race: high Elf
    What magic will you be learning?: Druidism
    Who will be teaching you?: I am already a druid and an Archdruid of the Druidic Order.
  7. This is actually a genuine concern. Im getting skeptical about the amount of admins that are druids, I mean congrats to all of you but I would like some variation between the backgrounds. 

    What someone plays or whos group they are in has nothing to do with choices made to gain a position. It is based off their actions, how they handle things, attitude, and maturity. Several that became Admin haven't even played their druids until very recently and that was only because they wanted to play them again. Its their characters, they are allowed to play them and allowed to join whichever group they wish to be in just like anyone else here in the community, providing the RP.

    Also, congratz to you all ^.^


  8. Asarielle watches the ceremony quietly from her seat. A happy, gentle smile placed on her lips yet not quite reaching her eyes. As everyone begins to leave, she moves with the crowd, over towards the table of food and bowls herself up some soup with some biscuits on the side. Shes moves off to the side, sitting within the grass as she eats. Her eyes looking towards the others dancing and chuckling some as some of their movements as she enjoys the party.


  9. I have known him for a few years now. His way of RP is pretty good and the way he handles on things OOC is quite mature and reasonable. His attitude is calm and collected, and rarely ever get angry. He strives to keep things calm and defuse situations or drama that arise around him. He is very helpful towards others and tries his best to help in anyway he can. I do wish to him more active in the community, but I do believe he can do a good job as a GM if he were accepted. +1

  10. I like how you've called his judgement snaps and then call him a liar for them, saying that he isn't welcomed to make judgement and by that extent said: "Your opinions aren't something I find to be true as this person's friend, you have no right to speak on this public forum about my friend." But to give you a little something to put into your pipe and smoke...

    1. Mennarra is not active.

    I will agree this is untrue and I have seen Mennarra around quite a bit doing modreqs, but that has nothing to do with the position he is to now hold, writing cohesive, understandable lore with his team, making sure player-made lore doesn't conflict, piecing together the timeline and history of the world. These do not equate to modreqs.

    2. Mennarra was removed for spawning things in.

    Fact is sugarpea, he was removed for just such an act, much like Merrymoogle (our most recent case) and furthermore Mennarra has himself admitted to difficulties with processing some situations, I need not specify but a lot of these situations would have something to do with managing the team. Not a good start.

    3. Mennarra hangs in greyhaven all day. 

    I have seen Mennarra hanging out with the druids once during a moot and no other time, Same for greyhaven. Fact is Mennarra spends the majority of his time from public (and the view of someone with vanish) doing modreqs, an excellent thing for him to be doing but no correlating to lore whatsoever 

    4. Your judgements seem to be casted in lies.

    While you claim that Lynx is one sided and 'lying' you're very much the same, you are lying (or just misinformed) on behalf of your friend, your judgements are based in bias and snapped anger and while are welcomed here, are frowned upon heavily by anyone with the reasoning to look into what they wish to complain about. Food for thought.



    Stepping down just before removal, still counts as removal rittsy-boy.

    You are stating your case, because I actually challenged your friend on false accounts and thus, it upset you. It is clear you no nothing of the situations you speak of and are going off a few times where you actually encountered him IG. As for the friend statement, I wish to see actual concerns more than false acts. I am not afraid of voicing my opinion on alot of things with him and flat out disagreed on several topics and even changed his mind a several. 

  11. This, and not to mention out of all the people you could have picked for this position out of both the GM team and LM you pick one of the least active people. With him being added it also not help the fact of the admin team just being a group of friends(Other then Cappy, Cappy is okay).  He was added to the LM team two weeks ago not to mention he is friends with both Risty and Ura for a very long time and was removed from the GM team for spawning things in. As well I have not seen any lore come out of this person in my time on this server, as a GM he does not do much but sit in gray haven and sometimes answer modreqs when they are on. Why couldn't you give this position to someone who will actually help the server instead of just "Eh, maybe this will work" Once I see some actual work come out of this person I might be okay with the fact that they were given this position instead of other way more capable people. Then again my opinion doesn't really matter and I'm just a random ET. 

    Okay where to begin...Oh yes~

    First of all: Activity. 

    He has been one of the most active members within the LM and GM team. He gets on for a few hours (EST timezone) before work then afterwards, hes on more, helping with modreqs, answering questions, and RPing. He has also been writing lore as well for things that will be foreseen in the future. Of what, that is shush shush secret for now, but things are set in motion.

    Second of all : removed from the GM team for spawning things in.

    Here's a fun alittle fact you should be aware of, he left GM because of the past aka '****-storm' that occured. When he came back to the server, he wasn't even expecting to be asked for becoming a GM again and for the longest time, didn't want it. But in the end, he wished to help get the server back on track and improve the community and when offered a spot back, he accepted. For spawning things in, I don't know even know where you even came up with this, but making false accounts for something that didn't even happen shows your complete immaturity on the matter at hand. I suggest you find out accurate facts first before stating such obvious lies.

    Third of all :  as a GM he does not do much but sit in gray haven and sometimes answer modreqs when they are on.

    Again, you state false facts without even looking into truth. You assume without fully knowing or even looking into the matter. Out of all the places, Greyhaven is the least place he spends his time at. He goes everywhere, helping, building, and RPing when he can. 

    Comments are advised, but your judgements seem to be casted on lies and is not welcomed here.


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