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Posts posted by Delmodan

  1. 23 minutes ago, Fordo said:

    You must remember, however, that this light ligament still holds the same properties as its weapon (composed of the same particles) and can therefore be used to greatly harm tainted beings with its touch. And, if the paladin is adept at martial arts (which I imagine many are), then they can quite effectively use this buff as if they were still able to wield their mist weapons. However, I see now that Delmodan has clarified that the skillful utilizing of this skill takes some time. 


    But imagine this -- A paladin/cleric has an arm of light. All they have to do to harm a tainted being is touch them with it or slap them (maybe?) with it, and it executes the same action as it usually would, which is purging. 

    I do see your point. As well, the paladin armor summoned is made of light as well. The same with a weapon. All within melee range. Most dark arts users are range and have a variety of spells and abilities to keep the paladin at a distance. If said limb of light were to make contact, it would react the same as if  any kind of holy thing touches them. It would cause pain. It is literally the same effect as if the paladin punches a dark arts user with their summoned holy gauntlet. Difference is, its less mobile than having the actual hand.

     Cleansing or 'purging' is a different ability and would require the paladin to focus and keep the said dark arts person still in order to preform it. Which at that point, the fight is over. This is really no different than using a summoned blunt weapon to bash someone or using a sword to fight. The flaws for summoning this in a fight is :
    1. You can't summon the holy armor which covers the whole body.

    2. You have a longer time even summoning a weapon out if you choose the limb first.

    3. If you choose to summon a weapon first, you have to deal with the fact you are still down a limb and may not be able get it out before the fight ends.

    4. Complete mobility of the limb in question.


    This however, is talking about combat. Which this lore is meant to have a non-combat utility as well, even if it is only temporary.


  2. 2 hours ago, Fordo said:

    So, basically, paladins are gaining a huge ass buff and get a SICK ass limb of light if they lose it. There is absolutely no downside to this, honestly. I don't like this all that much, given that they're already powerful enough, and I have to agree with Swgr above. There has to be some other weakness, other than 'they can't summon anything else while currently having a limb of light.' 


    Essentially, I think there needs to be a more dire consequence to the usage of this skill. Perhaps, since the limb can't replace any of the five necessary senses of a player's body, it's incredibly difficult to use and, even if some adeptness was gained in using it, the paladin would still have difficulty manipulating it. It could be used for menial tasks, like picking up a cup or opening a door -- perhaps, loading a crossbow or pulling a bow back with some intensive practice. I don't believe a paladin should be able to use the limb to fight just as normally as they would with a sword, spear, et cetera. 

    It's not a buff nor is it a full replacement for a limb. This is a temporary use and they would still have to deal with the fact that most of the time, they wouldn't have their limb. As well, all the things you suggested was what was stated. This isn't something one can just randomly learn off the bat then be able to summon on a wim. This requires a lot of time and skill to even be able to properly summon it then be able to use it for either the menial tasks as you described or able to summon it during a fight. The paladin would have to choose first. A weapon or the limb if someone decides to come suddenly at them. This skill is the same as if summoning choosing to summon their armor or their weapon. It's meant to give an option due to the fact that within a fight, you would be at a disadvantage given you are missing a limb. 


  3. 1 hour ago, The Pink Lion said:
    1. Is the limb/part of a limb that's created (such as a forearm + hand) attached to the rest of the arm in an unbreakable bond? Or would someone be able to pull the mist-limb off with a solid tug? Or if you punched someone with the mist-limb, would the hand/forearm stick or would it break off?
    2. If a paladin is experienced enough, would he/she be able to move the mist-limb around as well as a real one? Or would they never be able to achieve that level of mastery with mist manipulation since they have to actively think of how they're going to move the arm?
    3. How long can a paladin keep a full sized limb, such as an arm, created for?

    Personally, I like this lore as it's another alternative to replacing limbs that doesn't involve actually growing a new one back (the monks fixed it!!!), but I don't see it being used that often.

    1. You wouldn't be able to just randomly pull it off if that is what you are saying. Think of it like a regular limb that is as strong as iron. If something is sharp enough, you can pierce it, if something is strong enough to bash it, it will disperse. As I stated, the same rules that apply for manipulation, apply here as well.

    2. Yes, its possible as I stated in the lore. ;)

    3. Same as if summoning a weapon or armor. Exhaustion, fatigue, knocked out, etc etc. apply. 

    Its more of a neat thing to be able to use instead of just going and 'Hey, had the monks regrew my arm.' Gives a little more RP options and interesting RP experience. 

  4. “He is the warmth, the light, the fatherly embrace that holds and protects us in the everlasting darkness. His voice gives us strength. His roar gives us courage. He who will not abandon us and in our moment of absolute need, he will be there with his guiding light.”


       Manipulation Addition: Limbs of Light



    A paladin is his servant, his hand, his will upon this world. There to fight and protect those that cannot protect themselves from the darkness of the realm. To give a fighting chance and turn the tides of battle. His warriors he blesses with his power, allowing them to manipulate his mists to summon weapons and armor, cleanse corruption and taint, and even give healing properties to aid the injured. He hears their pleas, their prayers, even their torment and pain. For he places them in his warm embrace until their last breath has left, never leaving them without a flickering light. In times of need, his grace will bless them so they can continue to fight and serve. To not give up and fall into despair.



    A paladin that has a missing limb can learn the process of summoning the mists into the hollow ligament and condense it out, creating a temporary limb that is literally conjoined with the flesh.  For this, the same rules would apply as if summoning armor or a weapon. To first learn this, the paladin would need to be very experienced in the art of manipulation and would need time and practice to learn how to manipulate properly. Starting with being able summon and control the mists into the form of the limb in question, the paladin must know the weight and feel of the limb before it was removed. The second part is learning how to move the ligaments in question. A digit curling into the palm, a foot being able to bend and take a step. Controlling the mists in such a way is very difficult to do and not everyone who learns of this ability may not be able to move the limbs, but instead, can for example create a fist to swing at an opponent or create a foot to be able to keep themselves balanced while using the other leg to support.

    Larger ligaments such as arms and legs will take more time to be able to summon properly whereas smaller ligaments such as ears, fingers, eyes, etc. would take less time. However, the mists are pure particles of light and cannot mimic senses. One can summon eyes if they wish yet would not be able to see; a hand would not be able to feel, etc. As well, depending on what you are summoning, such as the large ligaments, the paladin would not be able to properly summon a full set of armor. However, weapons are more manageable and able to be summon.




    Red lines


    • Can only summon a limb where the area missing is.

    • Cannot replace any senses such as sight, touch, hear, taste, or smell.

    • Cannot produce extra limbs.

    • The limb is only as strong as iron as it is similar to summoned armor.

    • Cannot make any weapon limbs. (IE) An arm with a sword at the end instead of a hand, etc etc.

    • Cannot summon armor while a summoned limb is created.

    • Cannot summon both a weapon and a limb at the same time.

    • Cannot summon animal parts as limbs.

    Special thanks to Hugo for sparking the idea of the lore and to Mooyose for aiding me in the idea.


    What is your Minecraft Account Name?: Delmodan


    How long have you played on LotC?: a little over 3 years


    How many hours per day/week are you available?: I would have to say 20-30 hours per week, give or take. It depends and I am most always able to be reached on skype.


    What lore do you know best on LotC: Several Aengul/Daemons and the generalization of them, (including Aspects, Xan, and Asura), Magics and the lore of Druidism, Xan, Shade, and Soul Puppetry, several creatures, and artifacts.


    Give a Summary of any Staff/Lead positions you’ve held on any Minecraft Server in the past: I was a GM for a while on Herocraft before I started on Lotc. I was as well a LM before yet I left the team due to various reasons.


    Do you have a Skype account? You may post it here, or choose to keep it private until you are asked for it.  Note; Skype is required to communicate with the team and unless you have an account and the program it you will be incapable of joining the team: I prefer keeping it private until asked.


    Have you ever written any lore for LotC? We are looking for LKs who either know a lot, have a lot of ideas— or preferabl both. So lets see what you have done. If you want a part of the app to pay most attention to-- pick this one.  I aided in the creation of several of the druids guides, https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/136572-natures-guide-to-druidism/, the disconnection lore,https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/135576-the-effects-of-disconnection/#comment-1287338  and several lores only the LMs can see.


    Have you ever receive a Magical Blacklist, ban or other blacklist if so, please link it: No


    Please include a link of  anything you've wrote that you consider to be your best work, this does not have to be LotC related however it must be by your own hand: I didn’t really get into creative writing that much until I joined lotc. Above is examples of my work, as well others, as I said, hidden.

  6. On 12/25/2015 at 5:18 PM, Mephistophelian said:



    When both mages are T5, the power of either is now measured in the amount of time the Mage has practiced said magic. If both are equal, the light shall win (in power) as per usual, but if the dark Mage has had their magic for longer, they shall win (in power). Note that this is not a fallback system.



    I find this part in a bit of a sway in favor of those that have had the magic a lot longer. While yes, that would make sense, it is however at a terrible disadvantage because say one that studies as a paladin and has spent a while to finally reach tier 5, they would still never be able to have a chance to beat the tier 5 dark mage that happened to learn their magic first. An example here for what I am saying, is an Asulon dark mage going against an Athera paladin. Both top tier yet the paladin from what you are saying in this lore, would lose (in terms of power) because they happened to not be around longer than the dark mage. 

    A question I would like to ask as well, how would one know what tier someone is (in terms of power) given tiers are not actually used in the magic system, only in guides? Especially in a battle between a light and dark user? I for example come across a dark arts user I do not even know nor when this person became one, how would I know what tier this person would even be at?

  7. With the rule on the screenshots, I really do not think it is that much to ask to simply screenshot an emote and send it in. As well it states until the MAT member deems the person fine. Which I assume wouldn't be that long. If it is truly difficult to type out more than one or two accurate emotes for a magic, it is probably best that person not learn the art. I really only see this as ensuring one knows the magic instead of them getting a SA, not be seen for awhile then suddenly do something that is deemed powergaming and blacklisted for it. This way, the MAT member can help them along the way of being a better RPer and knowing the magic fully. 

     I would re-look at some of the magics that are allowed self-teaching like others said and maybe discuss it some on whether or not it would be suited there or in the non self-teaching section.

  8. I am truly failing to see how even the current change to said rule effects what is wanted out of it. To me, this current change I see it as giving leniency to a few set magic groups whereas this rule is effecting every magic group as a whole. As well, the current explanation sounds as if there is more of a problem with people learning a lot of harder to get magics, due to 'cliques' or however they obtain it, than teachers themselves. With this limitation, those teachers with harder to get magics will choose to keep them and rid themselves of the more common magics, thus limiting the more common magic teachers as well restricting more of the harder to get magics and who can even teach them. This can in turn strengthen and add more cliques which defeats the purpose of this rule. 

  9. To those who have posted, do you feel as if these changes will do what they are intended to do: reduce magical cliques and restore better teaching regulation to magical instruction?

    I'm going to have to agree with the others there. It would be a no. It would really do the opposite and cause a lot of complicated problems for people who have already learned/teach several magics as well as several magic groups that have several subtypes within them. It limits more than aids. As well, people who are students are getting hurt because suddenly their teacher would not be able to teach anymore. 

  10. Vailoen Winterleaf, used to be High Queen of Skravia until the sudden disappearance of the land, is wondering who these people even are and what they are even remembering. 

    Rocco refuses to be mugged off by the thoughts of this disgusting creature

    Vailoen distinctly remembers quite clearly of the Subudai never winning and had quite a humiliating defeat as well as her owning said kingdom well afterwards.

  11. Arin slightly lifts her head as she sits upon the large birch wood tree. Her silvery gaze set upon the small ferret in the distance, running across the soft grass towards her tree. Her figure slowly moving to stand before gracefully hopping down from one of the several large roots. Echo moving closer to her now, setting the note before her before tugging upon her clothes to climb up to her shoulder. Her hand extending downward to grasp the note before moving up to read it. Her eyes then widen as she stands there completely frozen. Several tears beginning to form before slowly running down her cheeks. Slowly, her silvery gaze shifts towards the nearby trees as she lowers her hands to her side. The note clutched within her right hand. "We will walk together again someday..."



     There is also Kyral, who betrayed Tah to become something and is now a Druid. Her symptoms were banished by Herun (citation needed, can't remember her explanation fully, but it was one of the Xan Itharel thingies). Straight-up banished. 

    I am making a correction here. In this case, Herun had risk a PK in order to heal Kyral of all her scars and whatever blight was within her (blight being that from the harbinger she fought beforehand), but the negative effects upon getting disconnected from a deity's magic is still there and cannot be undone.

  13. There are no potions that can regrow limbs and mending flesh takes a long period of time that would even still leaves scars. However you might see it, it is much easier reattaching a limb or extremities than to just create something out of nothing. An eye is very complex, even for reattaching it and then theres the other issue of them even able to see from that eye or them still being blind. Magic as you say, shouldn't be so well defined, this is true, but you are suggesting something out of your field of magic possibilites. Reattaching I see, creating something fully I do not. 

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