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Posts posted by Proddy

  1. Within the courts of the Imperial Palace of Augustine, court gossip and rumours been to spread about how the Lady Pruvia had been freed from the shackles of marriage with 'the Monster of Rochefort'. This gossip soon fills the ears of their infant son Robert, and after finding out what the concept of matrimonial dissolution means, he immediately flees to his chambers and does what he does best; puts pen to paper. The next time a courier would stop by the palace grounds, the flaxen haired youth presses a letter into their hands, for special delivery to Adrian O. Helvets.


    Dae Dear Father,

    Sorry my writang writing is so bad. My twotars tutors say I'm improving, but that I have a long way to go still.

    I don't know what has happened with you and mother. I wish you would stop feeting fighting and we could be a family again.

    I still love and miss you very much. I hope you well will come visit me again soon. Maybe sometimes I cud could come and live with you sometimes too.

    I made a littel little drawing for you. I hope wun one day we could live in a hose house like this and be happy.





  2. Having come across the letter upon Charlottes bedside whilst chasing down his rambunctious pug Lucky, the infant son of the Count of Rochefort grips the parchment tightly betwixt his little fingers. Staring out the window and onto the courtyard of the Imperial Palace, weeping quietly as he silently hopes his beloved father would walk through the gates one day to meet with him once more.




    Later in the eventide, as the skies grow dark and the owls hoot, Robert Foltest would drop the letter the lap of his mother as she would tuck into a prestigious meal of beef bourguignon.


    "Will you write to him?"


    "Perhaps, my dear boy....for you."


    "Then you must tell him that I love him, and that I miss him very much."

  3. 4dwjvUQ.png




    An arrow would pierce through Adrian Helvet’s mare, toppling the Helvetii as Isabel Franziska gallops away from the group. Then, another arrow would find its way to Ailred Barclay’s stomach: he too now collapsing to the ground. As Charlotte dragged herself over the floor to reach her weeping husband, the young Robert, firstborn of Adrian, would cry and freeze in confusion. 


    As Cyril Halcourt would help the wounded Ailred back onto his feet, as Charlotte dragged her weak husband from the ground: Robert would rush towards the back of the altar, hiding there. A ghastly, knightly creature would stand on top of the hill: looking down upon them while holding a grotesque blade. 


    Before the group could articulate a response, the creature would launch himself forwards: his large blade lunging towards Cyril & Adrian, who stood beside each other. But then, nothing happened, and suddenly the creature stopped. Adrian summoned his rapier as he turned to Ailred “Perhaps we.. Can we fight it?”. His reluctant question was answered by a stressed laugh “I don’t think so, governor.”


    Two inferni would suddenly appear from behind the creature, flying over the group to reach for Robert Foltest. As the little child whimpered, the Inferni grabbed him by his clothes: lifting him up in the air. Despite the screams from the group, who sprinted towards them in an futile attempt to intervene, the boy was taken into the night sky.


    Robert Foltest Helvets was gone, but to where?

  4. From within the comforts of his office within the Palace de Novellem, Governor Arbaaz Simhari stares out of the window in a state of deep reflection. A pipe filled to the brim with Rhenyari hemp betwixt between his fingers, and a copy of the Pontiff’s statement sprawled bare upon his desk.


    “Ya Mitras... Perhaps his Holiness is not so holy after all!” the Rudran sighs with dishevelment, shaking his head with disbelief. ”Has he forgotten so easily, the murder of Peter Amadeus and his mother the Princess of Alstion before him?  Both good Canonists, the former of which was only a minor? Would God not judge the Tyrant of Sutica a sinner for such crimes alone, even if he propagates himself to be a ‘good’ canonist?”


    ”And what of the pious and innocent Canonist souls that have been slain by his filthy Hangmen dogs in this dreaded war. Where is their retribution? The Pontiff has much khrum to commit to such a statement.... in his wanton lust to convert the world, he has been blinded and censured. It will be the undoing of us all should he continue down this foolish path.”

  5. 10 minutes ago, SilkieSilky said:


    Sabrina Halcourt questions why she was not listed with her cousin, the Baroness of Artois for invites for the House of Halcourt.


    The woman then would question also why her other relatives was not included or at least mentioned. But decides to go as


    she herself is apart of the Halcourt family and wouldn’t avoid a moment to see her family.



    10 minutes ago, CaptainHaense said:

    Petyr Baruch frowns to his son the Duke of Valwyck, ”Ah guess we’re no’ invited!”


    Governor Simhari clutches a cold compress against his scalp, having caught a lofty headache from having to sift through the records of the 50 billion claimed nobility of Oren. He quickly rectifies these errors, dispatching brief invitations to both parties at once. 


    He also ensures the Emperor’s milkman gets an invitation in private.





    In commemoration of his Imperial Majesty Peter III’s ruby jubilee marking a tremendously prosperous four-decade reign, the Imperial Court of the Novellen have deemed it fit to celebrate this momentous occasion with a period of two months of merriment and carousing.


    All citizens of the Empire are cordially welcomed to partake in the festivities, but private invitations are forwarded to the following;


    House of Novellen


    HIH the Princess Imperial, Princess Anne 

    HIH the Duke Helena, Prince Joseph 

    HIH Prince John of Helena 

    HIH Prince Philip of Helena 

    HIH Prince Peter of Helena 

    HIH Prince Joseph of Helena 

    HIH Princess Elizabeth of Helena 

    HIH Princess Juliette of Helena 


    House of FitzPeter


    Madame Renee Antoinette Rothesay, Maîtresse-en-titre 

    Mister Leopold Henry FitzPeter

    Miss Blanche Therese FitzPeter 

    Miss Heloise Olympe FitzPeter 


    House of Bihar 


    HRM the King of Hanseti-Ruska, Joseph I 

    HRM the Queen Mother of Hanseti-Ruska, Countess Viktoria of Metterden 

    HRH the Princess Royal of Hanseti-Ruska, Princess Natalya Reza 

    HRH the Duke of Akovia, Prince Stefan of Hanseti-Ruska 

    HRH the Duke of Greywyn, Prince Aleksander of Hanseti-Ruska 

    HRH the Duke of Alban, Prince Stefan of Hanseti-Ruska 

    HRH Princess Juliya of Hanseti-Ruska 

    HRH Princess Analiesa of Hanseti-Ruska 

    HRH Princess Alexandria of Hanseti-Ruska 

    HRH the Duke of Galahar, Prince Otto of Hanseti-Ruska 


    House of Alimar


    HSH the Red Prince of Muldav, Josef Audemar Alimar

    HSH the Red Princess dowager, Margaret of Kaedrin 

    HH Prince Lothar of Muldav 

    HH Prince Edward of Muldav 

    HH Princess Amalie of Muldav 

    HH Princess Eleanor of Muldav 

    HH Prince George of Muldav 


    House of Helvets


    HG the Duke of Cathalon, Robert Helvets 

    HG the Duchess consort of Cathalon, Letizia d’Aryn 

    HL Peter Helton Helvets 

    HL Wilhelmina Beatrix Helvets 

    Governor-General Henry Frederick Helvets 

    The Rt. Hon Count Rochefort, Richard Victor Helvets 

    HIH the Countess Rochefort, Princess Lorena Helvets of Helena 

    HL Adrian Othodoric Helvets 

    The Hon. Victor Leopold Helvets 

    The Hon. William Linhardt Helvets 

    HL Lorena Anabelle Helvets 

    HL Theodora Angelica Helvets 


    House of Arkent


    HG the Duke of Sunholdt, Sir John d’Arkent 

    HIH the Duchess consort of Sunholdt, Princess Vespira of Man 

    HL Peter Baldwin d’Arkent 

    HH Princess Tatiana of Alban 

    HL  John Sigismund d’Arkent 

    The Hon. Alexander Lucian d’Arkent 

    The Hon. Eleanor Victoria d’Arkent 

    The Hon. Theresa Polyxena d’Arkent 


    House of Barclay


    HG the Duke Reinmar, Erwin Barclay

    HL Manfred Barclay

    HL Brandt Barclay

    HL Erich Barclay

    HL Wilheim Barclay

    And the remainder of his illustrious household.


    House of Baruch


    HG the Duke of Valwyck, Petyr Baruch

    And the rest of his illustrious household.


    House of Sarkozy


    The Rt. Hon the Count of Pompourelia, George de Sarkozy 

    HL George Ulysses Sarkozy 

    HL Casimira Philippa Sarkozy 


    House of Ruthern


    The Rt Hon the Count of Metterden, Aleksandr Leopold Ruthern 

    HL Elisabeth Angelica Ruthern 

    HL Irene Cecilia Ruthern 


    House of Basrid


    HE the Archchancellor, Mister Simon Basrid 

    Mrs Irena Basrid 

    Master Cyrus Basrid 

    The Rt Hon the Count of Susa, Jahan Basrid 

    HL Iskander Alexios Basrid 

    The Hon. Basil Balthazar Basrid 

    The Hon. Adryana Vairea Basrid of Galahar 

    The Hon. Darius Basrid 

    The Hon. Safiye Stateira Basrid 


    House of Ashford de Falstaff


    The Rt. Hon the Count of Leuven, Armande de Falstaff 

    The Countess-consort of Leuven, Miss Isabel Josephine Stafyr

    HL Albert Ashford de Falstaff 

    The Hon. Lysander Ashford de Falstaff


    House of Pruvia-Provins


    The Rt. Hon Viscount of Provins, John Pruvia-Provins 

    The Hon. Achillius Pruvia-Provins

    The Hon. Anne Pruvia-Provins 

    The Hon. Adelaide Pruvia-Provins 


    House of Pruvia-Albarosa


    The Rt. Hon Viscount of Albarosa, Frederick Pruvia-Albarosa 

    And the remainder of his illustrious household.


    House of Carrington


    The Rt. Hon Baroness of Carrington, Mary Lucille d’Arkent 

    Baron-consort of Carrington, Master Joseph d’Arkent

    HL the Baroness-Dowager of Carrington, Mary Philippa d’Arkent

    Miss Mary Jane d’Arkent

    Miss Mary Vespira d’Arkent 

    Miss Alexandra Carrington 

    Mister Jasper Carrington 

    Mister Peridot Carrington 


    House of Amador


    The Rt. Honourable Baron Mondstadt, Ruslan Amador

    The Hon. Ruslan Andrik Amador

    The Hon. Warren Ingolf Amador

    The Hon. Katerina Sofia Amador

    And the remainder of his illustrious household.


    House of Ludovar


    The Rt. Honourable Baron of Rostig-Otistadt, Fredrik Ludovar

    Mister Reimar Ludovar

    Miss Mariya Ludovar

    Miss Hentietta Jan Ludovar


    House of Halcourt


    The Rt. Honourable the Baroness Artois, Winifred Halcourt

    The Baron-consort of Artois, Sir Lauritz Henrik Christiansen 

    The Hon. Jens Otto Lauritsen

    The Hon. Francis Leon Lauritsen

    The Hon. Viktor Sigismund Lauritsen

    The Hon. Edith Irene Lauritsen

    Miss Margrethe Alexandra Lauritsen 

    Miss Sabrina Halcourt

    And the rest of her illustrious household.




    In the month of Godfreys Triumph, 1777….

    (Friday 17th July 2020)



    A public sermon shall be given by his Holiness, James II in the Basilica of the Final Revelation. (5pm EST)




    (6PM EST)


    In the month of Tobias’ Bounty, 1777

    (Saturday 18th July, 2020)



    There shall be a ball hosted in the Novellen Palace to mark the Ruby Jubilee of our beloved monarch. It shall begin with a speech from HIM the Emperor to reflect and commemorate his 40 years of reign. Midway through the ball, there will be a costume contest for both men and women separately.  There will be a small mina prize reward for the winner and the two runner ups of this contest.

    The dress theme of the ball and contest shall be ruby.

    (6pm EST)





    Arbaaz Nafis Simhari,



    HIH Elizabeth Anne Novellen,


  7. I’m proud of you for having the courage to come out and being able to speak publicly and very candidly about all of this. Were I in the same shoes, I daresay I wouldn’t posses half the bravery that you do.


    For what it’s worth; I don’t think and have never thought you were ever a bad person. We’re all human and do things we come to regret, it’s about how we recognise these mistakes and we grow as a person from them. I think this is the never-ending challenge of life and morality. You come across a hurdle in the road and it takes a real strong human being with true conviction to consider how they’ll overcome it, not about how high it is or how impossible it is to face up to the challenge.


    I’ve faced my own challenges and tribulations in the past several years that I still deal with even to this day; former drug addiction, an estrangement from my family and mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety. I think it’s easy to become so deeply engrossed into this mineman world we’ve created for ourselves during hard times because unlike reality, it’s a ‘perfect’ utopia. Unlike reality we can shape how this world changes and what happens within it. It makes you lose a lot of the perspective of what’s really important in life.


    Keep on keeping on.

  8. Peter Amadeus de Sarkozy of Pompourelia looks down from the Seven Skies with his mother Henrietta of Alstion, the woman who had shared the same unfortunate fate as he so many years before. And for the first time in a long time the two of them rejoiced – the tyrant of Sutica shall face a swift justice at last. No longer would he be free to oppress not only the Orenian people within his state but his own people. They would be saved from the shackles of dictatorship from their terrorist, authoritarian leader at last.


    ”I tried to warn you.” the deceased Pompourelian heir hums coyly, a gleeful grin stretching it’s way upon his lips. ”You have killed me, and now I have become more powerful than you could possibly imagine. I would say I shall see you soon Alstreim, but your only destination is straight to hell.”











    After so many years of tribulation over the matter, Peter Amadeus de Sarkozy finally grasped the circumstances behind his mothers death.


    The truth had tore his spirit asunder and weighed heavy upon his heart for the majority of his visit to Sutica; even now dried tear stains still grazed his cheeks, his eyes glazed and misted from the waterworks that had run from them earlier. It was heavy truth, and hard to handle; his mother the Princess Henrietta Alstion had come to Sutica not to see his grandfather at all. She had came to die by her own hand, discontent with the many griefful circumstances of her life; her unhappy marriage to his father, the near extinction of her house and family as well as her own social status and position with the Orenian Empire. It made him consider, even for a second, that she didn’t love him and his siblings enough to even entertain the idea of staying alive, just for them.


    A mother's love for her son is endless… his brain echoes the thought to him. A sentiment a good friend had once told him, not so long ago. The Sarkozy would rise steadily to his feet, content with the time he has spent at his mother’s grave. He had got to say a proper goodbye, and that was that.


    He turns then to face his chaperone and accomplice; the Trade King of Sutica, Corwin von Alstreim and his Elfess bodyguard. Though this was only his second time meeting the man yet he couldn’t help but have a small amount of respect for him already - in their meeting today he had granted him the story, told him exactly of what he’d known in extensive detail. Was there anymore he could have done beyond that, to cool the heart of the ill-tempered and brooding young Pompurelian lordling? There was no telling, though the revelation would allow Peter Amadeus closure; a bridge to look to the future and not to the past any longer.


    As Peter would walk away, having given his thanks to the Sutican monarch for his honesty, he paused. One question still lingered in his mind… he had been told that his mother wrought to take her own life, yet when he’d asked how she did the deed before, the question was quickly avoided and the subject changed. A nascent feeling in the youth’s gut would begin to stir at that instance… one of mistrust and wary.


    Stopping in his tracks, he spins back around to face the Trade King and his accomplice.


    “How did she do it?” he questions at once, noticing a rapid shift in demeanor from Corwin after that. A nervous and even weary expression taking the monarchs face. He would open his mouth to speak.


    “I was under oath to kill her as a traitor to the Aurelian Empire, and so I did - I assisted her in her suicide, though rather than give her a traitors death by beheading, I pierced a blade through her heart.”


    An intense anger began to burn and scorch hot then as a realisation struck him; a terrible reality, yet a reality all the less. Through this whole exchange he had been vehemently lied too; this ‘suicide’ story had been a lie concocted to cover up the great crime of this despicable man that stood before him; that he had murdered a mother, a daughter and a wife in broad daylight with little remorse or second thorough.


    The Sarkozys hand began to quake and writhe with wroth, his digits curling inward to form a balled fist. Murderer, murderer…. His mind began to chant and scream on it’s own. Murderer….


    Peter Amadeus would succumb to his rage on that unfortunate day, and his vision would turn red.


    Some moments later….


    “Fine. Don’t duel me then. Only know that one day, I will kill you. You won’t know when it’s coming, or how. But when you are laying there bleeding out on the ground as my mother was, you’ll know it was me.”


    “I’ve made preparations to live for a long time. I cannot say the same thing for you.”


    At once the King of Sutica’s gauntleted hand would grasp Peter by the scruff of his collar, throwing him to the ground. The Sarkoy would try in vein to slice into the monarchs arm with his dagger, but he would be too late; his knife being thrown from his hand as he’d be shoved to the floor.


    Peter would have little time to react to the act of aggression; the tyrant of Sutica would pin his foot down hard onto his legs so that’d be unable to move. With his zweihander clutched in both hands, he looms over him and thrusts the blade down into the gut of the sixteen year old. Watching him as he’d cry and shriek in anguish.


    So then did his bodyguard come hither; the Elfess. Her black mace clenched tightly within her hands, she brings it up skyward; and then downard, pummelling it mercilessly like a barbarian against his skull. The Count Pompourelia’s son would let out a pained cry, a nasty, bloody gash forming on his face his his features would fill fresh blood, the flesh beneath the skin on his face bared for all to see.


    “P-please…” he’d whimper, almost as though reverting back to a frightened child. “D-don’t kill me… I won’t tell a soul you killed her, only let me live.”


    “Rest with the maggots now.” the brutish Elfess would murmur, positioning her mace as she swings it at his head, cracking his skull and bringing his life to an end. A young life with a bold future ahead of him, full of endless possibility brought to an abrupt and brutal close without any consideration for life and liberty.




    Back in Helena within the courts of the Palace de Novellen, rumours would begin to circulate like wildfire on the whereabouts of Lord Pompurelia’s eldest son. Many knew that he had gone on a short trip, but where and the nature of it would be unclear to the vast majority…


    If one dared to search the chambers of Peter Amadeus and rummage through his cabinet, they would find an open letter - unsealed and folded-over, yet distinctly in his handwriting.


    To whom it may concern,


    If you come across this letter and I haven’t returned to Helena after a Saints Day, my trip was to Sutica to speak to the Trade King Corwin von Alstreim about the circumstances regarding my mother, the Princess Henrietta of Alstions death. If I have not returned within a Saint’s Day, I am likely dead also or within the Trade King’s custody, as he is the only person in Sutica I’ve scheduled to visit and I make plans to depart swiftly once my business there has concluded.


    I urge whoever finds this letter to turn it into the relevant authorities if necessary. I also urge the Ministry of Intelligence to speak to Tatiana Lorina d’Arkent immediately, as she can confirm the details of my trip as I have documented here.


    Yours in trust,

    -P.A Sarkozy.







    1755 - 1771



  10. House of Commons

    Committee of Petitions, 1770



    As mandated by the Sixteenth Imperial Diet, the Petitions Committee, composed of both Everardine and Josephite Members of the House of Commons, is charged with the oversight of passing or denying petitional legislative bills from the general public for the House to review as well as drafting these bills in their official capacity. It is also the duty of the Petitions Committee to respond to public protest and consensual opinion regarding an existing bill or a prospective bill and vote on the acceptance or denial to bring forth the proposition to the House consensually.





    Annual Agenda:


    • To meet and assess future prospective petitional bills and legislation from the general public.

    • To convene and vote on whether a petitional bill should be passed or denied review in the House of Commons, once it has reached a minimum of five signatories.

    • To draft legislative petitional bills to present to the House of Commons should it be passed by the Committee or reach a minimum of ten signatories - in which the bill shall be passed for review by default, though a hearing may still be required with the bills creator in question to detail its major points and contents.


    Petitional Bill Format


    Find attached below the Petitional Bill Format which should be used to write petitions and should be submitted to the Committee upon reaching a signatory count of approximately five.


    Please keep in mind that for a petitional bill to be valid for consideration, it’s writer must be a registered citizen on the most recent Imperial Census. Signatories must also be registered Imperial Citizens or else their signatory will be counted as invalid.





    * When the bill has reached 5 signatures and is ready for review by the Petitions Committee, please message Proddy#6458 or any other member listed above on Discord with your prospective bill. The format will have to be copy and pasted onto another google document where you can then write it unhindered *




  11. On 5/28/2020 at 10:27 PM, Urara said:

    1. combination of things. I quit because of burnout and also there was some OOC stuff going on, you know, the usual reasons. I was gone for five years because of life stuff and also I was roleplaying around on other servers as the descendants of Lorina, my last char on LOTC. Ask me about my super secret line of Carrion descendants. Incredibly hidden lore never published on LOTC!!!!


    What are these super secret line of Carrions from other servers? Sounds very intriguing and I’d love to know more!

  12. 5 hours ago, erik0821 said:


    “If I recall the underhanded tactics began when The Everardines, most men who have never served within the ISA, began to mock the service of those that did.”
    says Cyrus Basrid.


    ”Oh bully to you, you belligerent beast” Winston Rothesay groans are he overhears of Cyrus’s response, lighting a cigar using a lit candle on his desk. ”To point out the fact that the Josephite Party Chair resigned his post in the Imperial State Army a day before a battle is not a reflection of our views on the fantastic work and sacrifice the ISA does for our country every day. Whilst I thank him for his service, it would be to the benefit of all if Mister Basrid tendered to his retirement and left the business of politics to more stable men.”


    5 hours ago, Urara said:

    “Isn’t it rude to imply that the victors are pigs and that the victory was illegitimately won?” Tanith huffs in disgust at the poster. “Is this the level of political discourse they’re bringing to Oren? I thought the nobility were supposed to be gentlemen...”


    ”That’s because it’s the truth” Winston refutes this point, shaking his head. ”We’ve had numerous reliable sourcest that government figures have openly and publicly backed the Josephite party and strongly encouraged that their loyal subjects and followers vote this way. If the Emperor were to openly endorse one party or the other, would people not call this biased and undemocratic? Will people not be encouraged to vote one way because his Imperial Majesty believes that they should, therefore destroying the ideals of free-thought and opinion? Why should any representative of a governmental or monarchial medium be allowed to do this without scrutiny? It’s an absolute disgrace to the institution of the Monarchy and his cabinets and the role it should play in this day and age.”



    “What do you mean we can’t bribe the judiciary anymore, you baseborn cur?”


    The following picks at the vague points raised in the Josephite factional platform, with each section quoting the publications own headers. This is published with the intention of seeking truth, and to stop the Orenian people from being misled.





    By Winston L. Rothesay


    It has become clear to both us and the wider general Orenian public that since the results of the last results of the National Election, a guarantee of a free market economy from the Josephites has been both failed in being delivered and ripe with inequality.


    Big corporations and industries continue to dominate the Orenian market, leaving smaller businesses not only isolated but unable to earn a proper living wage in exchange for their services to our nation. Beyond this, the inflation of the market has severely increased within the past several years: commodities on the market such as clothes, furniture, even food and drink are criminally deflated compared to the average income of an Orenian citizen. This leaves a broken and ultimately flawed economy that remains crippled by its own lack of earnings and profit that it can pull from the market per annum.


    Not only has this unfair and flagrantly biased balance of power on the market remained untouched and unaltered by the Josephites, but they presently have and have never had no set form or policies for what their proposition of a ‘laissez-faire’ free market entails. These are empty and useless platitudes that do nothing to stabilise the state of our economy nor give any hope or indication of what the market may look like in the future.


    The Everardine Party has established a set and clear path for the revitalisation and revolution of the common market. We want to see proper accountable checks and balances implemented into this system to encourage a fair dynamic market where all might have a chance to grow their businesses and expand. We desire to see this fiscal imbalance of deflated pricing imposed upon goods and wares be put to rest; we will put this plan in motion by making an honest conversation about raising the prices on general items such as food, tools for trades such as mining pickaxes, weapons and furniture be raised by a significant amount so that we may get the economy starting for all of us. To combat this rise however we promise a pay rise for the average Orenian worker as well as introducing a national minimum wage and pay-schemes for other public work sectors. 



    By Minority Leader Amadeus d’Aryn


    The Josephites claim that they are the party to reduce bureaucratic inefficiency and to maintain a “delicate balance of power”, yet they brush over the fact that they have been in power for three decades and counting, and have in their time never checked on the bureaucracy or held it to account. Committees did not efficiently function to scrutinise Ministers of the Crown, and the budget laws have been effectively forgotten.


    During the last session of the House of Commons, the Josephites did not establish procedure, did not establish committees, did not hold budget votes, and when the Everardine bench initially proposed a resolution to create the committees, it was overruled without a vote. 


    The Everadines truly do care about the balance of power, and that is why we fight to get ourselves elected so we can fix the system. One third of all the Acts passed by the Imperial Diet have now gone defunct or redundant, which is good for no bureaucracy and does more harm than good with competing laws which confuse Orenians. There was no attempt to repeal or revise these laws, nor bring them into modernity through the House of Commons.


    They say that they are “committed to upholding and preserving these institutions”, yet their own Ministry of Education bill was denied assent by His Imperial Majesty on the basis it altered the Council of State - and thereby our institutions - in an unlawful and damaging way.



    By Minority Leader Amadeus d’Aryn 


    The Josephites say that they want to “mandate constabularies” in the provinces, thereby showing the Josephite tendency for big governments. This line is one that has been repeated through their politics time and time again, and the fallacy that the Josephites are anything but the faction of big government is untrue. The Everardines want an Oren that shifts the diadem from state action to social action, encouraging collective community responsibility whilst also enforcing tough new rules on incivility on our streets, increasing the power of all relevant authorities to issue punishment through on-the-spot fines. 


    The Everardine Fixed-Penalties Act ensured that the ISA, provincial authorities and the constabulary would be given the power to issue fines for minor offences without waiting for lengthy court delays when it is obvious a crime has been committed. We have given all our policing authorities sweeping new powers to stop anti-social infractions on the streets whilst still guaranteeing the right to fair trial. 


    The Josephites promise that they have “passed laws [in the House of Commons] that protect the citizens of provinces, guaranteeing fair trial of their peers and neighbours”. This is untrue. The Everardine Non-Partisan Judiciary Act introduced at the beginning of the session was overwhelmingly opposed by the Josephite benches, only for them to fall in line when a faction rebellion was threatened from within. The Josephites facilitated their friends and vested interests to gain positions within the judiciary, believing them to be ‘of the right sort’, from ‘a good stock’. They opposed judges that were without political affiliation - specifically their political affiliation. Indeed, they were overheard in the Commons as saying “if we have to make them [judges] nonpartisan, how will we get any of our judges confirmed?”


    Whilst the Josephites pretend to be the faction in the interests of the ‘common man’ the Everardines recognise that all Orenians are fundamentally of equal repute, and they genuinely care about the everyday issues that people on the street have. Be them small businesses, families, soldiers, veterans, or clergy. We believe in a big society instead of big government, where everyone is invited to take part in the job of government. Our clear and consistent message throughout has been to shift from state control into social responsibility, where we look after each other instead of using divisive, false, misleading, and hypocritical narratives.




    The following piece was submitted to us anonymously.


    On the 13th of Tobias’ 1764, Orenian forces marched upon the bandit stronghold of Boomhill, within their ranks was Ensign Jonah Elendil. After the battle while wounded men recovered and heroes celebrated, Jonah Elendil resigned his commission in the Imperial State Army having served as a fully trained officer for less than a year and fighting in one battle, he said he couldn't handle it. Numerous sources from the ISA past and present have reached out to us regarding the image the ‘Josephite hero’ praises himself as, a veteran he claims. The soldiers who fought with him however say otherwise…



    ”Aye, Elendil... I knew him, he was an ensign when I was in. A soldier? I'm not sure. I know I fought in six battles, I held brothers dying in my arms. I fought until I lost my leg. Elendil quit the ISA after one battle. Make of that what you will.” 


    “He graduated, but he was never any good in training, always mucking about. Like he didn't take it seriously? Our first engagement after that was Boomhill. I was there at the front, fighting hard I like to think, But I couldn't see Elendil on the line at all when the General called charge.”


    “We lost a hero that day, Private Vitaly, good man, and a better soldier. He was a hero, a veteran. Elendil… It makes me sick to see him present himself as a veteran when he couldn't serve for one year.”


    “Well you see, he was given a commission because he was in the gentry, when I was in the ISA I had to fight as a private. I wish I could have been given the opportunity Elendil wasted.” 


    “... I remember after the battle, his first battle, we were all formed up at the bastille, the officers were tending the wounded in the hospital, we paid a price that day and paid it gladly. But Elendil, who wouldn't serve, ended up resigning that day.” 


    ”Truthfully I'm not sure how I feel, If he couldn't stick it out and fight with us enlisted then, how will he fight for us in the commons?” 



    The Josephites say “The Josephite vision is one of merit” Yet Jonah Elendil used his family's name to secure himself a commission in the ISA, why did he not earn his position through merit?


    The Josephites Say “It is now our duty as Imperials to uphold the values he fought for, and fight for the rights we have yet to be given.” Yet Jonah Elendil wouldn't fight for them. He wants the common man to fight in his stead.


    People of the Empire, will you elect a man who wouldn't fight when his Emperor called? A man who cut and ran after his first battle? 


    If Jonah Elendil couldn’t handle fighting for the Empire upon the field of battle, how will he fight for the Empire in the commons?




  14. 1 minute ago, axelu said:

    In belated fashion, Lord Peter would receive a personalized invitation to the soiree, dictating the good wishes of amiability and familiarity so desired on the behalves of the Captain’s household. 

    Peter would sigh as a servant of the Novellen would bring his personal invitation to him in his chambers. His immature and poorly-tempered mind still taking the late invitation as a slight, he would begin to crumple up the parchment, moving for the fireplace to scorch it like the other.... but just as he would go to throw it, he pauses. Pocketing the creased invitation into the front of his crimson frock coat with a minor change of heart.

  15. Peter Amadeus de Sarkozy, the eldest son of the Count of Pompourelia sneers as he finds his name missing from the invitations list. He ponders whether this was purposeful or not as he reflects on his recent disagreement with Captain Peter Baldwin d’Arkent in Owynsburg, pushing his fingertips against his temple in annoyance as he tosses the missive into a nearby fireplace.

  16. A pale and sickly Charles Lothair ruminates on his familial history shortly shortly after viewing it with his sister Hildegarde Amalie and the rest of their siblings whilst he lays in his bed, recovering from one of his usual common colds. He gains +1 learning.

  17. A long dead Richard Ambrose de Bar smiles down from the heavens, stood beside his bastard son Robert with whom he had met and connected with in the afterlife. The father and son would be watching the actions of their distant cousins with eager excitement until the very end of time itself.

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