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Posts posted by YFKTF

  1. I will be posting the folders for the modpacks soon. This will help Mac users who cannot use the .exe file, and those who want to only use certain mods. Tomorrow I will be listing a bunch of sources for the mods, so please don't spread this outside of the LoTc community to avoid getting me in trouble for distribution without credit.

  2. Can someone help me with explaining how to install this? I haven't really ever tried but I am willing to now.

    Simply download the version of the Modpack you want, extract the folder, then double click the .exe and you're on your way! A new minecraft profile will be created, titled "Lord of the Craft [modpack name]".

  3. As the title states, if you have issues with the Lord of the Craft Modpacks (any version), post them here! Also post any bugs you have so I can sort them out.


    Original Thread




    Q: My controls are f*cked up. 

    A: Yeah, the mods will more than likely conflict with one another over controls. Until I edit the config files, you're going to have to customize the controls yourself.


    Q: Mac users are just screwed, eh?

    A: No, but you have to manually install all the mods for now. I'll be including a mod and bin folder for each pack soon.

  4. Okay, there's way too many things to reply to. So I'll just go over a few large ones I looked over:


    Shaders are perfectly compatible. Idek what you're talking about.


    I might add fastcraft.


    Looking at journeymap instead of Rei's minimap,


    SpaceOfAids, I'll provide download links in the thread as well.


    Auto-fishing has been CUT, due to copyright.

  5. Lord of the Craft Modpack(s)!




    FAQ/Questions Link


    Lord of the Craft Starving:

    - Rei's Minimap

    - Optifine

    - More Player Models

    Download (Current version v.01).

    Virus Total, for you suspicious folks.


    v.01- First release! No bugs found!



    Lord Of the Craft Basic:

    - Rei's Minimap


    - Schematica

    - More Player Models

    - TabbyChat.

    Download (Current version v.01).

    Virus Total, for you suspicious folks.


    v.01- First release! No bugs found!


    Lord of the Craft Lagathon Dynamic:


    - Rei's Minimap

    - Schematica

    - More Player Models

    - (Maybe) TabbyChat.

    - Shaders

    - Dynamic Lighting

    - Better Foliage

    Download (Current version v.01).

    Virus Total, for you suspicious people.


    v.01- Release, no known bugs!




    If a copyright conflict occurs with any of these mods being included in the pack, I apologize, but there is nothing to be done about it.


    The modpack will be made for minecraft 1.7.10, not 1.8 (as it is the current version of the server). Expect a very early version to be released either this weekend or early next week.




  6. This is all nice and dandy with all the different rules getting their own post BUT, then pressing on the 'rules' thingy next to 'forums', can it link you to a post which links to each of those rule-posts or something like?

    He's right, you guys make a lot of modifications but don't update the rules page.

  7. Indeed it has, don't forget to vote to ruin the economy that is almost none existant! : )

    13k for an enchanted carbarum weapon. Our economy is way too over stimulated. Lower the reward of voting ;-;.

  8. Ironically, Delve, I ran a criminal syndicate on a Star Wars community called the 'Red Ravens' and accumulated 140 members, and counting. 

    May I ask why PVP is now default? if anyone knows.


    There have to be hundreds of threads arguing for and against it. The opposing argument tends to be, "If your character is trained RP'ly but you suck at pvp, you lose despite any argument of size, agility, etc". The argument for it is, "Time saving, argument saving, less GM req's". I can't really get into it without this thread becoming an argument, but I believe it was implemented to save time and stop toxicity. 

  9. Welllllll,


    I'm going to put it into the simplest and most childish way possible,


    Oren is being Oren,

    High Elves are being Racist,

    Druids are being ded,

    Monks are being inactive,

    Crafting is taking forever,

    Magic is being cut down (yay),

    World Edit is crashing the server I mean, whattt?

    Forums are being revamped,

    Toxic players are getting banned quickly,

    Roleplay has had its ups and downs in terms of quality,

    The White Ravens died D:,

    Orcs are klomping in the deserts,

    Kha have gone nearly extinct,

    PVP default, meaning if you suck at PVP it sucks to be you,

    Iblees may or may not be back, idk,

    Development team lost two major members,

    VIP bonuses were changed, though the benefits remain the same,

    And sodomy is said to be sin :c.


    Anyways, welcome back to LoTC! :D

  10. This shouldve honestly been an RP event with RP questions

    because you know

    it generates rp. I would actually like something like this

    Gimme some topics and I'll do it because I'm bored and like forum posting.




    - Skype name (if you have one): jkbloo

    - Knowledge of provided topics: can I just do gun control please, mandatory draft

    - How do you stand on each of these topics? Answer in one word/sentence (for matchmaking): no restrictions, no draft anywhere


    Accepted, adding to roster and debaters group chat.



    Skype name: alien_caolan ( Time Lord of Debate [Lego XBOX] )


    Age: 19 (in a few days)


    Knowledge of the provided topics: I have knowledge of all the subjects, save for the last one about drafts. Do inform me if you need more information on my knowledge of provided topic.


    Do you swear to have an unbiased opinion, regardless of if someone you know is participating? (If corruption is discovered, the debate will be re-held and the judge will be replaced): Yes, I swear to withold my own opinion to maintain an unbiased judging over the event/debate.



    In the case I don't become a judge...


    Skype name (if you have one): alien_caolan ( Time Lord of Debate [Lego XBOX] )

    Knowledge of provided topics: Again, knowledge on all but the topic on drafts.

    How do you stand on each of these topics? Answer in one word/sentence (for matchmaking):

    1. All countries should maintain posession of nuclear weapons as an alternative to true peace.
    2. Gun control in America should, without doubt, be stricter.
    3. Climate change is not caused, but the natural process is accellerated, by humans (and it's scientifically proven...).
    4. Single Sex schools are not beneficial for education.
    5. Following gun control reasoning, teachers should be armed no more than any other profession.
    6. Being omnivorous is by definition better.



    Accepted as a judge, adding you to multiple group chats.


    - Skype name (if you have one): ryan.weber99
    - Knowledge of provided topics: I discussed some of these in Mode UN and the others I'm quite knowledge on, so definitely knowledgeable.
    - How do you stand on each of these topics? Answer in one word/sentence (for matchmaking):
    1. As discussed in MUN, the idea of taking all nuclear weapons away, while certainly noble and good-intentions, is completely unfeasible, so no (also because of Assured Mutual Destruction, but I'll bring that up in the debate).
    2. The current system is fine, maybe a little less strict, idk.
    3. Probably tbh.
    4. Maybe better for education, but certainly not social interaction and therefore society as a whole.
    5. Yes.
    6. Omnivorous.
    7. We'd have to discuss it on a country-by-country basis.


    Accepted, adding to debaters group chat.

  11. Hello ladies and gents! Today I would like to introduce my idea for a new OOC competition.


    The Atheran Debate Competition






    The Atheran Debate is exactly what it sounds like. A debate! The debate will be held tournament style, each player in different brackets, all fighting to get to the last round. The rounds are judged by trusted, educated players of our community, who will judge who has the stronger argument/counterargument.


    ~The rounds~


    Rounds are set up rather simply. A thread will be started, titled "Atheran Debate: [Player] vs [Player]". People here can then view/follow the thread to read the debate happening! The following topics will be debated on (this list may be added to, depending on the amount of debaters we gather).

    • Should all countries in the world have their nuclear weapons taken away (assuming we have a safe way to dispose of them)?
    • Should gun control in the United States be stricter, less strict, or stay the same?
    • Is climate change truly caused by humans?
    • Are single sex schools better for education?
    • Should teachers be armed?
    • Is it better to be vegetarian or omnivorous?
    • Should the draft in any country be removed?

    Rounds will be scheduled at a time that works best for the judges and debaters (which will be discussed over forums if the debaters do not have a skype).


    ~Etiquette to be upheld during the Debate~


    - All NON-participants will be expected not to post in the debate thread.

    - No toxicity whatsoever. This includes, but is not limited to, swearing, name calling, excessive sarcasm, expressing laughter towards another's argument, etc.

    - If a subject DOES become toxic, the judge has the right to end the debate right away, and declare the non-toxic player the winner. (Essentially, toxicity= dequalification).

    - Essentially, spell and speak as if you were in a courtroom. No "ur, lawls, k", etc.


    Application for Judges (I need four of 'em)!

    - Skype name:

    - Age:

    - Knowledge of the provided topics:

    - Do you swear to have an unbiased opinion, regardless of if someone you know is participating? If corruption is discovered, the debate will be re-held and the judge will be replaced.:


    Application for Debaters (I need as many as will sign up)!

    - Skype name (if you have one):

    - Knowledge of provided topics:

    - How do you stand on each of these topics? Answer in one word/sentence (for matchmaking):


    Current Bracket:


    N/A. Need more people! D:

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