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Posts posted by YFKTF

  1. @Rissing,

    The days of "Survival of the fittest" Are over. Humans no longer have to adapt to anything, due to the fact we have houses which we can regulate it's climate.

    Secondly. Torture is far more inhumane than killing. Torture is truly one of the most evil things a person could do to another human being, therefore becoming evil. With your thinking, the person torturing the other should then be tortured, creating a never ending loop of evil.

  2. So I kinda decided to start daily threads based on current events to see what everyone's opinion on the subject are.


    So today's topic for discussion is:


    The Death Penalty. Is it a humane method of punishment? Is it necessary or unnecessary?


    3,2,1 Go! 




    Remember to keep all opinions and replies respectful and calm. Try not to insult any religion, culture or race as well. Toxicity will be reported if it's bad enough. Thanks!

  3. It has been explained to me that GM's can only see what YOU had said. I believe they are alerted when excessive profanity is used, the word 'Cock' included. Just be careful and think about what the sentence you're saying sounds like alone.

  4. I dunno if anyone here has this problem, but just in case here's something I've been posting on other forums!


    Depression comes in many forms (woah, great, cliche opener, I know). Minor, moderate and severe depression is no joke and I hate to see when people are told to 'kill themselves' or the thought of self harm is used as a passive joke. As a person who has dealt with and helped others deal with depression, I have compiled a few, helpful things to do to help relieve yourself of depression!


    1. Talk to someone!


    Yeah, it's the one you're always told in school. Talk to someone! It may be scary, and if you're like me you're afraid others will look down on you because of the fact your cause may be seen as 'weak' or 'pathetic'. However, talking to someone like a doctor, friend or family member will help you! Talking about your problems, even with someone just listening helps your mind sort it out on it's own sometimes!


    2. Be nice to yourself! 


    Ask yourself if what you're thinking is something you would say to another person. Whether it be, "You're too fat" or, "Nobody likes you", consider what it would be like telling another person that. If they wouldn't like it, don't be so hard on yourself!


    3. Accept yourself as imperfect!


    Many depressed people are perfectionists (whether it be consciously or subconsciously). Don't hold yourself up to an impossibly high standard, love yourself  for who you are. That way you don't beat yourself up if you do set an impossibly large goal!


    4. Interact with positive people!


    Being friends with or just being around optimistic people can help improve your depression! Observe how they react to even the most minor of problems, like spilling coffee on themselves or being unable to find a pencil. Try to think about how they reacted, and even if you have to pretend, try to adopt their optimistic way of thinking!


    5. Write down your 'bad thoughts'.


    Write down what causes you to have negative thoughts when you get the chance. When you find yourself in a good mood, go back to the writing to see if what caused the bad thoughts actually warranted negative thinking. You would be surprised about what you find!


    6. Go for eight hours of sleep. No more, no less!


    Whether you sleep to little, or sleep too much your mood suffers greatly. Try to maintain healthy sleeping habits.


    7. Go in the sun, you're not a vampire!


    Sunlight helps boost your mood, whether you admit it or not Dracula. Try to go outside for 15 minutes a day, you don't need to run a mile, just sit in the sun! We as humans love it!


    8.  Eat right.


    Maintain healthy eating habits. Lack of nutrition can cause your depression to worsen, so don't starve yourself! Skipping meals is a very bad thing to do to yourself when already depressed.


    9. Alcohol is NOT your friend. Like, at all.


    Though a six pack of PBR could make you have a temporary lift of spirits, when that hangover smacks you in the face you will fall much further into the pit of depression.


    10. Don't be alone too much.


    Being alone is a terrible idea while you're depressed. I'm not saying you can't have alone time, just avoid being alone for days upon end! Even just interacting with others can boost your spirits!


    11. Prove your negative thoughts WRONG.


    Whether it's the fact that you think you're "weak" or "ugly", prove those thoughts wrong! Fight it like a boxing match. As many hits as you may take, roar with pride and always strike back! Prove you're not weak, show the world you're not ugly!


    12. People can't do everything for you.


    Remember, this is YOUR fight. You, and you alone are the one who controls if you can carry on with strength! Don't simply wallow and complain to others about your problems, fix them!


    13. Know that you can get through it.


    You will always be able to stand up again and continue the fight against depression. Though it may always seem like an uphill battle, just think about all the wonderful things you've already done!


    You have woken up every day and stood up. You took in a breath, you pulled yourself up. Your heart is beating and you are thinking. You are a beautiful miracle, and you've already done so much!




    With love,




    Remember, I'm always here to talk to!


    Important Link!:

    http://www.iasp.info/resources/Crisis_Centres Find the Help Center/Hotline for your country there!

  5. Amazing job, a great guide to new players!

    Thank you very much!


    Joining a group is so much more fun than learning magic on your own!

    On one character I joined the druidic order, and on another I started learning illusion with a teacher and another student. It's a lot of fun going to lessons, and very rewarding when someone tells you your progressing well.

    You should've heard all the squee's I made when my Guide told me I'd make a great druid, and maybe even become a guide!


    This is very nicely written, and I hope new players get to see it and heed its advice.

    Yes, it is always nice to be praised. Just a feeling of inclusion, in well, anything is good in both life and IG. Groups are essential to new players! Thank you for the feedback!

  6. Don't emote your thoughts and keep OOC to a minimum, don't so #6, please. Just... Don't. Always remember to say *attempts* before your verb when in a fight or situation regarding another player. Also, learn magic a few months after playing on the server. It's slightly overated anyway!

    Added. Thank you for the feedback!

  7. Include a section where they must remember that they must take feedback as constructive, no matter the tone. Yes, there should be 100% of us who are kind and understanding to new players, but that is simply not the case. The best alternative is for them to understand that repeated 'complaints' or pieces of advice are often due to a reason, and that they can gain lots of RP know-how from such things. I learnt that thought emoting was sin, for example, in the second week of me being on LotC. Someone decided to scold me for emoting *Thinks this is [insert whatever it was]*. I did not forget that lesson at all, mind you, even if they were slightly rude.

    Added. Thank you for the feedback!

  8. First of all, congratulations on getting accepted to Lord of the Craft! A vast world awaits you, but it may be too vast at first.


    Lord of the Craft is all about roleplaying, as I certainly hope you know. "But what if I can't find any roleplay to get involved in?" or, "I'm a bit scared to roleplay, I don't want to mess up". Fret not, here's a small list of things to do to get yourself integrated into the server and fully enjoy it.


    1. Relax! 

    Most players on Lord of the Craft are extremely friendly to fresh meat newbies, and will always offer helpful advice. Fear not if you mess up an emote or spell something off, we are always accepting. If you are ever confused on how to use a plugin, go into the /h chat. All and all, just relax and do your best. Over time, you'll get better and the possible anxiety of roleplaying will be lifted!


    2. Find your race's capitol.

    I would recommend doing this simply because it's a place where the vast majority of characters are your character's race as well. As racial grudges and tensity can vary, you may not know of a racial discrimination in a certain capitol and may be turned off by the negative roleplay. So for now, stick to your race's capitol! There, players can always lend a helping hand with your race's lore.


    3. Don't ask for OOC directions, ask in character!

    Instead of asking players out of character where your destination (whatever it may be) is, ask in character! Stop people on the roads, go into taverns and shops, interact with others! This helps you practice your RP, as typically these interactions are short.


    4. Be unique.

    No, I'm not saying to have a third arm or a flaming tongue that allows you to shoot flames from your mouth. Don't do that. Simply stick out! Make your character unique, don't blend in with the crowd! Perhaps he/she has a stutter in their speaking patterns? Maybe they always end a sentence with the word 'please' because they think it makes the sentence polite. Speak with an accent! Be abnormal!

    5. Frequently visit taverns. 
    No, I'm not saying to be a drunk. You don't even have to drink, really. The fact is, Taverns are an excellent place to roleplay and meet new people! Don't just sit down and listen to RP, engage in it! Perhaps the dwarf in the corner is being too loud, go give the fat oaf a piece of your mind! Ale too expensive? Barter with the fool who dares to try and con you!
    6. Make minor injuries occur randomly.
    Twitst you ankle during travel! Run into walls! Having your character getting hurt occasionally will drive them to desire a cleric, thus creating more RP for yourself.
    7. Join a group of players.
    Joining a group of players will best help you ease into LoTC. The easiest group to join is typically a guard force, and I would seek out a position as a recruit with your race's army.
    8. Use the /h channel. A lot.
    Even the smallest questions about plugins can be answered there. Never feel ashamed and afraid to ask a question you fear may be stupid.
    9. Interact on the forums.
    Read through your Race's current events happening on the forums! You can find scheduled events to attend etc.
    10. Find a teacher if you want to learn magic.
    Though rules don't say that you need a teacher for your character to learn magic, I highly suggest you find a teacher to avoid a chance of Powergaming with the magic. While learning a magic, always read the lore of the magic thoroughly.
    11. Take constructive criticism.
    If someone seems harsh while telling you that you're doing something wrong, do not take it personally! Constructive criticism is A-Okay, and you should embrace it with a "Thank you". Your RP will benefit from this critique, as long as you let it.
    12. Don't emote thoughts!
    It is somewhat self explanatory. You do not need or should emote what your character is thinking. It can clog up the roleplay, and cause annoyance. Steer clear of doing this!
    13. Attempt, attempt, attempt!
    When your character is interacting with another character and he/she tries to physically interact with the other person, make sure you say "attempts" before you do the action! This prevents powergaming which is naughty! 
    Example: Kaas hex gently stares into the woman's eyes before he slowly attempts to hold her hand.
    Now, there is an odd, LoTC cultural quirk. There is a point where two players who's characters are either close friends or romantically involved typically allow most actions without the "attempts" word snuck in there. Wait until your friend/partner starts dropping the use of "attempts" before you do too.
    14. Have some fun.
    Jeeze, if the server feels like work, you're doing it wrong!
    (To veteran members, please post other things I can include/edit regarding how to help new players get started on the server. Thanks!
    - D3lve).
  9. You are in fact remembering incorrectly. Some people have schizophrenia in their earlier stages of life, and other times it arrives during the developmental stages of life,such as my own developmental age of 16,which is in fact early adulthood. Secondly, Ive stopped denying it and have been embracing it more. It's been helping me cope with it. My psych recommended trying to talk about it openly, so thats what I'm doing. I don't know what your issue is.

    Sorry, I'm using my phone to respond and it's being stupid.


    am i talking to you or your imaginary friend? I don't even know anymore. 


    Funny enough though, if I remember correctly. Schizophrenia isn't usually diagnosed until you've reached the early stages of adult hood, and it's rarely diagnosed in teenagers. 


    Also to my knowledge, many people who are actually diagnosed with schizophrenia deny the fact they even have it, even if it is for "self-awareness."


    Anybody could say "I've been diagnosed by several doctors." 


    I could easily say. "I'm a well off chap whose on £37,000 a year." Doesn't mean I am though. 


    Kudos though for trying to raise awareness for others.


    Much love


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