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Status Updates posted by Eranikus

  1. If a robot does the robot, is it still called "The Robot" or just dancing?

    1. Moochael


      The move that he is dancing is called "The Robot" so it's still the robot.

  2. Welp. Glad I was offline for once. And have the only important thing in my inventory soulb-oh god my quartz.

    1. Mrlollytime


      Trying to catch up to me? ;)

  3. EnQpEf3.png

    1. Ardor


      Better than what my elementry school served....

      Wait...naw, that's what we had....

  4. So if Iron Man goes to a party when he's upset, is he Stark-raving mad?

  5. What do you get when you cross a zen buddhist with a druid? Someone who worships a tree that isn't there.

  6. The forest burned down, but now it's back by poplar demand.

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