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Everything posted by Aesopian

  1. "I'd like a loan of 200K." says Ti'gobser.
  2. did you know the voice actor for cave johnson had lines he refused to read b/c they seemed depraved

  3. ((I'll only be making them when someone places an order. However, I do have a pair of dragonscale boots I made which grant +6% archery damage and +4% speed, which is twice what you get for upper tier boots, and this was back when I was only masterful.
  4. You find posters spread throughout every major city. Exchanging full sets of Dragonscale Armor for recipes (along with mina to supplement the trade, if needed). All recipes can be offered, except for the following: Any Dragonscaled recipe, Thanhium boots and helm, Carbarum Dust, Sword of Thorns. Post below your offer. If you require clarification on the terms of this arrangement, feel free to also ask below. - Ti'gobser
  5. Why not just make him an Octopus Lord then? or you could just add some stuff about how it is ambiguous whether the two Squid Lords are really one in the same. Each tentacle a terrible facet of its power, one reaching to the Kha and one to the Halflings, and the other four reaching to something else
  6. go back on ts muh god


  7. whats ur minecraft name boi


    1. Roderick Greymane / Vegas

      Roderick Greymane / Vegas

      MrNewVegas101 , I won't be able to deliver until Friday though, due to my work schedule.

  8. how much white wool u got boi


    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. Roderick Greymane / Vegas

      Roderick Greymane / Vegas

      What time zone and pm or am?

    3. Aesopian


      PM, EST.  It's fine if we meet later. I have 2 exams next week so I'll be busy until Wednesday at 6 PM otherwise. 

    4. Roderick Greymane / Vegas

      Roderick Greymane / Vegas

      Okay, that should work for me.

  9. You see a note posted outside a major city: Seeking white wool. Please post with volume you have available for sale and price per unit. - Ti'gobser
  10. You find a note plastered poorly on some city walls: Selling Sword of Thorns Recipes, now 1500 Mina each. Also selling Carbarum Dust recipe (makes gunpowder at 4X-5X the speed), 5000 Mina. Contact me at your leisure to trade. - Ti'gobser
  11. If people continue to spam the thread with misinformation and bids which do not conform to the established bidding conditions, I will have the posts removed.
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