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Everything posted by Aesopian

  1. You should be explaining the teleportation mechanic, not removing it.
  2. Its actually (0.70^4) or around a 24% chance of failure for four Druids in one day.
  3. Snow Elves descend from Moon Elves, not any of these kinds of elves.
  4. Why are you important 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Nug


      cleric man!!!

    3. TeaLulu


      aesopian stfu u dont even know



    4. Aesopian


      Tehlulu already failed me once I guess she's going for a record now

  5. Memetic, so like exclusively transmitted by information. When you want to erase someone's mind, you just say a very precisely intoned phrase, or (more likely) punch them in a bunch of specific places. Obviously these are extreme examples, in reality it'd take hours to tear someone's mind down. if you've read dune, it's just a fusion of being a bene gesserit and a mentat
  6. This magic should be purely memetic, circumventing traditional voidiness entirely. that said, it'll never happen because you guys are uncool, so this is a fine substitute
  7. For an orc, life is war. It is the sharpening of weapons on the bones of one's old enemies. It is the slaughter of wild beasts, to turn their hides into armor and their skulls into goblets. It is fiery sex on the eve of battle (and then again, upon return). It is an eternal, unending war. The dream of a single realm under orcish dominion is impossible, because it is not that dream the orcs ultimately want -- it is the pursuit of that dream. The moment they have their utopia is the moment they would shatter it. The struggle. The strife. That is what tells an orc he is alive. This is the Good Life for an orc, because it is a reflection of the struggle within an orc. The war without is a reflection of the war within. It is the conflict between competing feelings for duty and love, it is the lust for power and the restrictions of honor. An orc's internal conflict is as much a war as the battles he fights in the real world. A passive reality does not accurately reflect a person's internal struggles, so they can find no peace. A bureaucratic pursuit is not satisfying. A glorious war is. Chaos and order, hate and love, the conflict is beauty. When Krug battles Horen, it's not only because he feels he has been abandoned, it is because he feels Horen's pain. Krug can tell the war within Horen has turn to ash, that the life that once animated him has been snuffed to smoke by the curse of Iblees. And so, within Krug there is a battle, between his hope to release his loving brother from living hell, and his hate for Horen's abandonment. I don't think this should be resolved. When Krug carries Horen's pale-skinned body, about to bleed out, into the deserts, I think it would be good for us to be allowed to wonder. Is it hate that fueled his choice to fight Horen, or love? Or is it both, twisted as tightly as two anacondas focking, in a way you can never tease them apart? It is important to remember that humans may fear death and want to live, but that an orc may not respect this. Krug may not respect Horen's wanting to live, believing that it is the foolishness of a demented mind. Or, maybe it is Krug's hate that is telling him to ignore Horen's wishes, disguised as his hope to free Horen from the hell of old-age. Who knows. Anyway, that's my two shakes on it. Internal conflict is cool IMO. I think a fusion of this and old lores would be appropriate for maintaining server cohesiveness, then it'd seem like more story was revealed, rather than explicitly a retcon.
  8. This arguement is completely asinine. By this logic, no land could ever have new historical events added to it post-creation, because ruins of that history weren't already there. If you're going to keep up the deny-everything attitude of ye olde LMs, at least provide actual reasons for it. that said I preferred Dragur as the deity here
  9. why do you never log on or go on discord oh my goood

  10. I agree. We should really just make the ancient history lore one of many creation myths. Mathic cycle can be one too.
  11. No one would stud armor with a metal which melts upon resisting the thing the armor is supposed to defend against. It'd be like wearing a suit of gunpowder to slay pyromancers. You need to increase the effectiveness of thanhium studs.
  12. this is hilariously wrong, wow, this actually made me laugh
  13. No, this is idiotic. Even with intense slave labor, palaces can take dozens of years to complete. Four years is absolutely ******* impossible, unless these palaces are as large as a two-story middle-class home (which I doubt they are). I would STRONGLY recommend increasing this to fifty or seventy years. You should temper your expectations now, though. The LMs probably have their own lore written for Axios already, and will be butthurt that yours is so well-liked. They will likely deny this and state simply that it 'conflicts with hidden lore', and refuse to give you any tips as to how you can clean it up. Plus, lowering your expectations prevents you from feeling sad.
  14. Could you show me where you got that newspaper template?

  15. Aesopian

    Druidism Explained

    What the ****? This gif doesn't even match the quote. Dude, get up to date on your gif game. Spoil them all.
  16. I don't have much money, but I can pay in RP items I guess
  17. what happened in the event

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Aesopian


      So, will the next few days be us just travelling on the ocean?

    3. Summorox


      Nah I think the exit portal leads into Axios

    4. Smaw


      Orgon's power would presumably grow with the scale of the disease upon the land, but at the moment he has no control or influence over it.

  18. If he's a Druid, why metal hand?
  19. What are you going on about? I never said anything about RPly having to do learning, just that you needed to prove your activity via screenshots of SOME activity. It's better than what OP suggested is all.
  20. No. This would be far better if the magic was completely removed, and reinstated after the player exhibits at least one (two?)+ week of constant activity via posting daily screenshots in a 'reactivation' thread in the magic app place.
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