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Everything posted by Pissmog

  1. It's really a shame that the old Orcish deserts are empty... One of the coolest places on the map.

    1. Abysmall


      I agree, most things on this map are beautiful we just overestimated how many people we had, and the same thing that happened with the previous map happened to this one and it resulted in a mass amount of ghost-towns.

  2. From what I've noticed in my time playing as an Elf (two days)... The Elves are just playing as long living humans with pointy ears. The Elven culture is very absent in Malinor.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Aptrotta


      Darkhaven is pretty fun. Unique build style. Really pretty

    3. Mining


      Lenniel has a strong focus on elven culture. I've never rpd around darkhaven but from what i've heard, they're doing pretty damn well too

    4. Aptrotta


      Darkhaven sadly only takes darkelves so you will have to deal with that

  3. Any of you guys played Dead Frontier? It's a multiplayer survival MMORPG.

  4. *climbs parkour tower in the North, nearly dying about 3-4 times* *makes it to the top, loot is gone* :'(

  5. Big shoutout to Origin_Lark and Shadowmage1291 for running an impromptu event for two players! Thanks for the fun guys, and sorry I've got to log (a party needs me ;D).

  6. Big shoutout to Origin_Lark

    1. DruinsBane


      I was helping too. T-T

  7. Event Team- Nice job on the Ondnarch event, that was fun!

  8. Added illustrations to a Minecraft book on LotC, hopefully it doesn't look too bad!

  9. A study on the Black Scourge territory, take a read if you're interested! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/103237-book-a-study-on-the-conquered-lands/

    1. AgentSunny


      we fit dem wit fyoar ur nut at ull! rwoarrr!!!11!1!

  10. Go listen to Head Full of Doubt by The Avett Brothers if you like good music.

  11. This background is excellent, it would be awesome if it changed into caves and lava as you scrolled further down! :)

    1. shiftnative


      Definitely! Tythus had the same idea and he's probably workin' on it :]

    2. Vanir


      I don't see this new background >.>

    3. Mystery
  12. Hoping to spend a tad more time on LotC! In the meanwhile, Bon Iver:

  13. This is SuperSodaPops, just popping in to say hi! Life is going great, and outside is not such a terrifying place. How's LotC holding up?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wretched
    3. Telanir


      waaaat, i send u msg mayn REPLAH 2 MEH

    4. Pissmog


      Wot! I deleted Skype from my phone. D:

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