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Elvrohir Aureon

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    Elvrohir Aureon
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    Wood Elf

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  1. Why not make Professions like magic. You need to be taught by a teacher (perhaps those who are currently Angelic or above) and actually learn about the profession RPly, and you have certain limits when you start. I gave this maybe 1 minute of thought, so if anyone has reasons why not, please comment.

    1. GodEmperorFlam


      No no no no no no, don't turn magic into professions. That's a poorly though out idea as there is a plethora of different magics and what would that profession even do? You're basically asking for a weird version of the magic plugin, which many people were against for a number of reasons (you can just search "magic plugin" and see for yourself).

    2. GodEmperorFlam


      thought*, whoops. Anyway, to elaborate, there are too many different magics to make a plugin for without it getting overly complex. And even if it wasn't complex, the plugin would be boring (e.g. just basic fireballs) and make PvP more chaotic (we already have PvP issues at the moment) since we'd have to balance combat spells in addition to nexus combat. The only way this would work is if it was purely aesthetic, which wouldn't be a priority for the devs/coders as they have a lot more pressing matters do deal with (even though I'd personally like an aesthetic magic plugin).

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