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Status Updates posted by Lojo613

  1. #Pray4PopeDaniel


  2. After 6 years I have come to the ultimate conclusion on the greatest roleplay group on this server. It is the halflings. Wandering into Brandybrook only to find it packed with halflings rping at some random time proves this.

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      That’s what happens when someone pings the halfling discord. The infamously inactive race comes to life for an hour.


      If you ever want to interact with halflings, all you gotta do is join the discord and ping the @roleplay role whenever you are in the village. There’s almost always a handful of halflings willing to log online to RP with you.


      Except during off-peak, because we aren’t large enough to consistently provide RP for australian and european timezones. Probably what we’re gonna try and improve during 8.0 if it’s possible.

  3. Ahng Glur Origin Deeplore


  4. Ahng Glur Origin Deeplore


    Edited by Lojo613
  5. DU LOC

    Edited by Lojo613
  6. How does one add italics or bold print to books. I understand you must use the section sign but it seems to be disabled/

  7. I'm literally going to be what I'm going to literally be from what I am literally going to be is what I am breeniboy?


  8. Now I don’t need a mask to harvest my blissfoil irp anymore >:)

  9. The best part about playing a generic human is that the admins can’t voluntell ST to retcon your race, only all the lore you’ve ever made.

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      Can’t get shelved if your playerbase is too heavy to fit on the shelf so it’d just break it.

  10. You should ask for a raise from Tythus

    Edited by Lojo613
    1. AlphaMoist


      Unironically doubt we’d be able to have anything that resembles a competent end of map eventline if it weren’t for Joel. Man works harder and more competently than most other staff members. Kind of **** for him to constantly be the sole target for hate mongering when people feel like it’s time to be assholes on the forums

  11. Justice4vulc


    1. Jonificus


      he dindunuffin, he a good boy and goes to church erry sunday

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