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Status Updates posted by _Jandy_

  1. Well, guess I better crack down on school work?

  2. What a time to be alive!

  3. what do I do when I can't resolve host name for no reason, pls halp.

  4. When will schnitzels be implemented into nexus cooking?

  5. When your ban sentence is over and your not unbanned yet...

  6. Whoever keeps auctioning the "Divine Slingshot" message me, maybe we can trade items, I am lacking on Mina but I should be able to find a fair trade regardless :D

  7. Whoever keeps auctioning the "Divine Slingshot" message me, maybe we can trade items, I am lacking on Mina but I should be able to find a fair trade regardless :D

  8. Why does Thales get so much hate, I liked it more than Athera and Vailor...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GodEmperorFlam


      How the **** do you like thales more than Vailor or Athera?

    3. Space


      Thales lasted for like, a few weeks, right? What was there to like or dislike, even?

    4. MetaSolaray


      ....Thales thales o.O What was that again?

  9. Why not Twitch stream the GM meetings? or maybe just part of it and then have a secret bit off of twitch.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Urasept


      it's happened before. most gm meetings end up me calling someone a name... usually rittsy.

    3. Zarsies
    4. Geo


      because gm meetings are less serious than the conception of scotland

  10. Zarsies to the rescue!

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