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Posts posted by Nolan_

  1. 23 minutes ago, Slothtastic said:

    Vruk wonders how Orcs can rape when it isn't allowed on the server. Vruk also wonders the last time an Orc pillaged and enslaved even though they had been enforcing no slaving and had reformed the system for a willing servant rather than a slave. He also wonders when was the last time they raided because they had been too focused on making **** to fight instead of raiding. 


    The Orenian citizens are none the wiser!





    Minecraft Name: Nolan_ 

    Skype ID: fraser.nolan2

    Time-zone: GMT

    Do you, or have you held, any other staff positions: ET Actor, AT member and Forum Moderator 

    Where do you grab inspiration from: World of Warcraft, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Dragon Age II and Inquisition, Red Dead Redemption (may sound weird but it's worked in the past), Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor, Fable 2 and 3, and The Witcher 2 and 3.

    What are your current list of characters, and are you willing to sacrifice any: Sigman and Sol Reithel, neither are particularly important to me and I'd be willing to sacrifice then for the sake of an event.

    What race, or group, do your events best cater to: I've played all races extensively  except Dwarf and Halfling, however I've done successful  events for the Dwarves in the past and would not be opposed to doing them again. In short, any race really.

    What do you believe are they key factors for a successful event


    The main thing that needs to come out of an event is enjoyment for the players, if they don’t enjoy it then there is not really much point in it at all. It is important for the event team to provide an enjoyable event that will hopefully stick in the minds of the player because of how good it was.


    Character Development:

    Whether you are learning about artefacts or just new lore in general, it is always important for you to develop your character when in events. When an event takes place, I always learn something from it, it could be something about leadership one time, or maybe another time it would be how to deal with angry people.


    What strengths would you bring to the teamBeing in the GMT timezone I feel I can supply events for people when less of the ET are on. I believe I’m a very organized person along with being imaginative which will help me, alongside the help of others, to create lasting events, which will supply entertainment.

    Why do you want to be part of the teamMy main reason for wanting to join is because I want to give something back to the LoTC community whilst having fun myself with the role-play I’d be creating for others. I did enjoy myself last time and found it to be the most self-satisfying team I've been on.
    Create three distinct event scenarios based on the servers lore that you would organize: 





    A small band of people are led into a tavern by an old man with a fringe of grey hair, around his balding head. His figure hunched and his bones creak as he explains of a marvelous place, filled with treasures unimaginable.


    Having caught their attention he leads them off away from the tavern and towards the closest range of mountains. He lifts a gnarled, bony forefinger to point at a cave higher up, explaining that in his almost crippled state he can’t make the climb. It is up to the 3 people whether they wish to enter that cave or not but it is most likely that they will go in and adventure on.


    Upon entering the cave, the group would notice that there are strange blood stains all over the cave floor. Despite this it is dried blood and isn’t very fresh so that might urge them to shrug it off. But to their peril, inside the cave there is a large troll that has seemingly killed many people before. As they enter the cave a strange sound is heard, like a roar and then a sudden yelp.  The irked and colossal beast emerges from the dark depths with bulbous eyes staring down at them in vex.  The Troll seemingly agitated and heavily irked by the presence and racket as shown by its abrupt reaching for it's makeshift bone club. Sluggishly and barbarically swinging at the group with a stumble. Snarling in a fit of rage as the group have to pick up arms and fight the great, slow beast.


    After the adventures either die or come out victorious against the beast, there would be a chest at the bottom of the cave that contains a few varied goodies including a single named item for the group. The man that told them about the cave would never be seen again.







    Inside the once peaceful headquarters of the Conclave of Magi an agitated man flails around and tries his best to hold back from weeping. A definite sadness is seen on his face. He carries a sack of gold in his hands while desperately trying to find one of the brothers inside the headquarters. Once he finds the magi he begins unloading his troubles unto them. “P-Please help me!” He stutters, nervous as he speaks, “My father is going to k-kill me if I don’t get it back..”. After the statement that he first says he seems to get a little dejected and worried. “I sold my family heirloom t-to some brigands..” The nervous man seems rather embarrassed about the whole situation, knitting his brows together. “I will pay you.. P-pay you gold! Mages like gold still… Right?” Awaiting their response to his question he folds his arms together and try to stop himself from looking so helpless.


    After some negotiation, the Magi and the man should come to an agreement of no more than 1000 minas. Once they had prepared to head off to the camp with their men and launch an attack to get the goblet back they would all leave in search of the camp.


    The camp seems rather makeshift and eerily quiet for a brigand camp. Occasional sounds of snores and moaning could be heard from quite a distance. A few tents and a single smouldering campfire is what the camp is made up of. The fire hasn’t been kept for a while, maybe they were all too tired to keep it? As the magi enter the camp they can smell the potent stench of ale and wine, this continues all the way through their time at the camp. Strangely, the men around the camp are all either asleep, or just FANNY down and seemingly unable to move. Suddenly, from the mouth of one of the drowsy men emerges a sorrowful voice, “That goblet..” He speaks extremely slowly, “.. Must’ve been.. Uh… Poisoned..” As the man lets out the last word ‘poison’, the nervous man gives a frail laugh, “Fools! I hoped they had drank out of that.” All of a sudden he gets a whole lot more cocky. “Daemonstone jeweled goblet, I could have taken you idiots on my own.” He laughs a little before looking back to the Magi.


    Once the magi had finished with helping the man he would happily pay them the right amount of money before going on with his day. I wrote this event because it features some of the lore that was written by Royim and Sasha (Mouse) that I found interesting at the time, I don't know if it's still in use or what but the use of it for an example still stands. I thought it would be a good idea to spread some of the lore that is being implemented in the server because it raises awareness to people who might not have seen it. (If any of the events in the little story were wrong against the lore, feel free to pm me and correct me.)








    An adventurer returns to the city with an exceedingly large grin, motioning the town's people round as he tells of his great findings. He goes on to describe the wonder and decadence of a newly discovered ruin far into the forest with the moss consuming the once ornate stone. The lowly adventurer gathers a large group to return with him for further exploration.


    After a rather easy but long trek through the dense forest the group stumble upon the ruins in question. Looking over it with wide eyes at the splendour of the cracked, once beautiful buildings with the collapsed arch of a doorway at a slant. Leading the large group onwards through the sturdy, surviving columns each choked by the ever growing ivy, they reach what was once a grand and imposing hall before the silence is broken with a dreadful cracking and crumble of the stone floor, collapsing into the depths of the building.


    At the bottom the adventurer lies dead, skull having clearly hit the floor in a bad way with head cracked open. A wave of panic flickering over the remaining group as the only option is to continue down the dark passage way littered with traps and falls but also rooms filled with amazing finds and valuable goods unbeknownst to the group and their choices determine the outcome of when and where they get out or if at all (in essence a setup to a dungeon crawler idea like HB and I planned before my hiatus, ask him about it if you are iffy on this).



    How long do you plan to be able to work on the team: As long as I'm still on the server or until I feel I don't serve a purpose anymore.

    Tell me a joke: dandan's soberness.



    Well I f***ed up posting it but w/e, enjoy

  3. Application:


    IGN - DoYouRemember

    Background - Maybe a dark blue of tribal patterns or just plain blue, nothing hard or fancy I really don't mind

    Character Description/Reference - 








    A face similar to the above picture is how I imagine his facial features being.


    He doesn't actually have buck teeth it was just the only way to make the mouth work with the skin



    Payment type - Minas 

    Extra items - (Staff, real special crowns) I have a moderator approved cinnamon roll or butter shoes if you want either of those

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