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Posts posted by Nolan_




    Issued by the


    On this 5th day of Joma ag Umund of 427 E.S.




    This will come as no surprise to most, especially in light of my friend Eirik’s abdication and my own lack of presence in court. Like my father taught me, there’s naught to gain from shirking away from reality and holding on to a good thing when you are unable to give it the respect and dedication it deserves. It is a privilege I have held for too long to my shame but no longer.


    Without my wife Marie, who kept my lands in check when I was unable to and provided me with a confidante and advisor the likes of which I have failed to find since, my ability to lead is lacking. In turn, my age has begun to catch up with me and I have been diagnosed with an incurable disease, further affecting my ability to remain as patriarch. I would like my last few months or years to be devoted to helping my son, Mikhail, and spend what little time I have left with my children and grandchildren.


    Thus I, as Duke of Vidaus, proclaim the following:


    I. That I, Rhys II Mikhail var Ruthern, abdicate all of my titles, that of Duke of Vidaus, Count of Metterden, Viscount of Greyspine, Baron of Rostig, to my rightful heir, Mikhail Tuvya var Ruthern.



    His Lordship, Rhys Mikhail var Ruthern


  2. Spoiler



    Marie's husband, Rhys, sat atop the distinct hill top in Vidaus, just outside the Druzstra keep. His gaze lingered on the still water and the soft swelling of it in and out of a creek. Despite his sombre feelings the weather was nothing but blissful with clear skies and a lack of snow for as far North as he was in Almaris. A contradiction to the happiness all shared on the day of the royal wedding, the Ruthern Duke had slunk off at his earliest convenience to perch himself on the frequented spot as of late.


    Rhys var Ruthern had faced hardships a plenty in his life, from the loss of his mother at a young age right into an at odds relationship with his late father, a father hailed as a hero despite his missteps as a parent. None of those struck him as hard as the untimely loss of his wife, a bastion in his life and a paragon of a mother and confidante. Maybe the hurt was made worse by the harm he'd caused the innocent, gentle figure, one that had stood beside him despite his own faults; of which there were many, there was no doubt of that. For the first time in a long time, tears welled in his reddened eyes, his breathing faltering whilst he wallowed in the fact that he'd proven that a person did not truly know a good thing until they had lost it.


    He arose abruptly and bent to place the bunch of roses he'd plucked out of the gardens on the grave he'd been haunting like a bound spirit for the last handful of days. He'd made sure that the bouquet had two very specific creatures in the bloom, a ladybird of red and one of orange. A sad but happy memory of a time long gone brought back to the forefront of his thoughts with them. His fingers traced the grooves that read 'Duchess Marie - dame, mother, perfect' before he stood back up straight.


    Walking away, the unworthy husband said "Until tomorrow, dear."

  3. "My grandfather and him did not see eye to eye. Neither him or my father spoke about it much but it would be unfair to dismiss the man's achievements, regardless of his loyalties. Competent, noble and loyal to a fault - as any worthy Ruthern ever was or will be." The General's distant cousin and Haeseni counterpart would muse to his wife, Marie @sarahbarah, once the two had received news of Duke Erik's passing at a ripe old age. 


    He loitered by the fire in their room, gazing into the flames that licked at cracked stone. The Northern Duke contemplated the nature of his family and how despite past troubles, the two branches had more in common than what separated them. "Marie, I think it's time we put the differences of a bypass generation to rest. What would you say to hosting them here, in Vidaus, once the war is over?"

  4. 14 minutes ago, sarahbarah said:

    Marie weeps in the arms of her husband Rhys var Ruthern, for she terribly missed her gecko. @Nolan_


    Rhys rolled his eyes outside Marie's view as his wife balled hers out into his chest. Once she'd went off, he frowned down with great distaste at the snot left on his shirt.

  5. 47 minutes ago, Minuvas said:

    "The Koengzem is hurt by truth put to power, it would seem. I am not the one who summoned the Duma to discuss how to remove the Church from the heart of my government, largely considered a discussion on how to neuter the influence of faith on the decisions of its own body politik.


    "I do not think you got my letter before otherwise you would have seen that I encouraged you to read the letter again, it's about facilitating the church in Haense. And if you had read the transcript I gave you as well you would see that is was most certainly not 'largely considered a discussion on how to neuter the influence of faith'.


    Despite your misunderstanding, again, I'm starting to think you're not only rash but a bit a soft in the head as well. I'm not sure someone who caused a schism through 'bad advice' can be considered a very good Canonist so I think I'll listen to the Pontiff you tried to depose over you; a failed schismatic."


    47 minutes ago, Minuvas said:

    I wish them an honorable fight; I'll not send the King such distasteful letters as his own people write me in their gnashing anger to be called out for their crimes and heathen behavior. 


    "The letters were not distasteful just because they said you were wrong. Most did not even mention that it was a show in itself how far your nation had fallen that you were allowed to retain your position despite nearly causing the death of Everard VI if the Haeseni men and women had not been there."

    The Lord Speaker's eyes linger over the 'crimes and heathen behaviour' part, lips curling into an amused grin.

    "Those in glass houses should not throw stones. It is not my sovereign who is excommunicated and yet I still follow blindly."

  6. "They keep an Arch-Chancellor who has admitted his guilt in causing a failed schism and leading the Emperor, if one who is excommunicated can even still be Emperor of the Holy Orenian Empire, against the rightful and true vicar of God? I would say that's as good a ground as any to remove him from such a privileged position." Rhys var Ruthern remarks as the missive comes across his desk, making haste thereafter to find the Cardinal Jorenus @LightTheTrainerand see what a clergyman has to say on the matter.

  7. 10 minutes ago, Minuvas said:

    It is important to provide transparency where it is due. This Government was given false information that the Holy Pontiff, His Holiness Everard VI, had engaged in an attempt to schism the faith - the forgery of documents, missives, and pronouncements was real enough to deceive the brightest legal and canonist scholars within the Government.


    "And the Cardinals of the Holy Church we apparently all hold in high regard were not consulted beforehand. . . why?" Rhys var Ruthern asks aloud after reading through the apologetic missive with a scoff.

  8. "Sigismund the Third, Fidei Defensor! Godan is wise and the Pontiff has recognised the fully faithful in these trying times. Everard is not only Godan's rightful representative on this mortal land but a fine paragon of the faith!" The Count of Metterden imparts to his wife, Marie @sarahbarah, in Vidaus, reminiscing on their wedding day overseen by the very same High Pontiff who was now staring down an unjust schism and truly rallying the faithful.

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