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Robed Southeron

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Status Updates posted by Robed Southeron

  1. why do ban appeals takena long time to get to and why does genderfluidity exist its ridiculous

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. mitto


      this status is the epitome of irony

    3. Travista


      Ich bin ein sumpf?

    4. VampsWillDie


      Robed Southeron, on a list of things you should do right now, "Shutting up" is at the top of said list.

  2. http://gyazo.com/fd5478fae4dde38f531432e06446a71c why you all should update to 1.8
    1. Robed Southeron

      Robed Southeron

      it's because you get sexy cloaks for your character and boots too jesus christ how dense are you people?

    2. AGiantPie


      Not worth the absence of metadatas imo.

    3. Robed Southeron

      Robed Southeron

      denser than mercury this guy above me

      denser than osmium

  3. when, or of i get unbanned, i think ill do what i did before and make skins and then post them, and if anyone wants them, they just comment on the status saying they want it and ill give it to them

    1. Grouchy


      would be good lad

    2. Silent™


      You can still make skins now... It's not like you have to go on the server to make them.

    3. Kim


      @^ I wouldn't draw things for LotC if I was banned ?___? ???

  4. cant wait to apply and get accepted : )

  5. if anyone wants me to do a skin for them, hit me up and ill do it. example of my skill: http://gyazo.com/b3491200f02f9d3189dc9d5b4c3566e7 http://gyazo.com/2d06b54d234869d13bc3e7b23c2ec9c2

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