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About macca

  • Rank
    New Guy

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  1. what are villagers in lord of the craft

    1. macca


      whats wrong with NPC's?

      ok (: thx

  2. Is a guild that destroys other organizations for an apposing organization clichéd?

    1. mitto


      it would be very difficult for that sort if stuff to occur because people don't have to cease their organization for really any reason.

  3. If you experiment recipes with Arugula, does that make you a rocket scientist?

  4. i am confused is there a Flotsam Woods in Athera?

  5. Macon sends a bird to Coren, the worn paper is wet, but the message clear, written in black ink. the message reads MC Name: Macca111 IC Name: Macon Age: 22 Race: Human Minor Backstory: After fleeing from the high reaching stonewalls of Petrus, following the demise of my father, I lived in the northern wilderness, lost and living off the land, hunting and forging for food, using the bow handed down to me by my father. Slowly making my way west along the war-torn canyons and snowy peaks, before, landing in a small village within the northern mountains.
  6. I really want to change my "member title" to New Guy for some reasen

    1. Z3r05t4r


      Your wish has been granted.

    2. mitto


      z3r0 is the real mvp

    3. macca


      i am so happy thx

  7. ((OOC)) i cant find a place to hunt ):

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mephistophelian


      Lark, I hope you create a wonder in there. Hunting would be fun

    3. Harri


      I miss doing hunting RP :(

      (And like ACTUAL hunting RP, not like *shoots bow at pig and skins it)

    4. macca


      yea I wasn't aware of how little animals there were around the place

      I noticed a lot of other people's applications being hunters aswell

  8. i cant make a profile photo ):

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