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Posts posted by 6xdestroyer

  1. 1 minute ago, Mio said:

    Marius Audemar sat on the edge of the bed, and stared down absently at the scabbarded Raevsblade Svjetlast across his lap. That blade had cut through swathes of Petrans to secure Valfleur for the loyalist cause, and it hadn't faltered once during the battle. He stared at the grooves of the scabbard's leather, his eyes unseeing as the words of Constanz's challenge reverberated in his head. 

    Marius had little respect for the man, and certainly no love. And yet ... 

    I took so much from you,
    he thought wistfully as he ran a gentle hand along the length of the scabbarded sword.
    The least I can give you is a worthy death.

    Greg has nightmares of his abandonment during the battle. (Not that he remembers it, of course.)

  2. The famed illiterate poet Gregory dictates a poem:


    "The whale belches,

    Her lover’s delight,

    A lovely scent to him,

    Quickly he dons his armor,

    For this is a lady worth protecting!"

    He then has a scribe toss it in the trash because he doesnt think it was very good...

  3. Hello my dear Lotc'rs,


    In this essay I will....                                      tell you why a small map is better.


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    As many of you know, I am a LoTC boomer, perhaps not as much so as some of you other idiots, but still been here for too long.


    In order to take a look at how map size effects RP on LoTC, we must first establish a few points on the nature of lotc as a minecraft server:


    1. LoTC at its peak has around 200 players online, at earlier EST times this is more like 40-70ish.

    2. LoTC relies on new players to sustain itself. This may seem counterintuitive as when you look in tab you see so many donors and old names, but the only reason many of these players are still interested is because new players give them the ability to do new things.

    3. If New Players are not brought into a community within their first two hours of LoTC they will almost always quit. People can argue this if they want, but they're wrong if they think otherwise.

    4. Genuinely good conflict and roleplay is derived from challenges and obstacles that communities must work together to overcome (i.e. needing more land for vassals, border disputes, etc). "ur king insulted mine" may be the current standard, but it is a rather stupid one.


    Okay, now that we have that outlined, lets move onto why the next map should be smaller:

    1. CENTRALIZATION: Smaller maps force centralization and increase chances of rp. A map that is 7.5k by 7.5k means that there is a total square mapsize of 56,250,000. Each player, assuming peak time numbers, could have a 530x530 plot. I dont know about you guys, but if I wanted to do walking/traveling rp I'd go play Red Dead 2. This is also why you dont tend to see people on the road.

            1.2 If new players, as wandering souls, see groups RP'ing, they are more likely to want to apply and get involved.

    2. COMMUNITIES: Smaller maps force players to join together. This is a rather logical connection but I will explain. If there is less room for players to go off and start their own things as well as less room for nations to give to their vassals, groups will be made to combine or cause conflict in their pursuit for a place for themselves (Ill delve more into this under conflict).
            2.2 More people in a smaller number of communities will benefit new players directly. Competition will drive recruiting of new players and encourage retention. Too many times in the previous maps have I seen CT (almost always biased to their nation) bring someone to a nation and just leave them there with the hope they will just find their own way. If communities are more competitive with each other, they will try vastly harder to not only recruit these new players but RETAIN them.

    3. CONFLICT: The best RP (at least in my opinion, there are those who enjoy their slice of life rp and thats great) is RP derived from conflict. This conflict does not need to be military oriented, it can be competition between vassals close to each other, or between nations bordering each other. A smaller map, with larger communities and less space, will undoubtedly create tension between vassals and nations as they seek to give their players land. It will force players to prove themselves worthy of deserving land rather than just acting as a way to retain players by giving them worthless manors or towns which sit inactive and often just turn into landscars.

    4. (Added) QUALITY: Would you rather a huge map with few details and the same assets copy and pasted, or a smaller map with great detail in every corner and unique and special assets. The number of competent builders on lotc for naturals and terraforming is extremely limited. Of course a huge map with great detail would be cool, but its not feasible considering that builders are unpaid and have IRL commitments.

    I will update this as I have more thoughts, but I just wanted to make these points after seeing Carol's post regarding map feedback.


    Thanks for reading, here is a gold star for you if you got this far...


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  5. THE SWAMP STIRS: Preparations for The Long Journey



    “Our lands reach far, they reach wide, and the King’s rule does hold over them all … but those swamps, those lands, our lands, to the far West are as sodden as they are without order. This realm of mortals and men, our realm, doth protest the growing exanimate and haunted powers which lurk upon our borders, eager to enslave us. When I assumed this power, I did so not to sacrifice my mortality for power, but sacrificed my power for my mortality. These soulless folk, wanderers that spit upon the face of mortality in their pursuit of unfettered power, must be brought to heel if the age of man is to come to fruition.

    You and your folk must begin the long journey to the Loc Werin and bring about the hand of justice, truth, and hallowed death to those who defy their mortality. If you are successful, you will bring great prestige upon us all, and if … if you should falter … well… well may God help us, Gregor.”


    -Frederick I to his trusted courtier Gregor Waeric.


    In Preparation


    As Gregor, his Waeric kin, personal guard, and trusted officers of the ancient de Sola prepare for their journey West, they find themselves preparing for an arduous and unknown journey. 


    Whether one is needing a second chance, protesting the growing evils upon the realm, or a devout loyalists aiming to enforce the King’s law, the Long Journey offers untold challenges but untold glory too. The journeymen can be found preparing in Vienne and milling about the city, getting the last luxuries associated with the capital before their departure. 


    Those wanting to partake in The Long Journey are encouraged to find the journeymen before they set off on their quest. They are identifiable in their tabards which feature a dragon consuming the sun; a parable for their pursuit of mortality. 


    May mortality reign; for in death there is truth.



    OOC —


    This is the first of many events and posts to come for our lil adventurers group. If you are interested in getting involved in Loc Werin and the storyline, please seek out me, doreebear, hotbox_monk, or _sug and we can get you involved!



  6. 2 hours ago, Balthasar said:

    Skin I'm Bidding on: Blue-Pilled

    Bid: $25


    2 hours ago, Phersades said:

    Discord Name: Catalina#8540

    Skins Im Bidding On: Prince Prospero

    Bid: 30 Usd @Taketheshot



    SKIN IM BIDDING ON: Blue-Pilled

    MY BID: $35 USD


    SKIN IM BIDDING ON: Prospero

    MY BID: $45 USD

  7. 3 minutes ago, Herod said:

    "Those who serve and lick the boots of kinslayers and murderers are negated from to critique of a man of Godan." Whispered Kaustantin in his farm.


    And so the old priest did randomly re-read a portion of his work, hoping others would too.



    IF we cannot call out the evil of MAN, then we should allow Iblees to infect the minds of the vulnerable: 

    Until such a time comes that to even call out Iblees, bringer of doom, shall be anathema and GOD shall weep for the destruction of His mortal kingdom at the hand of His imperfect creature. 



  8. [!] The Following Pamphlets are spread amongst the realms of Canon.



    Yaromir the Lustful


    And you shall take them carefully, and shall not become a creature of worldly indulgence as the beasts of the earth.”

    1; 3:8 (Virtue; Temperance:8)


    And so GOD deemed temperance a VIRTUE and lust a SIN.


    Yet, the word of LUST does fill mine ears whence those defenders of Yaromir do proclaim his service in taverns just and moral, his tainted beard dripping wet with mead and wine. Women surrounded the grayed Yaromir, accepting his warmth and forgetting GOD’s.


    Yet, the lack of Temperance does cause my humble turmoil and woe, for I know not GOD’s plan. Only His words to the Exalted.


    We are not creatures of perfection, this I know as GOD’s truth and Godfrey’s folly, but how can we claim to interpret GOD’s mortal realm when our paragon of VIRTUE, elected to be GOD’s hand of justice and mercy is a SINNER?


    When GOD’s representatives do partake in the worldly indulgence as BEASTS of the earth.


    When GOD’s representatives do ignore SIN, ignore PLAGUE and PESTILENCE. 


    When corruption, of blued hues and crimson tides does creep onto the realms of HIS chosen.


    When Iblees, usher of the VOID is invited into the mortal realm UNCHALLENGED by GOD’s representatives.


    When GOD’s servants are deemed heretics for challenging the SIN and EVIL of MAN.


    When GOD’s servants play politicians and not priests.


    IF we cannot call out the evil of MAN, then we should allow Iblees to infect the minds of the vulnerable: 

    Until such a time comes that to even call out Iblees, bringer of doom, shall be anathema and GOD shall weep for the destruction of His mortal kingdom at the hand of His imperfect creature. 


    In times of strife I find myself in prayer to GOD, not Yaromir; what of you?


    Lock me up, burn my mortal form; for I know it will be GOD at the gates to the Seven Skies: not Yaromir.


    For they will make this about the realm of MAN and his politics: Forgive them and place their suffering upon me instead.


    May GOD grant him mercy and HIS clergy find HIS truths.


    God’s Humble Servant,

    Father Draskovic

  9. A priest recalls the Holy Words as he walks into the Basilica, unrelated to the message.


    "Though the spring flower withers and the fruit of the tree falls to the ground, My Word lasts into the eve of the world, and the fruit of virtue cannot rot."



    He'd hope the more self-interested would remember them too.

  10. 39 minutes ago, Basil Moroul said:

    The walk to nations from the hubs isn't that long, it's the nations fault if they have 100 vassals far away from each other, not ours.


    Vassals/settlements die out because they cannot share the playerbase adequately due to their distances and the current laziness on lotc. The only people actually not lazy enough to run the roads are like @Masouriand co. Fast travels would encourage new cultures by opening more space and share the playerbase so that players dont feel isolated and bored. Furthermore it'd give bandits and wartime enemies more targets and places to fight, not only making the war feel more dynamic, but also contributing lore (based on real events) to be established.

  11. Fast travels opened up much of the map and encouraged new cultures to develop. Lets be real there are not enough people on this server to hold active vassal or sub-settlements without fast travels. People are lazy and do not want to spend 5 minutes running somewhere, let alone 15 minutes.


    Let nations do it for vassals to capitals, everyone benefits (for my bandit friends main roads to capitals would still be run normally dont worry I'd not deny you your villainy :D )


    We have the ability to do so and the know-how. Whats stopping us?



  12. 1 minute ago, KaiserJacobII said:

    "This man is not a priest.. Unless he was ordained off the record," the Prelate of the Clergy states, eyeing the missive before throwing it away dismissively.

    Varon remembers writing his thesis and being ordained by the previous Pontiff Himself!

  13. [!] Sheets of Papyrus are pinned to the various doors on Houses of Worship across Almaris.



    Deus Damnat Superbiam 

    GOD Damns the Prideful


    “For the abundance of the spirit is never divided, but multiplied.”

    The Holy Scroll of Virtue 2:9, (Canticle of Charity, 9). 


    These hypotheses are written in common and taken from the translated Holy Scrolls in an effort to make them readily available to all common folk of Almaris.  Those that are educated in literacy are encouraged to spread these messages to those illiterate, for GOD’s love is dependent not on education of the mind, but of devotion of the soul.


    HYPOTHESIS I: To the servants of the Creator, those descendents which are blessed with life by GOD’s virtue, we must beg the forgiveness of GOD. Those which verily claim His Church no longer do so in His honor but their own

    I. When Godwin claimed His prophetic vision, GOD did damn him 2:1:20 “There are no partners of GOD,” He willed descendants be His servants, and His alone.

    II. His kingdom is not subjected to decay, but to languishment 2:2:5 “while you preserve the kingdom of man, the kingdom of GOD languishes.”

    III. This languish is caused by the preservation of the kingdom of man by His servants. 

    IV. To focus on the Kingdom of Man before the Kingdom of God is thus a sin; henceforth referred to as ‘pride’.


    HYPOTHESIS 2: Yaromir of Jorenus ushers in Iblees’ VOID…

    I. Iblees, the Final Disguiser, does guise himself as God 4:1:30 “So there is come a final Deceiver in the guise of GOD.”

    II, Iblees does usher the VOID into GOD’s mortal realm 4:1:32 

    III. The VOID has entered the realm of Almaris famously in the lands of Aluria in the space between Oren and Urguan.

    IV. Iblees’ VOID has collided with the mortal realm during Yaromir’s claim to act as GOD’s supreme representative.

    V. Yaromir of Jorenus did bring about the VOID of Iblees, GOD’s punishment. 


    HYPOTHESIS III: Yaromir of Jorenus does suffer the SIN of PRIDE…

    I. GOD does judge His servants on their worldly pursuits.

    II. Those who devote themselves to the kingdom of man do cause GOD’s suffering in the Seven Skies.

    III. Yaromir has involved himself in the matters of the Kingdom of Man while abandoning and dividing His flock.

    IV. Yaromir has constructed no new temples to GOD.

    V. Yaromir has sent more thesis on punishment of GOD’s servants than he has made thesis on GOD’s service.

    VI. Yaromir has let sit unadministered the many God’s houses of worship of Almaris: DECAY.

    VII. Yaromir has used GOD’s house in Haense to administer MORTAL matters more than SPIRITUAL ones.

    VIII. Yarmoir has suffered the SIN of PRIDE, he has let GOD’s mortal realm decay.


    HYPOTHESIS IV: Yaromir does ally himself with the forbidden flock, bringing about GENOCIDE

    I. Yaromir does suffer sloth and pride as he ignores much of the flock.

    II. Urguan does remain astray from GOD’s glory, despite this He welcomes them with OPEN arms.

    III. GOD’s priests have been attacked in Urguan land, myself included, for preaching His glory.

    IV. Urguan has not publicly stated their support for the protection of GOD’s flock and their freedoms to usher in GOD’s graces in the mortal kingdom.

    V. Yaromir does not condemn Urguan for their invasion of land held by GOD’s flock despite lacking these assurances.

    VI. Yaromir not only focuses thus on the mortal kingdom, but IGNORES GOD’s servants and their pleas.

    VII. Yaromir ALLIES himself with the forbidden flock; encouraging the GENOCIDE of GOD’s flock.


    HYPOTHESIS V: The Mother Church has decayed; shown by signs of IBLEE’s arrival and the END OF DAYS…

    I. The VOID of Iblees spreads literally in the lands of Almaris. 

    II. Much of the College of Cardinals ignore the SINS of Yaromir.

    III. SOME are complacent to his SINS or at the least suffer from SLOTH.

    IV. A Cardinal, just as a layman, serves GOD first and foremost, not man.

    V. GOD’s houses sit empty, His flock unattended to. 

    VI. GOD’s houses decay, unattended to or lacking the necessary funds for their repairs. 

    VII. Wayshrines have been built fewer and fewer.

    VIII. Wayshrines sit toppled, their HOLY images faded to naught. 

    IX. GOD’s Mortal Kingdom represents the devotion of His flock and the devotion of HIS church.

    X. The DECAY of His Mortal Kingdom represents the ROT of HIS flock and HIS church.


    A CALL: His flock be driven to serve GOD themselves, should the CHURCH continue to ROT…

    I. His flock are driven to find GOD in their own hearts, just as The Scroll of Virtue outlines.

    II. His flock are driven to CONDEMN the sinners in the CHURCH, especially those SINNERS guising themselves as HIS virtuous Shepherds.

    III. His shepherds are emboldened to condemn fellow sinners, for GOD made none of us perfect without aspiring to be. 



    The stairs of decay are one designed by Ibless and walked of by man. They are disguised by walls of beauty and riches. From the top of the stairs, one cannot see the bottom, instead they are encouraged to take the first step, the steepest of them all, by wealth and power. As one takes a step down and their vision is distracted by sights of great personal gain and accomplishments in their name, they are unaware that if they turn around there is naught but dark halls and sorrow from their transgressions. Like a pond slowly drained by a stream, decay drains the power of GOD’s word on our plane. However, we know GOD to be Almighty and Strong. His staircase knows not the nature of decay. We must, though hard, begin the process of turning around on our staircase and repairing the stairs of man so that we may one day walk upon the stairs of GOD and ascend to the Seven Skies.


    GOD’s humble servant,

    Father Draskovic.



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