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Status Updates posted by Appie

  1. free ggt he was like a son to me

  2. The Jeshi of Seyam is now recruting! Initiations start soon so be quick to join.

  3. Ex big Negus of Ghanyah is back

  4. #UnbanAnElfSlayer he did nothing wrong

  5. 99% of the people on this server take irp **** too seriously *cough* dominion *cough*

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Inferno_Ougi


      3 hours ago, GrimReaper98 said:

      imagine thinking roleplaying black people is funny and that's the depth of your entertainment on the server



      imagine being black and roleplaying a black person

    3. Chimp


      whats wrong with rping as blacks huh you raciss

    4. Inferno_Ougi


      facts why so many hate black rpers???

  6. Ghanyah > Everyone else just saying

    1. Islamadon


      sup my fellow based farfolk human

  7. Negus is an Ethiopian title meaning ruler, or supreme ruler, it's not a racial slur so don't ******* ban me for it.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. thesaintjaleel


      SHOULDNT HAVE SAID ******, ******

    3. Ethan the epic
    4. Jerome Jonsaeus

      Jerome Jonsaeus

      People are really tripping about that?!?

  8. Got my post taken down when I just wanted the upvotes :( censorship doesn't help the staff's case

    Edited by Appie
    1. Publius


      psst... hey friend, if you got a google doc, spread it around the discords - they can't censor us in there

  9. Need people to play members of Mazzanti family (Feudal House), if interested PM me or The Belvitz Mafia account.


  10. Ay im back

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Appie


      You probably wont know me but i was pretty active about a year back but i quit after courland won the revolution cus I never got my land, wasn't salty about it just needed a break

    3. Kim


      its ok, i'm just fuckin with you

    4. Appie
  11. Need someone to role-play my wife after my last wife went inactive before the marriage

  12. I'm back after a long break :)

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