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Eggles the Beagles

Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by Eggles the Beagles

  1. ******, its fuckin february. change fuckin /bread to regular bread and make it stop ******* playin christmas music nignog


  2. So... Devs are adding things to professions that they have little knowledge, basically killing that profession, and thinking that everything is peachy when literally a large portion of the community is saying, "No!". The horsening part 2, sorry alchemist, you guys are getting hit like we were.

  3. Smelting is a thing, last minute addition to the update. Check out the guide.

  4. So... Devs are adding things to professions that they have little knowledge, basically killing that profession, and thinking that everything is peachy when literally a large portion of the community is saying, "No!". The horsening part 2, sorry alchemist, you guys are getting hit like we were.

  5. Smelting is a thing, last minute addition to the update. Check out the guide.

  6. Smelting is a thing, last minute addition to the update. Check out the guide.

  7. Another day, another Warclaim

  8. Is there any active rp hub lol

  9. Why do we have so many human duchies and counties? Almost all are inactive...

  10. get rid of the resource island, unregion lots of the main world, and have a team in-charge of keeping things pretty. 

  11. get rid of the resource island, unregion lots of the main world, and have a team in-charge of keeping things pretty. 

  12. Fallout 4 comes out and half the server is lost forever.

  13. Hell, I was one of the orcs being raided and we all had a good time. Could a slap on the wrist suffice for the Dwarves, and if it happens again start issuing bans? Maybe make server announcements, plaster it on the main page that it's not allowed?

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