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Status Updates posted by Gangrel1230

  1. Does glitched weaponry include weightless armor that is glitched/duped? Seems pretty petty to complain about glitches when using glitches.

    1. Malgonious


      All glitched armour was taken from us prior by FinalHazard, the first person he TP'd to on your side had this weapon: http://i.imgur.com/05HHQ7M.png

      You're so ignorant it hurts.

    2. Gangrel1230


      I'm so ignorant? I was told that people were picking up weightless armor during the fight. But then again I'm Orenian I am inherently wrong because there is too much staff bias.

  2. When the orcs say they are going through the Snelves because its "in the way".... >_> excuse me? https://i.gyazo.com/62f47724a93247aabb01ec8ca9f1a42e.png

    1. Silent™


      You're using the map I made without referencing me!
      Bad Gangrel, bad!

  3. https://gyazo.com/46d1025a33067dfbe29c3a2e1630ed21

    When Cosmic is lowkey tryna do an event and you are tryna lowkey afk

  4. [*] [*] Candles for mah boys Guck and Axeman

  5. When you BR someone for killaura but in your evidence it shows a PM of you saying you won't tell. Cheeky we are.

    1. Gundabad1


      is this about my report? Haha

  6. Anyone that was in the Adunian skype chat, PM me your username if you want to get added to the new one that wasn't bombed by tapesauce and the like.

  7. If you live within Lorraine or Kaedrin please fill this out. And please read all the way through before filling it out in the event any of the other bits may apply to you.

  8. Still looking for builders, decorators and anyone interested in the town

  9. I wish people would hold doors for me ;)

  10. You are a really cool guy

  11. 5e01f8b3936446355d62fbfd606efcd8.png

    gucko the secret genderbender

  12. smirks savoyardly

  13. 01606cd1ad69a4ed224692cfa790b41e.png

    Put the sainthood in the bag.

  14. What's good peeps?

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