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Ethan the epic

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115 Brilliant

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    Mind your own faking business
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    World domination, video games, eating, sleeping, breathing, smelling, hearing,seeing etc etc

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    You'll learn in rp

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  1. I prefer rp fighting since roll fighting always stab me in the back and says something like 2 out of 20 loser go get a life

    1. Ethan the epic

      Ethan the epic

      Now that I think about it wouldn't it be cool for a roll plugin that Puts a higher number for certain attacks or dodges depending on your race for example a Orc would do loads of damage with /roll while a elf would be swiftly and great at dodging.And rolling is unrealistic imagine that you have corned a guy he has no weapon and no escape you then nail him down to the floor and you get your sword out and swing it at him, in most cases he would be dead after the swing but then your roll is 1 out of 20 it seems that your sword missed him a little.

    2. MetaSolaray


      Because Roll fighting will never be able to adjust itself fully to fit every situation with 100% accuracy. No method of fighting will 'always' be realistic or serve both sides fully for an enjoyable system. I'm a roleplayer as well, and I know that not everyone wants to sit down and do it. The best thing you can do is try to either A: Find people who share your style and rp with them or B: learn to accommodate.


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