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Posts posted by ibraheemc2000

  1. On 4/5/2023 at 11:38 PM, Enlightenment said:


    I think unwillingly's point is that there are some things that are unforgivable and that should absolutely not be on the server, ibraheem.


    On 4/6/2023 at 2:44 AM, LoTC's Next Top Model said:


    if you just said some edgy shit in the past that's fine, but if you were a down and out pedophile or serial sexual harrasser there's no statute of limitations and you still get banned, is more or less the point of this.


    On 4/6/2023 at 8:11 AM, Unwillingly said:

    my perspective is that calling someone the f or n-word in 2016 is way different than, for example, having a full blown conversation about how you want to bring physical or sexual harm to them in various ways


    I don't think either are acceptable behavior, but one is arguably more incriminating than the other. ofc this is very situational and depends on the "who and what," but not all dialogue should be treated the same


    tldr what @Enlightenmentsaid

    Thank you guys very much, this was extremely helpful <3

  2. 21 minutes ago, Unwillingly said:

    is this really the forum post to be making passive aggressive remarks about mods not enforcing benign pvp rules or whatever on


    also I support this. people shouldn't be witchhunted bc they dropped a slur or called someone a mean word once 6 years ago but there are genuinely behaviors that cannot be excused under "but it happened x years ago" and I hope this is something that admins will really see through to in the future

    Helloo, sorry I'm not keeping track with lotc stuff as of Ramadan rn. But I do have a question, as your last remark confused me, as don't they counter one another. Not witch hunting people for past long ago mistakes, but also doing it because that mistake is still bad.


    Are we witch hunting or no??


    I'm not like countering or supporting either or, I am just hoping for a clarification.


    Anyone mind giving me a nice little short explanation of what's going on and what's the new rules that would be great <3

  3. 2 minutes ago, Aesopian said:

    *jaw drops to floor, eyes pop out of sockets accompanied by trumpets, heart beats out of chest, awooga awooga sound effect, pulls chain on train whistle that has appeared next to head as steam blows out, slams fists on table, rattling any plates, bowls or silverware, whistles loudly, fireworks shoot from top of head, pants loudly as tongue hangs out of mouth, wipes comically large bead of sweat from forehead, clears throat, straightens tie, combs hair*


    Ahem, this Ramadan looks very lovely.

    I love you, and miss you habib


  4. 23 hours ago, Kumoko600 said:

    [!] A Letter is pinned to notice boards around Almaris




    Issued and confirmed by the Halerir of the Principality of Nor’asath,

    in the year of 117 SA


    To whomever may be concerned, the Silan’Siol of Nor’asath offer a bounty  of five-hundred minas to any able bodied warrior willing to aid us in the apprehension of a Mali’ker fugitive who has fled from the walls of Nor’asath to escape prosecution for his crimes. His name is Gotrin Eilsviir and he stands accused of the following.  I)Attempting to incite a war between the Mali’ker of Nor’asath and the Orcs of The Iron Horde, one that needlessly endangered diplomatic relations between Nor’asath and Celian’or. II) Engaging in Sacrilegious rhetoric against the spirits. III) Engaging in conduct unbecoming of  a Member of the Silan’Siol, undermining relations between the Orcs and Mali’ker.

    The terms of this bounty are as follows.

    I] Gotrin Eilsviir must be captured and brought back to Nor’asath, alive. 


    II] Gotrin Eilsviir must be returned to Nor’asath sound of mind, and coherent in speech.


    III] The bounty shall not be paid if Gotrin Eilsviir perishes due to any injuries sustained in his apprehension.

    IV] Vindicator Acria may be consulted for payments. Up to 500, depending on success of the conditions listed above.





    Primarch of Nor’Asath Netseth Loa’chil, Archon of Stygian Hollow, Prince of the Mali’ker, and Clan Lord of Loa’Chil


    Halerir Acria Jusmia, Of Clan Jusmia, Vindicator of the Silan’siol, Maehrnite of the Maehr Clergy



    Matriarch of Clan R’ikarth, Anerian Thulun, Sableguard of the Silan’Siol, Former personal guard of Prince Zirath

    A man sits reading the document, one of Bolivar descent "the ****? only 500, And they cant even come back with a scratch? What are they expecting, us to ask them nicely 'mind coming with me to be arrested in a nation wanting you for treason? No? okay have a great one!' What fools. No injuries' good luck getting him and getting paid."

  5. ♩♫♩

    Al-Saqr Allah
    The Falcon’s of Allah


    [!] A depiction of the Al-Saqr Allah on March back to the Emirate from serving in a foreign war.



    The Al-Saqr Allah is the Army of the Emirate of the Mountain Oasis, made up of Volunteers and Conscripts of the Emirate, it holds a deep history and links to its nations predecessors. A religious army by most definition, though with the allowance of non-believers to partake and join it, the army holds quite a variety of Ranks, Jobs, and Opportunities one could ask for, where slaves could rise to honorable positions, and nobles humbled to the average foot soldier. Formed when the great sandstorm sent by Allah took the Fakhr Oasis, the wandering refugees found their home upon the Mountain Oasis, settling it and forming their military to defend themselves from the constant growth of enemies and undead roaming the sands. Having sent even an exploratory regiment to go partake in several Jihads and Wars around the world From the War against the Undead, to the Balian-Aaun war, To the War of the Foreigners, to gain experience, and now a fearsome reputation of highly disciplined and dedicated warriors, ready to lay down their lives for Allah and Emirate.


    The benefits of joining the Al-Saqr Allah has a great variety, such as payment for honorable deeds, Gaining high prominent status within the Emirate, 50% tax reduction, and Acquiring reputation and respect and much more.


    The Emir of the Emirate holds the right to conscript anyone of the emirate into his army, be it for punishment, or in times of need for the country such as invasion or war, often viewed by the Emirate’s people as a honorable task to serve the greater Emirate.


    Conscription of the Falcon

    Conscription of the Falcon, though uncommon within the Emirate, is the conscription of the youth by The Janissary Captain, selecting Slaves or children of the Emirate. It is one of the only ways to join the Fursaan Al-Saqr, otherwise known as the Knights of The Falcon, or the Janissary Corp. Though the life of these conscripts to enter such a prestigious corp holds a high mortality rate due to it’s in depth system to create ‘the perfect soldier’. Though with such conscription comes a high level of respect due in the Emirate, for once passing and being brought to the rank of Janissary, it is an Achievement like no other, and certainly demands the respect for difficulty to achieve such.


    High Command



    The Qa’id is appointed by the Emir to be the General of the Military. He oversees the Military and makes sure it's in check. He will also lead troops into battle in the Emir's name. He speaks with the Emir's authority and can only be overruled by the Emir himself.


    Fursaan Al-Saqr


    -Janissary Captain [Captain Of the Emir’s Elite Guards]


    The Janissary Captain Is the head officer In the Janissary Guard, He is selected by the Emir himself, chosen for his amazing prowess in combat and leadership. They make sure the Janissaries are kept in order and well taken care of. These men are officers and take orders directly from the Qa’id and Emir. They have full authority to command and order all ranks that are Janissary and under. These men are tasked to recruit and are drillmasters. Only the Emir himself can promote people to this rank. They can order the Janissaries and all ranks and are the highest rank one can get under the rank of Qa’id, though it's not uncommon for a Janissary Captain to also be the Qa’id.


    -Janissary [Emir’s Elite Guards]


    The Janissary are the elite guard of the Emir and all of the Emirate. They serve not only as the personal guard of the Emir and the royal family but also may conduct regular city patrols as well as lead the vanguard in times of war. Becoming a Janissary requires years of training and studying. Those who hold the true virtues of an honorable and pious warrior are made into a Janissary. Janissaries are usually conscripted at their youth to allow them to train early on, expected to fulfill the requirements right as they reach adulthood, but it's not out of the ordinary if an Al-Saqr Allah is given the opportunity to become a Janissary. These men have the authority to command others under their ranking. Only the Emir or The Janissary Captain can promote people to this rank.



    Common ranks


    -Senior Raqib [Sergeant]

    -Junior Raqib [Sergeant]

    -Raqib [Sergeant]


    The Raqib directly commands the Areef and all below it, so by extension it holds command over the Jundi. Known for their battle prowess and skills in leadership and combat. 


    -Senior Areef [Corporal]

    -Junior Areef [Corporal]

    -Areef [Corporal]


    The Areef is the first rank with authority. Holding command over the Jundi, they are known for their discipline and eagerness for orders.


    -Senior Jundi [Private]

    -Junior Jundi [Private]

    -Jundi [Private]


    The Jundi are the most devoted and steadfast common of the main force. The men are experienced through fighting battles and are well-disciplined.


    -Senior Muharib [Oathed]

    -Junior Muharib [Oathed]

    -Muharib [Oathed]


    The Muharib is the lowest military rank, with no actual authority except for the claim of being better than the untrained recruits. Once one becomes a Muharib, they are considered accepted into the military ranks and the soldier is then able to reach higher ranks.


    -Alwafid [Un-Oathed/Enlist]


    The Alwafid are the new un-oathed recruits of the Al-Saqr Allah and are required to be oathed by the set oathing standards. If the Alwafid is not oathed, they may not receive any additional ranking. Alwafid who are looking to work around the foreign tax must wait to be oathed.



    Each soldier that wishes to see progression is required to take on a sub ranking, to learn new skills in order to help himself, his comrades, and his people. Though their main rank is what is important, and this is just a duty that a rank may have.



    The Muhandis specializes in the use of military siege weaponry, such as battering rams, catapults, trebuchets, ballistae, and defenses such as trenches, walls and so forth. They are very important and almost always needed. This is the most common Sub-Rank, and almost always assigned.



    The Jarraah is the lifeline of the military. They make sure the injured and wounded do not die with the use of advanced medical knowledge and are vital to the military



    The Mwahtemed is a title given to those who show the capability of doing such jobs as making sure the other soldiers are equipped enough to do their tasks. Specializing in the organization of arms, ranging from weaponry to armor, the task of the Mwahtemed is to assure that their fellow soldiers are equipped. This sub-rank is given to those who are officers, or high ranking within the Al-Saqr Allah


    Heroes and Notable Soldiers of Old



    Ibraheem Aladeen

    Ibraheem Aladeen was born as a slave to the House of Kharadeen during the Sultanate of Haria. With the Fall of Haria to Santegia, Ibraheem followed Auda Kharadeen throughout his life. Ibraheem Aladeen helped his Kharadeen friend form the Kadarsi Tribe, a home for all those who were mistreated by the De Savin reign. Ibraheem was tasked with the defense of the people and began forming a makeshift guard with the few young people in the camp. He found great success and military knowledge with the Camps time in Haense. Later when Auda Kharadeen was made Sultan, Ibraheem Aladeen took on bigger roles, dealing with many political positions and even some seeing him as the true leader of the Farfolk people. Ibraheem Aladeen held three different positions under Abdullah Kharadeen, starting as Janissary Captain, then to Amir, and Lastly Grand Wazir. Ibraheem Aladeen also helped Finalize the Qali Bomba, which was used to greatly weaken the September Prince, which made it much easier for the Dominion of Malinor to finish him off. In his later life he retired in the Grand fort of Al-Osmani and saw very little combat until his death.


    Menev Eredil

    Menev Eredil joined the Kadarsi Tribe as a skeptic outsider. An atheistic Audinian who learned most of his combat knowledge from the military in Belvitz. He however loyally joined the Farfolk people as a Guard and defended it with his life. Menev Eredil saw some acknowledgement under Auda Kharadeens Reign serving in the memorable moment having been fighting in the Ghanyan War at this time within the Janissary Corp after being granted the title of Janissary from Auda himself. However the Crown Prince, Abdullah Kharadeen saw great potential in Menev. He worked very closely with him and became good friends. They went off on missions together and made a name for being risk takers. Menev would end up becoming Abdullah's Personal guard, being one of the most proficient fighters in the realm. Menev would become Amir under Abdullah, Menev led many successful campaigns in the Name of the Sultan and was shown great rewards for it. Menev disappeared with Caliph Abdullah and reappeared with the crowning of Caliph Murad Kharadeen. Menev at his old age still showed his youthful fire in his eyes. He took the position of Grand Wazir and worked heavily in the Caliphate to bring her back to a glorious state at her failing status. He died peacefully in the Capital of Cresonia before its disbandment.



    Amias Carter
    Amias Carter was one of the first to join the Al-Mahdi and his unification of the farfolks. At first a wandering traveler found a greater purpose: Fighting in the Farfolk oppression and fighting for the Al-Mahdi of the faith, The southeron made great deeds on the field of battle and on the field of science, becoming a good friend to the Caliph. Amias was brought into the Janissary corps for his undying loyalty and great skill, which proved useful when the Ghanyans invaded the Kadarsi Sultanate, managing to kill three generals of the Ghanyans himself, and partook in the Battle of M’Baku. Fighting in every war with the Al-Mahdi, the man was granted the title of Grand Safeer going around the realm as the Caliphate’s Head of diplomacy until his retirement, residing in a Shawarma shop, until his death surrounded by loved ones near the end of Atlas.


    Medals and Honors


    Medal of Qali Bomba

    The Qali Bomba was invented by Caliph Abdullah Kharadeen and his closest engineers, together they were able to design a powerful weapon that very few understood what it was. Those who are granted the Medal of Qali Bomba have shown great creativity and engineering. 


    Medal of Faiz

    Faiz Kharadeen, the first Caliph of Khalestine is considered one of the greatest farfolks fighters of his time. Those given this medal show to be an excellent fighter and can fight battles most others cannot. 


    Medal of M’Baku

    The Ghanyan Invasion saw hostilities of the Ghanyan people towards the Sultanate of Kadarsi, Al-Mahdi Auda Kharadeen was able to defend his people and defeat the Ghanyan people all the way back to their capital and conquer it. Those who are granted this Medal have risked their life to defend the Emirate. 


    Medal of Akangi

    A great darkness had threatened the Sultanate of Old, it threatened the whole desert and claimed much land. The great Mubarizan put all they had into it and saw very little success. However, against all odds, they won the final battle and saw the end of the treacherous evil. This Medal is given to those who against all odds, win a battle for the Emirate. 



    My duty as a warrior of The Falcons of Allah now begins.

    I am the shield of Allah,

    Protecting His Word, His Land, His People.

    I am the sword of Allah,

    Striking down His enemies.

    I am the guardian of His Word,

    Spreading His Will and His Light.

    My bond is eternal.


    My duty as a comrade of The Falcons of Allah now begins.

    I am my brother’s shield,

    I shall defend him when he cannot himself.

    I am my brother’s sword,

    I shall strike for him when he cannot himself.

    I am the guardian of his honor,

    For we stand as one.

    I will fight alongside my brother.

    I will die alongside my brother.

    My bond is eternal.


    Signed by:
    Emir Lujain Al-Jabir of the Mountain Oasis
    Sheikh Amaar Al-Habib of the Mountain Oasis
    Qa’id & Janissary Captain Zubayr Bin Adel Al-Habib

    Written by: Ibraheemc2000


  6. 1 hour ago, sashimichopped said:



    Budaya ditemukan melalui pengabdian kepada leluhur anda dan melanjutkan warisannya melalui cara Anda menjalani hidup anda sendiri” - Akhyar Bintang










    The Bintang are a culture of people who are deemed as nomads who had been made through the combination of both Qalasheen and Li-Ren cultures. The Bintang are people who have adopted the faith of Cahayanism, and worship a God named Cahaya. Through a Dukun (Shaman), they are able to communicate with their forebears and those who are in direct connection with Cahaya. Though, there is a minority of Bintang who follow the religion of Iman Rashidun and use Dukun as an extension to connect with their ancestors, often stirring up some controversy with their fellow tribesmen regarding their beliefs. Currently, the culture is being led by the same family that founded the culture; led by a man named: Fadhlan Bintang.

    The cultural system of the Bintang is as following


    1. Pemimpin Suku (Tribe Leader)

    2. Ketua (Elder)

    3. Dukun, Kependetaan (Shaman and Clergy)

    4. Pengikut (The Followers)


    The Pemimpin Suku is tasked with encompassing his tribesmen across the human realm and to secure their people so they might prosper and live according to their faith


    The Ketua are those who council the Pemimpin Suku in his decisions and are a council selected by the Tribe Leader


    Dukun and Kependetaan are the people tasked with guiding those of their own faiths; where one his Cahayanist or a Rashidunist; they are all equally treated in their faith and can determine by themselves what faith to follow as both are equally as important to every Bintang or its sub-groups.




    The main religion, Cahayanism, is a religion founded by Nabi Akhyar dari Bintang, who was born in a group of nomads in a tent  who once saw a dream of the God worshiped in Cahayanism called Cahaya. The story begins where Cahaya took Akhyar into heaven and Cahaya took one of the Roh’s (Evil Spirits) to him and said Anda hidup di alam semesta yang sama dengan saya, Dia yang telah menciptakan Anda. Adalah kemampuan saya untuk memaafkan dan melupakan, dan karena itu Anda akan bergabung dengan saya sekali lagi. He took those souls which were deemed as evil and gave them a chance to redemption to protect humanity and those who follow him. Inevitably turning them into “Aenguls” as Canonist doctrine would describe them. There are however a thousand Roh’s and a million Malaikat (Angels) who fight against each other every sixth hour of the day, after which both are going back to their tasks set by Cahaya.



    Nabi Akhyar and the Roh who was shown to him by Cahaya, Akhyar placing his hand on the shoulder of it as it begged for forgiveness.


    After some time in the said dream, Nabi Akhyar heard chanting from the skies - above him within his tent. The chant went as Mendengar! Mendengar! Mendengar! Cahaya telah memberkati Anda untuk mengajar!was the message that Akhyar received and thus began to educate those around him by telling them the dream that he has seen that Cahaya is capable of forgiveness of sin and will welcome everyone into the Realm of Light where He himself resides. 


    It was that same day that he again saw a vision, where he saw the Cahaya fighting against the Exalted of the Church of the Canon, according to Nabi Akhyar a sign of a soon to be conflict between the different beliefs as he also saw the different other Gods of other religions in Almaris fight against each other where the different faiths are to clash against one another whereas Cahaya selects his most zealous worshippers to fight them all on his behalf. 


    The Message that Cahaya will give to his zealots goes as following:

    Kalian, para fanatik, adalah perpanjangan pedangku di alam manusia. Tunjukkan kepada mereka, bahwa meskipun kami telah memberi mereka kesempatan untuk bertobat; kami juga dapat menunjukkan hukuman apa yang diterapkan pada mereka jika tidak.


    When that message is heard, the world will become a dark place for all of those who continue to worship their false Gods; where faith will battle faith and where one must prove themselves in their life for their own good deeds so there is still a chance on redemption for their own souls; and to rescue them from the fires that will await them in the Neraka (Underworld). With such a mission, Akhyar was tasked to create followers of Cahaya; who eventually took his lastname Bintang. And so the House of Bintang was established, of which descendants live today; who now lead the group of remaining Bintang and that of its sub-groups such as the; Bintang-Cahaya, Bintang-Joyo and Bintang-Jiwaya.


    In order to prevent the punishment of Cahaya; a worshiper is required to bow down onto the ground before a statue or painting of Cahaya and recite the following words


    Cahaya, Dewa yang hidup dan orang-orang di sekitar Anda di alam abadi, awasi kami saat kami menjalani hidup sesuai dengan kata-kata Anda. Jadilah Itu.


    As far as the preaching of Cahaya is concerned, there are two ways of doing so. One, is to create masks of each individual mentioned in Kitab Cahaya and use them to portray the story in a dance. The dance is getting the people into a trance-like behavior and telling the story through the said dance. The second way of doing it is through simple preaching, use your own words and examples to preach the Kitab Cahaya; use an approach understood by both parties by communicating in their own language. 


    The overall faith in Cahaya can be seen as guidance to lead a good and peaceful life, or it can be seen as a faith that exists to connect with the spirits of the dead forebears of the Bintang for wisdom and knowledge. Worship to Cahaya can be done anywhere within the nature, as nature is seen as the direct connection to Cahaya and is his creation. Whereas official worship takes place in presence of Ketua and Dukun.




    Bintang fashion varies depending on what religion one follows, if one follows Cahayanism; they wear tribal clothing much connected to their own culture and forebears. They also wear masks often resembling a creature from Bintang folklore. If they follow Iman Rashidun, men wear turbans and a Qamis which resemble their connection to the origin of the Iman Rashidun faith in the Qalashi culture, females of who follow the Iman Rashidun faith cover their hair, legs and arms.



    Cahayanist Fashion depicted in their cultural dance 



    Bintang Rashidunists depicted whilst sharing drinks.



    The Bintang use the Berkata language, a language that has evolved through Li-Ren Sub-Culture language elements and that of various Qalasheen sub-cultures. A language that is written in the common script and does not have any difficult symbols to write. 




    Selam - Peace, Hello

    Apa kabar - How are you?

    Saya senang sekali dapat bertumu - I am very happy to meet you

    Terimah kasih - Thank you


    Ya - Yes

    Tidak - No

    Mungkin - Maybe



    Cuilah - Lord

    Nona - Lady

    Pak - Sir


    Ayah - Father

    Ibu - Mother

    Nenek - Grandmother

    Kakek - Grandfather

    Mas - Brother

    Mbak - Sister



    Satu - One

    Dua - Two

    Tiga - Three 

    Empat - Four

    Lima - Five

    Enam - Six

    Tujuh - Seven

    Delapan - Eight

    Sembilan - Nine

    Sepuluh - Ten




    Bintang names can vary upon the religion that one of the cultures follows, one can be traditionally Cahayanist and one can find its origin in Rashidunism which involves the use of Qalashi names.


    Cahayanist Names:


    Cahayanist Male Names:

    Adika, Aditya, Agun, Bagaskoro, Bakti, Berkah, Chahay, Fadhlan, Joyo, Vikal, Soleh, Pratam, Wijaya, Keris, Akhyar


    Cahayanist Female Names:

    Amisha, Anind, Bethari, Bulan, Citra, Dewi, Kemala, Kemuning, Sarwendah, Pushpitah, Ningsih, Lestari, Guritno


    Rashidunist Names:


    Rashidunist Male Names:

    Abas, Adit, Aditya, Adya, Akhmad, Faisal, Fausi, Mahmud, Omar, Asraf, Haafidheen, Haajeeth, Haalik, Maalik


    Rashidunist Female Names:

    Saluhah, Fajar, Annisa, Farah, Amisha, Bulan, Nur, Aabha, Aabida, Aabis, Sischan, Aadina, Aafi

    ((Very nice, I love you mentioned Rashidun 

  7. Captain Zubayr of the 33rd Farfolk Volunteer rode silently in the sands with his men, A few tears fell down his cheeks as he not dare show his men, In truth, the conflict between family hurt him so, deep down. He knows true, he knows truth, and He knowns Duty, he must resolve the issue between his old friends and allies, but now between his comrades. Soon, He shall try to speak with the king of Balian, perhaps this can be resolved quickly. Though as for the song, No order was made to silence it, as he to, also remembered when the ferrymen sent wheat and Lentils, that fed him as a poor boy. had it not been for them, he would have died of starvation.

    "Oh Allah, what struggles of Jihad have you brought before us, Where brother, must fight brother, upon the fields that saved them when they were but childern. Bring us strength, to do what is right, and to remain firm in our duties.."

  8. The Volunteer Farfolk Regiment


    [The Proud Regimental Flag of the New Regiment]

    With Balian going to war, many of the Qalasheen across the desert and from the Sheikhdom watched and readied themselves. Balian, A friend and Allie to them had been violated in their treaty, many before rose to their call for aid in the Jihad against the undead, though recently with the enemy breaking their word, something sacred to the Qalasheen, many began to heed the call to arms. A Volunteer Farfolk Regiment had been formed under the Auxiliaries of Balian, they mustered and quickly, often bringing their own gear and horses, both brave and scared, young and old, Men and Women.


    They can be seen in Balian carrying their proud Regimental colors, and beginning to drill to prepare themselves for the future bloody campaign into the north, riding around, Firing Saqr Al-Nahash crossbows, and marching quickly in and out of formation and when not drilling, proud Qalasheen music thunders and Dabke and banner waving, indeed a Qalasheen Warparty had arrive. This Regiment though Balian was a Cannonist Nation, was made of Mumineen, Mujahideen, Future Shaheeds, All Swearing a simple oath
    “For the Sake of Allah, Martyrdom or Victory, Through our Blood, Through Jihad! From the Dunes and Far away!”
    The Farfolk have rallied, to liberate, to glory, and to death, only fate will know of their future.


    Rankings in order are noted:

    The Captain is in charge of giving orders to the Regiment and heads the regiment as its leader. He is responsible for leading it into battle and to ensure its orders are fulfilled to the letter or die trying in the process.

    The Sergeant is in charge of carrying out the orders of the Captain, keeping the men in order, drilling the men, and battle ready, in short a second in command to ensure the unit keeps moving, and hits hard and strong.

    Flag Bearer 

    The Flag Bearer is one of the most important figures and most dangerous, they carry the Regimental Colors into battle, and keep it high, this helps the regiment know where they are to rally and to fight in the case of a thick heated battle, they keep the morale high, and proud!

    The Ranker is the Backbone of the regiment, they hold fast, they are brave volunteers who came to fight to fight and defend their allies in the hour of war. Skilled and drilled, these men are ready for the heat of battle!
    Fresh off the camel, these men are boys to be made into soldiers, and will soon be ready to honor their regiment, their race, and peoples in the foreign wars of Balian.

    Riders rider all over the dunes, meeting all with the simple saying, a calling card of sorts.

    The 33rd Farfolk Regiment is Formed!


    Pm me in discord if you need to get ahold of me to come online to rp with you, though bird works to Zubayr
    My discord: ibraheemcninja#8537
    My IG: ibraheemc2000
    My Character: Zubayr Bin Maria Habib

    OOC NOTE: To anyone's concern, I love you all, hope to bring more rp and fun around, if I fight you, Know I love ya oocly, Im just going with roleplay!


  9. An Answer on the Dune



    Overlooking the sea he slowly tightened his grip of his spear, the words lingered in the air as dancing embers of the sparks from a stallion’s hooves against desert stone. He took the reins as he led it down the mountain’s steep slope, making his way down near the area of Qahwa, and salted cucumbers where a man reclined carving from a piece of wood. Leaving his horse, and approached forward he spoke.

    “Sayyid, have I ever asked you for anything?” he said calmly, his spear’s tip to the sky as he watched the man closely, intensively and readly.

    “None that I can think of, la.” the man stated as he continued to his carving of the dead piece of wood. His questioning went back and forth until irritating the man who sat and carved “What of the northerners and their wars?”

    “Allow me to take part in their Jihad against the undead sayyid, so I may please Allah, and Honor the Bani Habib with my actions!” the boy spoke out, it had only been a week since he turned fourteen, but the merchant’s words soared in his ears of the war.
    “Who will do your duties if you were to go hm?” the man asked, his attention now fully on Zubayr.


    “You have sons, Amaar, Habib, Arslan, and your daughters and nieces, Me leaving will not cause any want or miss, sayyid. Send me as it will please Allah with me, and you for sending me in your place, as you are too important to fall in battle, and if I do, than it causes no issue.” Zubayr stated, his chest wide as he straightened his neck, the Slave boy’s leather bracers over his white thobe show clear the boy’s status yet determination. Little did he know his true heritage than his lowly status

    “You may go..but only if you promise me this.” the man stated, his tone hushed as a few moments passed by as the boy nodded and listened to his master’s request.


    “I promise.”  the boy said as he made his way to the entrance of the common majlis before clicking his tongue, his horse’s hooves thudded the sandy dirt work nearer, exposing it’s flanks which was already prepared for travel, showing the boy's intention was to go, even without his Sheikh’s permission.
    Zubayr's journey was long with the trials of the shifting sands of the deep desert, following along the long hidden oasis of the bedawi before him, he rode like a storm as gusts of sand flew behind him, and walked under the starry nights. The boy’s determination was more great than his horse, as it stumbled in exhaustion, forcing the young man to a stop, setting up camp as he leaned against his horse’s side, he patted it’s side as a father to a son’s head

    “Together we will achieve glory unlike the stars of the skie could ever hope for, my friend.. Our spear will reach the skies, and it shall radiat more than the brightest of stars, when we unsheath ourselves, blood spills, and cubs are fed.” he stated slowly resting his eyes only to be awoken  by a screech near the top of the dune, he made his way, stumbling in the sand, he knew of the creature before spotting him, soaring toward the boy’s arm making him topple down the dunes from surprise, flapping in it’s majesty was a white Qalasheen falcon “Farooq! How did you find me? Who let you out?” the boy started happily seeing his old friend, before stopped by lights shining in the distance…

    The Kingdom of Balian. He had arrived to help in the war against the undead..



    Small rp post for those in the Sheikhdom and Balian, as those in the Sheikhdom will now know their Slave has went off to Jihad to support their Ally! Sorry Aqua for leaving you to relie on Habib and Amaar on food and obedience XD enjoy the chaos



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