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Posts posted by SoulReapingWolf

  1. 2 hours ago, Islamadon said:

    I'm not against it, It's just that everyone I spoke with said Three. Three feels right to me, IMO, given that I think it should be a main magic that isn't so easily stacked. If more people insist on having it be 2 slots I don't mind, it's a hill I don't care to die on...

    From what I remember of the Loregames and the [Redacted] era 1 slot was roughly 10 spells or something like that, but I don't know if that is just an outdated thing.

  2. Who is your best friend and give me 3 reasons to why it's me?

    When did you realize you had to take a step back from dwarves for real?

    After your time on ST what are your thoughts on the server's direction ST wise?

    Do you want to marry me?

  3. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Ordar Irongrinder


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             Magic Dwarf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Voidal Translocation


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:

    Voidal translocation is the art of deconstructing and rebuilding matter and sometimes life itself to transport it through the void. This can be achieved by creating mana anchors, a useful tool that allows voidal mages to bend ‘space’ in order to move objects and sometimes even people between places.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?

    Translocation consists of two subsections: expatriation and shifting.



    The art of mastering the placement of mana anchors in objects in order to deconstruct them, store them in the void or transport them through it to change their position.



    The art of shifting is similar to that of expatriation however instead of being focused on the storing of things within the void it mostly uses the void as a means of transportation of one’s self.



    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    [T5 Half-Expatriation]

    [Context] Ordar a T5 translocationist would find himself relaxing and reading a book on his study. His partner Bianca worked a few paces away on a new wand.


    [Bianca] “Ordar, could you bring me one of the quietus crystal cores?”

    [!][1st Emote: Connecting] Ordar puts the book down on his desk, looking around the study for the quietus crystal wand core box. Taking a deep breath, closing his eyes and connecting to the void. Once he had opened his eyes a faint purple glow would be coming from them. 

    [!][2nd Emote: Creating First Anchor] The mage extends his hand towards the quietus crystal box, a purple rift appearing on the bottom of the box.

    [!][3rd Emote: Creating Second Anchor] Ordar now extends his hand towards the workstation Bianca was working on, a small purple rift appearing a few feet above its surface.

    [!][4th Emote: The item passes through the rifts] And just like that the contents once found on the box would fall one by one on the workstation surface. “There you go” the mage would say with a chuckle.

    [!][5th emote: Exhaustion] A singular drop of sweat rolls down the dwarf’s brow as he picks back up his book, focusing on his research once more.



    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    [Minor Teleportation Student is T1]

    [Context] Ordar stands nervously before Archmage Kalgrimmor, wearing a uniform that identifies him as one of the Mages Guild professors.  A young Irongut standing a few paces from them wearing a novice’s uniform, sweating like a pig.


    [Ordar] You shall start by connecting to the void descendant of Dwain. Let me know once you are ready.


    [!][1st Emote: Connection] The irongut takes a couple of deep breaths, closing his eyes and connecting to the void. His breathing turned a bit erratic for a couple of seconds, opening his eyes and revealing that there is a faint cyan glow to them. “Ready” he’d say nodding to his master.


    [Ordar] Good, you’ve improved. Now focus on that spot, I know it’s not that far away but we’ll start slowly.


    [!][2nd Emote: Focusing & Placing Anchor] The irongut’s gaze shifts towards the position Ordar was pointing at. Focusing on it and sending his mana there. A small cyan wisp slowly beginning to form there, vibrating a few feet above the floor as an anchor.


    [Ordar] Good, now all you have to do is shift. Command your mana, order it to take you to  the place where you placed your anchor.


    [!][3rd Emote: Shifting] The young Irongut nods, focusing on the anchor once more, commanding his mana to transport him there. And after a few seconds the Irongut’s body would burst into hundreds of cyan wisps, his body reappearing where the anchor was only seconds before. “Woah…” the young Irongut would say as he felt dizzy all of a sudden.


    [Ordar] Excellent! You managed to do it without losing any limbs too!


    [!][4th Emote: Exhaustion] A few drops of blood would begin to pour from the Irongut’s nose, the young dwarf losing his balance and going to put his weight against one of the desks nearby.


    [Ordar] You’ll get better at that, for now go rest. I have things to discuss with the Archmage.



    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    It depends on the situation

    If the powergaming takes place during one of the lessons I’ll try and point it out right then make sure they understand what’s wrong with the way they are RPing, the limitations of the particular spell they are learning, and maybe offer an example of how it works properly. I’ll make sure to make any criticism constructive and make sure OOCly they understand why what they were doing was powergaming.


    If the powergaming takes place after they are no longer my students I’d reach out OOCly, try and understand how the powergaming happened, I’d give them a talk about how powergaming is not something good and how there are several implications to how their actions are not positive. For example; powergaming makes it so the Roleplay is not enjoyable for other players, it reflects badly on the voidal mage community as a whole and not only on me as his teacher and him as a poor magic RPer, it also makes it so the Story team might need to take a look at the magic they are RPing, possibly nerf the magic to avoid people powergaming the magic like they just did. 



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  4. 25 minutes ago, BuffBadger said:

    Thromdrick Irongut has another headache... why do they have to be so frequent these days...

    Magni waddles by his cousin's side as they walk through the northern roads on their journey back from the Kingdom of Norland. "Ye do know t'ey be roig't, roig't? Ef et weren't fer Bakir's hissyfit ye'd be back home workin on important s'oite, but 'ere ye are fixing t'eir mess. AGAIN. Honestleh, surproised t'e Ire'earts didn't punis' Bakir fer nae bein able to punch an elf..." He'd say as he ate some of his free norlandic soup.

  5. 9 minutes ago, Hearth said:

    Would be real nice to be able to craft or buy goat horns. Other than that my only issue is natural fish spawns being scuffed due to the Y axis spawn range not being adjusted for this map's sea level.

    Not a thing on 1.19.2 sadly. 

  6. The hand of an old friend would rest in Odin's shoulder as he departed the castle. A faint whisper in his ear saying. "I've watched over you since you first became King... you've helped your Kingdom grow, you've spent sleepless nights worrying about it's fate, you've shed blood, tears and sweat. You deserve your rest, I'm proud of what you accomplished here." Much like the figure had come from nothing it vanished into the wind.



    Glad to have been there every weekend for some months. I admire how much work and dedication you put this past year into Norland. You are epic bud. Norland is where it is today in great part thanks to you. 👊


  7. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:

             An Aengudaemon


    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  8. igtfrfHp6WkzbZ8iNn8193ZvcdsQn49j0H-ZyTPbXbIU3WlgDnPauvGO4voN0fYI_r3uFX2tvIT-TBMAeImEjVgcEtuxRnkvvplIv_8TsoR9IEkgd3_8zIv57nW-yGDs5cG7P9PdcJDhE3QmDN_nsg8

    In the ancient and paradisiacal continent of Khalenwyr, nestled amidst sprawling deserts and lush jungles, there stood a small village inhabited by the proud and noble Kharajyr. Among them was Syn, a young Kha'Tigrasi. Syn and his family lived happily, his father taught him how to fish while his mother tried to educate him on the basic chores he'd have to master in order to become a productive member of the village.


    However none of that would ever come to pass, Syn's village was raided by a ruthless band of slavers the year he had turned 7 years old. Poachers and pirates looking to make a quick profit by capturing young kha, turning them into slaves, and skinning any adults found in the village. Chaos erupted as the slavers descended upon the peaceful settlement, their malicious intent palpable in the air. Syn, only a child at the time, watched in horror as his father was skinned alive and later killed for trying to protect his family and people. With tears streaming down his face, Syn's world shattered as his father's life was mercilessly snuffed out before his eyes. Their rampage continued showing no mercy, spreading destruction and despair. Syn's heart pounded in his chest as he saw his mother, the only thing he had left, fall victim to the slavers' brutality.



    In an act of sadistic cruelty, the slavers blinded Syn, forever robbing him of his sight. With his world plunged into darkness, the images of his parent’s deaths and the raid on his village burnt into his mind. For years the young Kha'Tigrasi was bound in chains and forced into a life of slavery. Transported across treacherous seas, Syn eventually found himself in the distant lands of Almaris, far from the lush homeland he once knew. Bound by his shackles and haunted by the memories of his village's destruction, he lost any hope of ever being something other than a damned slave. With each passing day, his despair, his hopelessness, his sadness, grew. Nourished by the bad treatment from his captors amidst the darkness that enveloped his existence.


    But fate had other plans for the young Kharajyr, for the poaching of his captors had managed to capture someone’s attention. One fateful night, as the slavers reveled in their debauchery, their celebration was cut short by a party of warrior druids from the Vale of Nevaehlen. With sheer determination and an unwavering spirit, they fought until no poacher was left standing, freeing all the animals they had captured, as well as Syn. Though weakened and starving, he managed to find refuge in the shadows of the foreign land.


    Blind and disoriented, Syn ventured through unknown territories, his senses heightened as he relied on his other faculties to navigate the harsh world. Each step he took was accompanied by uncertainty and the constant threat of danger, his will to survive diminishing with every passing day. As Syn searched for a new home, he came to realize that kind souls were nothing more than a legend, a fairy tale, no one would offer him shelter or sustenance no matter how much he begged. His nightmares, the hatred and darkness of the world around him fueling his desire led a young kha’tigrasi to become desperate to forge a new path.


    Lost and forgotten, Syn begged for the favor of the Aengudaemons, wishing for their mercy, for them to grant him the tools to seek retribution against those who had wrought devastation upon his people. And then in his darkest moment the flames that had haunted his dreams took another shape, his long gone sight would never come back, but something else had manifested itself in his desperation…

  9. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Ordar Irongrinder


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Earth Evocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Edvard Kervallen


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


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