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Rip and Tear

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    Deadlands of Russia
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  1. Hey Tythus LTD, when are you gonna unban the Russian IPs?

    I've been on lotc since 2014,  but I can't open the forums for more than two years now. Same goes for other russian players I know.
    I understand there was some issue with forum spammers having russian IPs, but why tf you do this to me.
    The only way to use the forums is through hooking up a random VPN app that doesn't work well.

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    2. budaq


      how come i can access the forums then 

    3. Evonpire


      is it the webhost or tythus ltd though

    4. Crevel


      It seems likely that Cloudflare has banned Russian IPs to prevent cyberattacks which directly affects the forums since they are connected to Cloudflare. I'm not sure how it works, but it might be possible for them to get the website exempt from the IP ban if they reach out somewhere.

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