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Posts posted by OzYmandi

  1. Minecraft Username(s): Braz_


    Age: 20. Turning 21 in 03/31/2018


    Time Zone: UCT +2


    Discord: Italic Lenny#9205


    Have you been previously banned (be it a forum or server ban) and under what circumstances did you receive this ban?: Ehm. OOC Targetting on LeoWarrior. 3 month with 1 prior to appeal.


    Have you ever received warning points and what did you do to receive those points?: Do I need to list? And honestly, getting them gave me a better understanding of the rules. If I do neet to list them:
    Dec. 29, 2016 by Nekkore, 1 point
    Mar. 11, 2017 by LadyRebecca, 1 point
    Mar. 16, 2017 by Vaynth, 1 point

    Mar. 25, 2017 by Llir, 2 points

    Mar. 26, 2017, by Vaynth, 1 point

    Nov. 7, 2017, by dogbew, 1 point

    Jan. 15, 2018, by dogbew, 2 points

    Jan. 24, 2018, by dogbew, 5 points + 3 month Forum Ban.


    Moderating the forums is a very time dependent staff position. How much time, on average, would you be able to dedicate to moderating?: Atleast 3-4 hours daily.


    Have you ever held a staff position here on LoTC? Do you currently hold any other staff positions? If so, list them and highlight something about the team that you enjoyed/enjoy: N/A


    Why should you be a FM? What can you bring to our team in regards to moderating and enforcing the rules on the forums?: To be honest, I've been warned a lot and forum banned. I know that. I know this application sounds dumb 'cause its been less then 1 month since I was unbanned. However, as ironic as it sounds, getting warned and eventually banned gave me more time to understand and get a better conception of the rules & how they work. I think I'm fit to judge what other people are doing wrong and if they are doing anything wrong by being on their position myself.


    What traits do you have that make you stand out from any other applicant?: Saying that I have anything that stands out is saying I'm, in one way or another, better or worse than another. Characteristics that make others stand out, but not make them better, worse or weird are rare. However, I am quite pro-active (or idk how to type that). Ask me to do something, I'll do that plus other things on someone's list to help them out, give a friendly hand.


    Are you familiar with ModeratorCP?: Heard of it. Never used it.


    How long do you plan to stay on the team?: As long as the team plans to keep me, though more than a week sounds fine, then I'd be happy to be booted.


    Music for after reading: 


  2. MC Name: Braz_


    Character's Name: Aritz


    Character's Age: 40's


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable): Elf. Mali'ame.

    Transformed form: G H O U L


    Creator's MC Name: Angmarzku 


    Creator's RP Name: Ghamul, the Friendly.


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature: 

    Ghouls are, in their very essence, servants to the one that rose them back to life. Born from the hungering forces of Necromancy, these once-dead men and women are molded to be undead soldiers, the bulk of the horde. They are servants, shells of what they once where. Emotionless at their core, they lack any sort of common sense, and do everything to saciate their hunger for lifeforce, disregarding if the one they are reaping flesh from is a child or a knight. Though every boon comes with their advantages and disadvantages, some are; The ghouls lack the need to sleep or rest at all, they are more durable to normal strikes as opposed to a descendant (meaning, they will not die if you slice them in half) and lack fear in the face of combat, though can show a phantom of thought when it comes to combat. However, a ghoul will perish the instant you crush it's head, burn it, strike it with aurum or holy magic or deprive it of the little life force it has. They are sluggish, lacking in great amounts of speed, though not olog-level. They still can perform adequate movements. They reek a stench of rotten flesh unbearable to those around.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: Nope


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yope


    Are you aware that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?: Yes


    Do you consent to accept what may happen to this character?: Yes


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: Nope

  3. Firstly, I do not know Cookie, have RP'd once with them, if much, but.


    The sheer beauty apresented in this application, alongside the amazingly written texts just won me straight away.
    I might not know the person, but the sheer dedication put into this shows me (and possibly the community) that they deserve and should get, at once, right now, a position in the AT.


    Huge +1 from me.

  4. So we had a singing comp in the Café thing a while ago, and it was fun stuff, however, by far the best thing in the Café artists community event ws the Singing competition.

    Im here suggesting we bring that back as a monthly isolated event, with 1st, 2nd and 3rd place rewards (minas, title, w/e)


    Short and sweet.


    Criticism below.

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