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Everything posted by KaiserJacobII

  1. Behold our first camp in all its glory! Camp Adharc Cogadh. Near the city of Aleksandria in Courland. Edit: This camp got walled by the city... new camp time.
  2. (( I named him after arogon's ranger name. Who knows, maybe its same god, two different personalities.
  3. Rangers are always on my mind: 


  4. “For the weak, for the forest!” Rangers: Men of the woods Summary: The men of the woods are broad shouldered, athletic highlanders and sometimes heartlanders living in forts or camps around Tahn or anywhere animals, water, and wood is abundant. Other races can help them as guards and do other jobs, and the men of the woods have a liking of wood elves due to their civil but wild ways. They are great archers and agile fighters. They are lead by the grand ranger, they pick their leaders after one dies with a archery and fighting competition. Appearance: They are tall with broad shoulders, the woman don’t have as much of an hourglass shape as a normal highlander woman, but they have more of a runner's build. They are tanned normally from long time outdoors, and have surprisingly grey eyes. The average high of a Ranger is about 6 feet. They normally have darker coloured hair. Behaviors's and mental characteristics: They speak with heavy irish accents, and normally can’t read common. They have strong will and don’t tire as easy as a non-ranger would. Rangers commonly keep animals like wolves and bears as pets, but they also keep horses and other more common animals. They think it is mean to name your pets or keep them locked up, or even give them a collar. They do farm, and normally have a few fields in their forts, along with pigs, sheep, and cows for food. Culture and religion: They believe in a god called the great Strider. The great Strider appears as a tanned man, with glowing grey eyes, and a bow made of every tree and bush in the world. By his side is the world wolf, or the mother of all animals. He taught the first great ranger how to fight and live off the land, in return the great ranger said that his kin would follow the orders of Strider, and protect the weak. Art and music: The rangers have 3 types of music, these are: Ghlóir, Cogadh, and baile. Ghlóir is the most important to them, it is their music that tells of their victories. It sounds like american civil war music. Cogadh is played in war, it is mostly bagpipes and drums. It sounds like scottish music. And Baile is the music that is played around the fort, it is like irish jigs and reels. History: They have been in the woods of this world for ages, hopping on their sail boats when one island fall and going to the next bringing their history and past. They have not really changed since they first appeared, and most of their past is just stories told over fires at night, or written in books of fables. But one thing in all the stories stay the same, and that is their duty to help the weak. Their language is the same as the Gaelic language of Ireland. Weapons: A bow is the most important weapon to a ranger, it is even given as a proposal item along with a wooden ring. It is said that if a ranger’s bow is destroyed or lost, they must make another bow of the same size out of the same wood. Rangers also train is hand to hand combat, tribal like weapons, and sword fighting. Slavery of evil: Rangers enslaving evil creatures and people is not uncommon, the rangers see it as a way the evil can redeem itself by working for the great Strider’s people. They see evil people as people who practise magics that are against the moral of their culture, or people who hurt or capture innocent or weak people. Code of honour and law: You will not hurt a fellow ranger or an innocent person, or you will be enslaved as evil. You will not practise dark magic, or you will be cleansed by being put in the woods alone with nothing for an eleven day or two. You will use every part of a killed animal, including its bones. But the brain and heart will be given to Strider as an offering, unless you are in dire need of these parts. Clothing: Ranger clothing is not very complex, a simple cloak, tunic, and other common articles of clothing. Male ranger, in common clothing. Female ranger, in common clothing. Colours mean different things about the ranger wearing the colour. Silver/grey/white: Strider or calm. Green: forest or peace. Blue: Beauty or wonder. Red: strength or mother of all animals. Yellow: speed or agility. Orange: animals or hunting. Brown: life or power. Application: IGN: Ic name: Ic abilities: Small 2 paragraph bio of char: Reason for joining: Image of skin you will use:
  5. You can't receive PMs for some reason.
  6. I blame this down time on that demonic ball of light i summoned by accident!

  7. The order is not recruiting right now, i need to get all the current members able to talk with me using something like skype.
  8. Will o' the frost or Frost wisp Habitat: Anywhere that has snow, mountain peaks and passes, places in winter, ect. Description: The wandering souls of those who died of cold, or of another will o' the frost becmoes a will o' the frost. They are sprite like creatures, but with out a noticeable body. Their eyes display can be from light green to red. The wisp ranges from less then 1 inch, to half a foot in size, they grown with time and amount of souls consumed. They give off a small light that of their colour, which can range from a white to sky blue. They make a humming sound as they fly around at speeds up to a dark elf running. If it touches a person they will be poisoned, slowly they will freeze, and feel the same effects a dementor gives if not healed by a source of heat better then a lamp. Their poison can be used if kept cold, and in a dark place. The will o' the frost is weak to fire magic, heat, ect. And since they are ghost like, anti- spectre magics can weaken them too. If in sunlight they will become weaker, but not killed. The wisp can be tamed by frost witches as a pet, by giving it enough poor, doomed people to freeze. They consume cheer to live, that they harvest off of their kill. Their light can trick cold, travelers to follow them to their icy doom. Really strong wisps have been known to knock people off their feet when biting them, with the wisps like ram bite. It is unknown how long they live for but it is guessed they live as long as the snow in their area does, then they melt away waiting for the cold to come once more. They act as spectre creatures and can see in the dark near snow, but go blind near fire. The farther away from the cold they get, the weaker and smaller they get. They communicate with howl, moan like sounds and high pitch screams that may cause avalanches. When the whips die they turn to a pile of snow, that if touched has the same effect as their poison, but it can be bottled. The wisps work in groups of up to 8 other wisps called 'clouds' or 'mists' that hunt people down, these groups have no leader, and all do the part to kill with their collective intelligence, and cold heart... if they have a heart, that is. Beware traveler, stay away from the lights... "Will o' the frost, will o' the frost. Don't shine you ghostly, white light on me, will o' the frost. Stay clear, for fire i bear. I will burn your evil, ghostly shape to ash. Will o' the frost. Death and cold will not come to me, for fire i bear. Will o' the frost. Your haunting cry will not scare me, will o' the frost. will o' the frost, will o' the frost. Don't shine your ghostly, white light on me, will o' the frost!" -Poem recited by travelers to keep their hopes up in the cold where the will o' the frosts live. Author: Jacobcraft04 Need LM approval: Yes Reference skin, that could be used: Reference image:
  9. What is the format for creature lore, and where to i place the lore?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. KaiserJacobII


      Thats what i want to make, so how do i make one?


    3. Vaynth


      Then yes, to my knowledge the Creature Lore section is where you would post. It doesn't have to follow any strict formatting, just organize your writing to the best of your ability.

    4. KaiserJacobII


      Done my Will o' the frost post.

  10. Accepted, we will train you if you have no fighting skills, and please Pm me with your skype. Rangers need coffee.
  11. what branch thinks about mass gatherings: 


  12. We will see about this, meet johnny wilson ic.
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