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Status Updates posted by NotEvilAtAll

  1. Are gnomes really the criminals here? Vote now on your phones!

    1. riorr


      Gnomes are my sworn enemy


    Halfling roleplay is having a strong moment right now. Been going pretty good for the past few weeks, even as school starts again for many of us.


    I hope this event goes well!

  3. I spent over an hour finding all of the screenshots needed to make this post.


    Join the halflings in their glorious crusade for peace and free food!

  5. Event in the halfling village of Knoxville!

    1. Notic


      imagine going to the VIRGIN STINKY DISGUSTING Knoxville meeting and not the CHAD POGGERS EPIC Bramblebury CRP Event

      also village war when

  6. halfling event spam always a great phenomenon

    1. Notic


      jumper please my forum notifications

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      cope and seethe

  7. I sure cannot wait to see what the halfling department of moderately incorrect information has to say today!

  8. li'l halfling event thing i planned

  9. Slice of Life is good when it’s immersive

    1. Urahra


      My favorite kind of RP for real

    2. garentoft
  10. Yo gamers, it’s time for another one of these Gaming Night thing! Totally not just making this post to extort people for forum reputation! hahahah

  11. Renatus did NOT win the warclaim! It was actually the halflings who appeared right at the end and convinced everyone to live peacefully with one another, thus ending the conflict. This is the REAL TRUTH that the bigguns don’t want you to know!

  12. I will not rest until every persona in Arcas smokes pipeweed.

  13. When I die the phantom that I leave behind will continue to make halfling events.

  14. The Road goes ever on and on,
    Down from the door where it began.
    Now far ahead the Road has gone,
    And I must follow, if I can,
    Pursuing it with eager feet,
    Until it joins some larger way
    Where many paths and errands meet.
    And whither then? I cannot say.

  15. Daisy Applefoot is now dead. She was a good halfling, but sadly no match for the blades of the bigguns.

  16. Cart hubs? Yeah? Nah? Lemme know what y'all think

    1. CorweenieTheJedi


      there needs to be a PK clause

  17. got a li'l party in the applefoot burrow! should be a fun ol' halfling time indeed!

  18. I made an epic halfling video!

  19. 3/17 never forget.

  20. halflings gonna be drinking booze

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