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  1. "Appeal denied. Re-appeal only after 1 month since your ban has passed."


    1 Month ban for reving during combat for 1st time, GM team has never been better!

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    2. Harri


       this is the only time i could find that you were banned and it wasnt by me but that's not important if i did ban you for something or whatever then im sorry if it was stupid/a bad reason, im sure i had my reasons but i think we can agree that we'll disagree about that


      what i meant to try and convey earlier was that, regardless of the time of your ban, you did do something wrong and bringing up other people's bans doesn't change that whatsoever. complaining about it in a passive aggressive fashion on the forums to try and 'call them out' doesn't really help either. why not just try to message the gm who banned you / ioannis (or whatever other high gm authority there is now i haven't paid attention to their structure for months) and inquire why you're getting the same punishment as someone who did something much worse.


      and i dont know how the gm team base their bans or ban times about or whatever, so i cant really help you there - we never did make them up though, we had a base sort of 'format' for different types of bans, and then modified the times of them for severity of the action or whether or not the player has had a history of similar offences. it was never based around whether a player was liked or not (but i'm going to go out on a limb and say that you're just going to disregard that and assume whatever action i did take against you in the past was bias, whatever you want to believe)


      sorry if i came off as hostile earlier i realise it was a bit of an attack on you when in reality i just wanted to try and make you see why your way of 'getting your sentence reduced' isn't very effective and won't help anyone out, i hope you have a nice day/evening


      as for raomir




    3. Cya


      I tried to speak to both Gm's to explain how I thought the ban time was absurd for such a meaningless thing that made 0 difference in the PvP and was just a ban for the sake of getting me banned. The Fact that the GM team is supposed to ensure that people serve a fair amount of time for their bans, and as far as I've seen this map Bans haven't been based off of history or record but off of luck of the draw. Seeing as Dpm pugsied and got a 1 month ban and his appeal was accepted early by the GM team. Also seeing as Ioannis disregarded evidence I sent him personally so he could investigate an issue.

    4. Raomir


      Funny how the general consensus is that its the players responsability to provide evidence post ban, rather than the GM having to look through and analyze all the evidence (alongside chatting with both sides) prior to issuing a ban.

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