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Everything posted by TheIchorDruid

  1. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Accepted
  2. TheIchorDruid


    Congratulations! I'm glad that I finally get the chance to welcome you to Lord of the Craft's community! It may take a few minutes to have you whitelisted ingame -- if you have any issues, be sure to contact me or another Community Team member and let us know. It's strongly suggested that you join our New Player Discord (https://discord.gg/KxA6EXT ) so you have an easier time contacting other server players and staff alike. If you have any questions, that's also the perfect place to ask them! Doing /creq ingame once you're whitelisted will also let you get into contact with a Community Team staff member if you've got any questions right off the bat. If you want to brief yourself on the rules again before finally logging on, you're free to do so whilst you wait. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/forum/440-rules/ And remember... if you have any questions, don't hesitate in contacting me here on the forums or via Discord by sending a friend request; Rae#3015 Enjoy!
  3. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Pending
  4. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Under Review Hey, W0lfS0ng! Your application has been set to... Your application is very well-done and I'm glad to see the effort you've put into it. There are a couple things that need a little bit of tweaking though, and then you'll be completely ready for being accepted to Lord of the Craft! To start things off... -The map you named, Kalos, no longer exists. Our current map is Arcas so please assure you correct this minor mistake. You have 24 hours to make the above changes. Once you've managed to accomplish this, comment here or contact me as soon as possible. If you have any questions about my requests, send me a message here on the forums or send Rae#3015 a friend-request via Discord and we can talk! If you log onto the server, you'll be able to message me as well by doing '/msg TheIchorDruid' followed by your question. You do not have to make a new application to make these changes. Edit this one, please! Failing to make these changes will result in an application denial, however, you can request additional time to work on the changes if you know you'll find yourself busy with something else. If you'd like to see about getting help with anything else, related to your application or not, please join the New Player Discord! https://discord.gg/KxA6EXT To simplify the process of joining LotC's community, here's a link to our New Player Guide. It elaborates on everything you could ever need for writing an application, doing commands ingame, understanding the chat channels, etc. https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=New_Player_Guide
  5. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Accepted
  6. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Under Review
  7. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Accepted
  8. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Under Review Congratulations! I'm glad that I finally get the chance to welcome you to Lord of the Craft's community! It may take a few minutes to have you whitelisted ingame -- if you have any issues, be sure to contact me or another Community Team member and let us know. It's strongly suggested that you join our New Player Discord (https://discord.gg/KxA6EXT ) so you have an easier time contacting other server players and staff alike. If you have any questions, that's also the perfect place to ask them! Doing /creq ingame once you're whitelisted will also let you get into contact with a Community Team staff member if you've got any questions right off the bat. If you want to brief yourself on the rules again before finally logging on, you're free to do so whilst you wait. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/forum/440-rules/ And remember... if you have any questions, don't hesitate in contacting me here on the forums or via Discord by sending a friend request; Rae#3015 Enjoy!
  9. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Accepted
  10. TheIchorDruid


    Congratulations! I'm glad that I finally get the chance to welcome you to Lord of the Craft's community! It may take a few minutes to have you whitelisted ingame -- if you have any issues, be sure to contact me or another Community Team member and let us know. It's strongly suggested that you join our New Player Discord (https://discord.gg/KxA6EXT ) so you have an easier time contacting other server players and staff alike. If you have any questions, that's also the perfect place to ask them! Doing /creq ingame once you're whitelisted will also let you get into contact with a Community Team staff member if you've got any questions right off the bat. If you want to brief yourself on the rules again before finally logging on, you're free to do so whilst you wait. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/forum/440-rules/ And remember... if you have any questions, don't hesitate in contacting me here on the forums or via Discord by sending a friend request; Rae#3015 Enjoy!
  11. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Pending
  12. TheIchorDruid


    Hey, Lonestar18! Your application is very well-done and I'm glad to see the effort you've put into it. There are a couple things that need a little bit of tweaking though, and then you'll be completely ready for being accepted to Lord of the Craft! To start things off... Your application has been set to... -Your Backstory is also far too short. It must be a minimum of five solid lines, if not a couple paragraphs. Including at least two lore references and detailing your character's life from birth until the present day would work best. You have 24 hours to make the above changes. Once you've managed to accomplish this, comment here or contact me as soon as possible. If you have any questions about my requests, send me a message here on the forums or send Rae#3015 a friend-request via Discord and we can talk! If you log onto the server, you'll be able to message me as well by doing '/msg TheIchorDruid' followed by your question. You do not have to make a new application to make these changes. Edit this one, please! Failing to make these changes will result in an application denial, however, you can request additional time to work on the changes if you know you'll find yourself busy with something else. If you'd like to see about getting help with anything else, related to your application or not, please join the New Player Discord! https://discord.gg/KxA6EXT To simplify the process of joining LotC's community, here's a link to our New Player Guide. It elaborates on everything you could ever need for writing an application, doing commands ingame, understanding the chat channels, etc. https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=New_Player_Guide
  13. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Under Review
  14. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Accepted
  15. TheIchorDruid


    Congratulations! If you need any further assistance please do feel free to contact me on the forums, the server /msg TheIchorDruid or my discord Rae#3015 I'm glad that I finally get the chance to welcome you to Lord of the Craft's community! It may take a few minutes to have you whitelisted ingame -- if you have any issues, be sure to contact me or another Community Team member and let us know. It's strongly suggested that you join our New Player Discord (https://discord.gg/KxA6EXT) so you have an easier time contacting other server players and staff alike. If you have any questions, that's also the perfect place to ask them! * Doing /creq ingame once you're whitelisted will also let you get into contact with a Community Team staff member if you've got any questions right off the bat. If you want to brief yourself on the rules again before finally logging on, you're free to do so whilst you wait. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/forum/440-rules/
  16. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Under Review
  17. Congratulations upon those who won in their catagory and good luck to those competing this month round!
  18. Changed Status to Accepted
  19. Changed Status to Under Review Congratulations on a wonderful application! I am thoroughly impressed upon the detail you provided within your character’s backstory and look forward to potentially meeting them upon her ventures within Arcas! If you need any further assistance please do let me know upon the forums, in-game (/msg TheIchorDruid) or my discord Rae#3015. We also encourage new players to join the new player discord where you can chat to other new players, veterans of the community and other fellow community team members. Simply click here: https://discord.gg/r4YA6K Another thing we also recommend is to read through our new-player handbook which contains all the vital information upon the server that you may be at current, unsure of. Simply click here: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/179894-new-player-guide/?pagecomment1690465=1
  20. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Denied
  21. TheIchorDruid


    Application denied due to the given 24 hours expiring. Do not fret! You can re-apply with the listed changed above within an hour of this message being posted.
  22. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Accepted
  23. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Under Review Congratulations on a wonderful application! I am thoroughly impressed upon the detail you provided within your character’s backstory and look forward to potentially meeting them upon her ventures within Arcas! If you need any further assistance please do let me know upon the forums, in-game (/msg TheIchorDruid) or my discord Rae#3015. We also encourage new players to join the new player discord where you can chat to other new players, veterans of the community and other fellow community team members. Simply click here: https://discord.gg/r4YA6K Another thing we also recommend is to read through our new-player handbook which contains all the vital information upon the server that you may be at current, unsure of. Simply click here: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/179894-new-player-guide/?pagecomment1690465=1
  24. TheIchorDruid


    Changed Status to Accepted
  25. TheIchorDruid


    Congratulations on a wonderful application! I am thoroughly impressed upon the detail you provided within your character’s backstory and look forward to potentially meeting them upon her ventures within Arcas! If you need any further assistance please do let me know upon the forums, in-game (/msg TheIchorDruid) or my discord Rae#3015. We also encourage new players to join the new player discord where you can chat to other new players, veterans of the community and other fellow community team members. Simply click here: https://discord.gg/r4YA6K Another thing we also recommend is to read through our new-player handbook which contains all the vital information upon the server that you may be at current, unsure of. Simply click here: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/179894-new-player-guide/?pagecomment1690465=1
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