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Everything posted by TheIchorDruid

  1. Yes, I saw Werew0lf vent from electrical
  2. Pleasantly Peasant 11k Cherry Picking 13.5k The Dress That Ruined France 13.5 k Awfully Middleclass 13 k
  3. Pleasantly Peasant 6.5k Cherry Picking 13.5k The Dress That Ruined France 13.5 k Awfully Middleclass 13 k
  4. Pleasantly Peasant 5k Cherry Picking 13.5k The Dress That Ruined France 13.5 k Awfully Middleclass 13 k Total: 45 k
  5. Pleasantly Peasant 5k Cherry Picking 13.5k The Dress That Ruined France 13.5 k Awfully Middleclass 10 k Total: 42 k
  6. Pleasantly Peasant 5k Cherry Picking 10k The Dress That Ruined France 10 k Awfully Middleclass 10 k Total: 35 k
  7. Honestly missed having you around Elad, glad you're back around!
  8. So not an idea of mine in the slightest, but after seeing the stunning Haelun’or heads I thought it was worth a try dabbling in. Recently due to the pandemic I’ve struck a rough financial situation, so commissions will have to be taken in the form of USD so I can eat ‘-‘ Here are previous ones I have worked on: Offer what you think they’re worth but minimum is $3 and fill out the form below: IGN: Price: Discord: Character: Any specific details you wish providing?: Also shoot me a dm on discord so I can update you on the progress! Rae#3015
  9. Rouge Court 900 His sunlight 500
  10. Rouge Court – 700His sunlight – 500
  11. Rouge Court – 500 His sunlight – 500
  12. Discord: Rae#3015 Bid: Royal Red 1.2k Highlander chest plate: 1.1k
  13. Howdy! Drop me a message on discord Rae#3015
  14. Any skinners able to skin an outfit in reasonable time? Willing to pay USD!

    1. _Sug


      Willing to do for free depending on what you need

  15. Format: RP Name::Quillian Caermeonn MC Username: TheIchorDruid Discord: Rae#3015 What Nation Are You Affliated With?: None Why Do You Wish To Come?: To witness a map that my character should have been on but I unfortunately did not witness. What Skills Can You Bring?: Druidism, first aid and thorough martial experience
  16. If you had these experiences, then such should be evident within your behaviour and sadly it is not. As I mentioned, you have been known to be sensitive in heated situations, to be spiteful and quick to jump. Such qualities I do not think should be involved in these kind of situations, we have a moderation team for a reason. It is our responsibility (or should be) to tackle these issues, sadly such has not been the case as thorough guidance has slackened since Pun. All the team needs is direction and guidance. Those two months, should have been spent training our current moderation team and to haul it out of the mess it is now. Not spent creating a bottomless team that is likely to fall through.
  17. Feedback and Concerns. First of all, as some of the vague comments mention above, this frankly does not fix anything. The responsibilities that are highlighted within the ‘Safety team’ are the responsibilities of the moderation team. It isn’t logical to spend two months – designing a new team. Those two months could have been spent retraining the current moderators, or briefing moderators to truly handle such fragile situations. This team serves nothing but to increase the current staff rota. Moderators have already been tasked with less and less to approach. Ban appeals being now handled by community team, now the safety of our community being handed to a team pulled from thin air. Without going into black and white details, there were numerous complains that you had been harassing a player. As discussed, there were some concerns but if you truly wish to lead a team that prevents these cases. You may need to practice before preaching. From my encounters with you, you’ve had a tendency to be quite sensitive and quick-tempered. Something that cannot be the case when dealing with such serious incidents such as harassment or paedophilia cases. Second point, Harassment cases are literally the responsibility of the Moderation team. Removing these cores, quite frankly makes the team look useless. The issues highlighted above could have been quite easily resolved had moderation had the correct time to be guided through a more useful procedure. Concerning Ggt, Narthok and Swifty Again, situations that shouldn’t be the ‘safety teams’ concern, you spoke your responsibility was to make the community feel safe. Handling banned players is not something you should be focusing on. If a moderator is believed to have been abusing any evidence they were given and banning unjustly it should be taken to either management or the administrator responsible for the team. Not yourselves. So my questions? What becomes of moderation? Have any of you any form of moderation experience? Do any of you have any experience in handling serious cases such as harassment?
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