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Posts posted by Punished_Pup

  1. Muzthag oddly finds that he is actually able to open the door for the gate house this time round, allowing him to chose if he follows his duty, or take the day off.

    Nuala would make her comment, and the Halfling then makes her way to the clinic for reasons unstated.


    The Halfling likely finds the ‘Aheral that has forsaken much, they are fast asleep in a bed.



  2. Nuala would find themselves a seat in the square, a few birds dart across the sky as the sun beams its warmth on all the Descendants below.


    Maya would be able to make their way to the clinic, assuming none of the citizens or protectors of this city question it.


    The ‘Ker would attempt to barter with the merchant to no avai 0.6 mina it was. How she longs for the Asclepius’ reign of 0.1 mina bread in Haelun’or again.

    The skies that hang above Haelun’or begin to stand still.

  3. The Sohaer of the Silver City would simply enjoy the the soft breeze of the wind that manages to pass into the city, allowing him to fill his lungs with the fresh air.

    The ‘Ker would see the Sohaer as they made their way past the Halfling, and to her left she’d note some stalls where she could buy some wares


    The Halfling would have to answer such a question for themselves as reality has no obligation to reveal itself to any.

    Vas stop RPing on Discord and get a Shade Estate forum RP going.

    The weather in Haelun’or alters as a swift and harsh breeze in a single gush blows the clouds away.

  4. After a moment of this strange sensation, the Halfling would find themselves pulled back into some coherent reality, finding themselves back in the Haelun’or Square, seeming to be screaming at nothing. Just hearing the ‘Ker say “Ew” as they walked past them, likely out of disgust of the Halfling randomly screaming.

    The weather in Haelun’or shifts as a few clouds begin to dot the once blue sky.

  5. The ‘Ker would easily push this door open, able to now make her way into the Silver Enclave as it would stand proud on its Mountain Top, looking below the rest of the Nations across Arcas. Assuming the ‘Ker would carry on through the citizen doors,  they’d find themselves in the Haelun’or Square, as a soft ray of warmth from the golden orb that hangs in the sky above beams down below.

  6. The Mali’Ker would oddly find that she has regained her ability to eat food, how fresh this loaf tastes, a slight steam released as it is broken, the crust firm while the insides soft. The bread clearly tasted of wheat of Marsumarian quality, a fine stock indeed, fit to keep a Paladin of Xan going.


  7. On 12/3/2019 at 9:21 PM, JuliusAakerlund said:

    @Knightie with Telanir’s new rules we are limited in how many people are allowed on the team as a whole. The people who are currently under review and interview are of course going to be given a chance. We would, however, had liked to recruit more of them than we’re allowed to.


    On 12/4/2019 at 11:37 AM, Parker said:

    somethings fishy in why some people got denied without reason

    What Julius said my guy, we defo want more people but are limited right now.

  8. Harper reads the missive and scoffs, thinking ”The Uruks have enslaved countless people, tried to kidnap children and likely committed many acts behind the walls of their wasteland, and now they complain about others committing ‘dishonourable’ acts against them? And it isn’t unlike the Uruks to lie.. They’ve lost honour, trying to send spies into my family’s walls to do who knows what.  So much for a leader who respects other cultures while allied with a culture built on the conquering of the other Descendants.”

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