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Posts posted by sophiaa


    The First Great Gladewynni Build Off

    Caras Eldar, 1700







    Word is spread all throughout Elvenesse as letters are dropped into the hands of citizens by sleek and jet-black carrier ravens.


    You are formally invited to The First Great Gladewynni Build Off, hosted happily by myumierir’sul. Citizens of the Kingdom of Gladewynn, the Silver State of Haelun’or and the Mother Grove are invited to compete in constructing a statue of a selection of our dear Mani. This is a chance to show your dedication to the Mani, and flaunt your creative expertise.


    The rules are as follows:

    1. You may construct a statue for any Mani excluding Morea, Moccus, Amaethon, Bolomormaa, and Kwakani.
    2. You are limited to ONE ELVEN HOUR of construction time.
    3. You are limited to a space of 8 meters by 8 meters.
    4. You must be prepared to display an original design. (OOC Note: Schematica will not be allowed during this competition.)


    Materials will be provided by a partnered effort between Gladewynn and myumierir’sul, to ensure everyone has a fair start and opportunity.


    The High Priestesses of myumierir’sul will be judging each statue carefully, and will pick a set of three winners, who will win a multitude of differing prizes.


    FIRST PLACE: This winner’s statue will be showcased beside the barracks, and blessed to become the newest shrine in Caras Eldar. They will also receive a sum of minas, prizes from the High Pristesses, and a half-body portrait painted by the elfess Num’i Rya.


    SECOND PLACE: This winner’s statue may also be showcased within Caras Eldar. They will also receive a sum of minas, prizes from the High Priestesses,  and a bust portrait painted by the elfess Num’i Rya.


    THIRD PLACE: This winner will receive a sum of minas, and prizes from the High Priestesses.


    To sign up for this competition, send a letter to either High Priestess Layla Ithelanen, or High Priestess Aelin Caerme’onn, with the following filled out.



    Your name:

    Your place of residence:

    Chosen Mani for Statue:




    Following the competition, blessing, and prayers, a feast will be held in Caras Eldar for all those who wish to remain and celebrate with roasts and drinking.








    High Priestess Layla Ithelanen

    High Priestess Aelin Caerme’onn












    You must comment below with the sign-up format filled out by FRIDAY, JANUARY 25th at 6EST

    This event will be held the evening of SATURDAY, JANUARY 26th at 6EST in Caras Eldar

    Edit: The Mani you put down on the form does NOT lock in your answer. It is able to be changed at any time! Sorry!

  2. Cyrien Solaira’s ashen gaze scanned over the initial statement with brows furrowed in distaste, disagreeing with several of the authors points even only after a few elven months back in the Silver State. Upon receiving a copy of the Sohaer’s response, she sits and reads along with her dear cousin Esme, chattering for hours over it as she prepares herself for another visit with Kiljarys himself. 

  3. Theodosia catches wind of the Theodosian Academy and hurriedly asks her father Tiberius to help pen her letter and application. 


    IGN: hellebore
    RP Name: Theodosia
    Discord: sophia#6666

    First Option: Imperial Governance
    Second Option: Language
    Third Option: Religious Studies
    Fourth Option: Racial and Natural Biology



  4. Spoiler





    - Grasslands of Northern Atlas -



    A great trail of mali crossed the plains of northern Atlas. Every mile or so there would be a wagon train of three, being pulled along by a sturdy pair of oxen. On the sides of the caravan of people was an occasional guard, bearing a bronze shield and gilded spear. A clan of ‘ame trailed behind the mass of people murmuring blessings and chants to their ancestors, the Prince of Cervidae, and the The Great Eagle, banging on drums and keeping a rhythmic tone. Ahead of the march of people was their chieftess, Aelin Caerme’onn. She walked with grace as her green shrouded cloak covered her body. Ever so often a faint clink would echo from below her as her staff cracked a rock, and they trailed down the northern road onwards towards the hills of the northern half.


    The air was uninviting and dreary. The winds battered the Caerme’onn clan, as the clear skies became foggy with grey clouds. Distant roars of thunder were resounding in the distance, as a light shower of rain bore down on the trail of people. What was once solid ground became muck and grime, as it grounded wagon wheels to a halt. A few horses lost their footing and broke their legs as they became trapped within the consuming mud. It was then a mudslide occurred, slamming into the caravan, causing mass panic. People desperately attempted to find higher ground, as they clambered over the top of each other. Unfortunately several of their oxen and other animals were lost in the mudslide, being crushed under the weight of rock and earth. Boxes and crates of various wares and rations were utterly destroyed by the torrent of chaos, shattering heraldic icons and ancestral heirlooms.



    In the afternoon of the following day, the same chants of prayer and festivities from the prior days were replaced by cries of mourning and dead silence from others. An air of dread had come over those who carried on. Aelin was troubled, had she lead her people in a vain attempt at a new life? Should they have stayed within the forests and lush greenery of the Dominion? Self-doubt had filled her mind, and the stress of the endeavour bestowed onto her was eating her very senses. It was then her thought was interrupted when a daunting horn blew. They had made their way into the Wonkawoods, dangerous territory for the mali, and disputed territory with their greatest foe, the Uruks. A raiding party of orcs surprised the Caerme’onn’s caravan, starting a bitter fight for survival. The outer guards were quickly overrun by the savagery of the orcs, butchering their sworn enemy from the days of the Loftywoods war. The last of the caravan made ready for a desperate last stand, using their coaches and wagons to form a defensive barrier. Man, woman, and any child able took up arms, their chieftess readying herself with gladius and spear, eyeing the rampaging orcs around them. It all seemed lost. They were all doomed to die.



    A distant horn blew from within the trees, grabbing the attention of the orcish warband from their pillaging. It was then a hail of arrows struck and pierced the remaining beasts those of Caerme’onn had not downed themselves, followed by cries and hollers of what sounded like ghosts and banshees. Aelin’s surroundings were not that very clear, as those around her were cautious of what was occurring beyond their makeshift wall. Sounds of battle echoed around them as the canvas on the outer wall of the wagons were painted in a fresh coat of blood. Then there was silence. Had it ended? Aelin thought to herself. It was then she heard a tearing sound from the canvas wall, and with instinct, she stabbed her spear at the struggling figure. There was a surprised yelp as she tore the spearhead back from the wall, a retinue of her clan made ready with a spear wall, all pointing towards where the noise came from. 


    “What a way to treat people.” was what a voice said from the other side. The figure popped their head through the opening, and with a collective sigh of relief, he was mali’ame. His traits rather wild compared to what many were used to. He sported a beard of black with a shaved head, save for a tied back patch of hair atop his skull. Blue markings painted the sides of the ‘ame’s head, similar to the iconography of clan Torena or Ithelanen. “Come on now, we dealt with the baddies, you’re safe.” The man offered an outstretched hand to Aelin, who at first was still distrusting of him. “An Ithelanen?” She asks curiously, a brow raised. The man seemed confused at first, before smiling, “Where are my manners, I am Orist of the clan of Ithelanen. You are within the care of the Avchirran ito Gladewynn.” he’d say, going to offer his hand once more. Aelin’s display of distrust slowly vanished as she listened to Orist’s words, before going to grab his hand, “Well met, Orist.” she nodded before going to lift herself out of the barricade.




    The caravan had continued out of the Wonkawoods and now climbed up a mountain pass. The Caerme’onn clan had endured hardships throughout their travels, but now they approached a set of wooden palisades. They had passed several watchtowers along their trek up the pass, each had been manned by a guard adoring the armor of Gladewynn. Aelin had simply felt relief as she was lead by Orist in front of her. They had finally made it, to their new home. It was time to rebuild.





    Click me to learn more about Caerme'onn!


    (credit to the super duper awesome @Wolfdwg)

  5. I dont usually take time to write these things on people’s applications, but I don’t think you are ready to be applying for application team. Your reasoning for wanting to be on the team is good, but it’s very cookie cutter. It’s what we want, obviously, but it’s hard for me to see it as genuine, especially when it doesn’t even seem like much effort was put into this application. I don’t think AT is the right team for you. 

  6. MC Name: hellebore

    Character's Name: Aelin Caerme'onn

    Character's Age: 92


    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Communion and Control


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Artimec Caerme'onn


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the magic?:



    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


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