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- Aether VIP -
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Status Replies posted by louislxix

  1. please stop appearing in my dreams at night - im getting nervous

  2. My child persona is taking part in the war, don't kill me or I'm posting about it.

  3. what do you guys think of my new character concept: his name is jonathon snow and he's very sad and brooding no he's not from game of thrones, my character is different because i beat women

  4. How big are dwarf babies? Are they born with beards? Can a player playing one explain if baby dwarfs have big beards and if they are sized like potatoes since dwarves are short.

  5. war rules are cool and all, but what about 12+ player majority vote ..? time for your 4 hour crp session 

    1. louislxix


      i know, raiding is still 5 hour crp sessions

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. vortex is like ck2 base game, change my mind

    1. louislxix


      2 hours ago, Lionbileti said:

      Vortex is like nexus but on ketamine

      thats pog

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. Beauty of the new map is entirely overshadowed by an unfinished plugin that's been forced upon the playerbase.


    Come on man, swallow your pride and let us roleplay and build the worlds we want to see without convoluted and intrusive systems impacting our ability to play the game. We're already back at Arcas numbers.

    1. louislxix


      Bomborasclaat, 'Matic haffi claat up

      Edited by dyselxic
    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

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