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Your Stepdad

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Posts posted by Your Stepdad

  1. The Grand Imam, Mehmed Kharadeen would open his Kitab AlSalam and read a line from chapter 17 to his students in the Masjid. “We Have Created Two Genders, One Male, and One female, So that the two Can Live In Peace and Harmony and Love each other, And to raise Children together and make families.” Mehmed would look across the qalasheen gathered before him before stating “We have no control over the canonists and their beliefs, And we cannot force them to idealize our own beliefs. For this reason I call to all Mumeen to remain faithful and steadfast to the orders of Allah and all that he bears witness too.” 




    A POV of Andrik Pierre af Brasca 



    Andrik had not slept for many nights. Instead his mind occupied itself by counting the cracks in the stones of the ceiling of the palace he now had to call home. Every time he thought he had counted them all, he’d notice a new one and have to start over, The number grew each time. 


    The mind is the greatest prison of a child. Andrik had learned this young, having always been an outcast from the rest of the children. He spoke the language of a Raevir, yet was surrounded by none like him. he grew up without a father, shameful some would say, now who would he learn to become a man from? Yet throughout all of this he had never felt this bleak, like a fish that could not fight upstream, stuck trying and never growing tired. 


    Andrik had watched countless die in the attempts of building his home, and now heard stories of even more dying to defend it. He watched as the Brascan soldiers entered Veletz, carrying the injured and dead to the infirmary. Many soldiers he had seen patrolling the roads and the city now lay on cots, unable to even patrol their own minds. Some would say 10 is two young for a child to understand death, but Andrik had understood it from the day his father perished. 


    So Andrik kept counting, not wanting to think about those who died to defend his home







    He started again, he had lost count how many times he had done this, yet there was nothing else for him to do. Sleep only brought memories of the dead, and silence only brought the prison of his mind. 


    Andrik wanted to fight, he believed in the cause. He knew Godan would not want Canonists to fight fellow Canonists, how would that be just and fair? 


    Just and Fair


    Andrik was very zealous, some would even say too zealous for his age. Yet now in the time of war he wondered what Godans concept of Just and Fair really is. 


    Was it Just for Andrik to be left without a father


    Was it Fair for Andrik to be left without a home?


    The feeling was wrenching, yet he knew Godan had a plan for him, there was a reason for this pain. Maybe he is being punished? Was it Andriks destiny to live a life of agony? To Andrik, only Godan could know, and if it was his destiny to live a life of turmoil he would live it. 




    Andriks brother Jan shifted in his sleep and his hand had hit the ground startling Andrik and making him lose count. The fool he thought, To Andrik Jan lived the life of a dreamer. He tried to impress girls and prove himself to soldiers, with no care on what his place was in the world. Not Andrik, his mind consumed him, it did not matter how hard he tried to escape it, every time he was sucked back into his mind, the damned prison he could never escape. 


    With all his might, Andrik went back to counting the cracks. 







    While Andrik counted, he allowed for his mind to wander, and only one thought would come to mind. It would recur and not leave his naïve mind. 


    Once Andrik was old enough, he would never want to lose again. He would be a winner in this war, in Veletz, and in the world



    I yearn to write propaganda. 





    In commemoration of the establishment and settlement of Centinela, House de Bolivar wishes to invite all warriors to come and test their skills against others! The First Tournament of The Stallion shall be littered with intense matchups, expensive rewards, and even risky gambling for those who wish to come and watch the festivities. 




    The tournament itself shall take place as a double elimination bracket, in which every opponent will have to be beat twice in separate battles to be knocked out of the tournament. Each fight shall be a 1 v 1 battle of chivalry, where once the opponent has been disarmed or bested the fight shall conclude. 




    The Treasury of House de Bolivar has prepared the following prizes for the first, second, and third place victors: 


    FIRST: 400 MINA, and the honorary title, Champion of The Stallion


    SECOND 200 MINA, The Rapier of Chivalry


    THIRD: 100 MINA





    For those who care little for fighting themselves, but still wish to make money, The Tournament of The Stallion shall be taking wagers for each fight, as well as for the overall champion. 

    Each fight will take a 10 Mina entry to place a wager on a fighter. In the event that one fighter wins, all proceeds on that fight will be equally distributed among those who wagered on the fighter!

    2 Saint Hours prior to the beginning of the Tournament, an official coordinator of the Tournament shall release the bracket for the tournament, and will begin taking wagers up until the beginning of the fight!




    To enter this tournament as a fighter one must just fill out the following information below this missive and they shall immediately be entered as a fighter










    The tournament will take place in Centinela, located North-East from the Principality of Sedan, to get there take the carriage to sedan from Eastfleet and run across the bridge until you see the town!


    ((Cords: -670, -340))




    This will be a pvp tournament, Chainmail armor and Longswords only, to make all fights fair. If you do not have this equipment it will also be provided to a fighter before their turn. 






    [!] The Bolivar Coat of Arms




    The Barony of Centinela is the seat of House de Bolivar, an aged house that has lasted through the recent centuries as a staple of humanities unique and ever different cultures. In the most recent years the House de Bolivar has declared its fealty to the Orenian descended House de Joannes. 


    Abridged History



         The Barony of Centinela finds its roots within the early 1600’s, in which the first baron, Lord Jacob Bolivar was granted the title by King Leo of Santegia. It was from this day forward that House de Bolivar would become the house that it is known as today. The Manor de Bolivar was the first iteration of the Barony of Centinela, standing outside of the city of Presa de Madera, its lavish halls were renowned around the kingdom, and was known for its active parties and activities hosted by the owners. 

         After the Fall of Santegia, and the rise of the Empire of Man, the House Bolivar declared its fealty to House Devereux and the Duchy of Curon. This time saw very little progress and stagnation from the noble house, and was quite forgettable to the Curonian people who had little interest or care for their culture or people. This stagnation lasted until Curon attempted its revolt against the Empire of Man, which saw the Bolivars declare themselves under the Empire of Man. For their loyalty they were awarded the County of Fuerte, which did not last long as House Bolivar slowly began to fade away to time. 

         House Bolivar and their titles made a return as supporters and advisors to the elder King Edward of Suffonia. House Bolivar and its patriarch, Giovanni Bolivar, took a major role in helping organize the Suffonian Rebellion and its eventual independence. The Bolivars supported mass economic and military support to the Suffolks and would even lead their armies to battle, this would continue until the eventual victory, and independence of Suffonia. After the war the Bolivars became staunch advisors to the Suffolks and would assist them with managing their new freedom. With this help House Bolivar had very little time to manage its own fiefdom, and eventually abandoned the county in favor of the Warwick Castle. With the fall of Suffonia came the Bolivars receding back into the shadows once again. 

         The most recent variation of House Bolivar and the Barony of Centinela sees them as loyal vassals to the Principality of Sedan. The Bolivars have returned to help return the Santegian culture and Bolivar name to its once great glory that it held in the times of Atlas.


    Abridged Culture


    [!] A rendition of a Santegian soldier


         In recent years the Santegian culture has been quiet and rarely practiced, with the similar Hyspian culture becoming more popular, though similar Santegians hold many distinctive traits that make them unique. Santegian is a term that refers to the men and women who descend from the Savinian horse lords of old. These people were known for their prowess and mastery of horse riding. Not much is known about the Savinian Horse Lords, besides that the House de Savin, would eventually unite the Savinians and eventually mold them into what Santegians are known as today. 

         Santegians are a pale complexed group of farfolks that can be found near the coast or in the heartlands. Their unique skin complexion compared to other farfolks is attributed to the long history of mingling and marriage with heartlanders. Their bright and vibrant colors of their clothing makes it easy to spot them out of a crowd. Many say that their clothing choices are what make them so recognizable. In early years of a Santegians life they tend to maintain a clear face, not interested in facial hair with the belief it makes them look disheveled. However, once they have aged, older Santegians are much more likely to be seen with beards, mustaches, anything of the sorts that gives them a wiser look. 

         Not many are sure what the origins of the Santegian language come from, however it is speculated that it simply was a mash of old Savinian and the mass use of common. Examples of some common words used by Santegians is the following:


    Hola -- Hello

    Adios -- Goodbye

    Gracias -- Thank You

    Hermano/Hermana -- Brother/Sister

    Familia -- Family


         Archetecture wise, Santegians stand out from other humans that can be found in similar regions. Instead of relying on easily acquired resources like quartz and stone, Santegians find themselves building with terracotta, bricks, granite, and other colorful resources that make their homes stick out. Another easily noticeable attribute to Santegian buildings is the murals and color that compliment their buildings. Santegians believe that these murals and colors help represent history and let the people never forget its highest and lowest moments. 

         Santegians, when it comes to religion, have had many changes to their core beliefs throughout the years. Having found themselves as Lorrainians, Canonists, and even Rashidun. However Santegians have always returned to being loyal canonists no matter how far their beliefs skew away from this. Especially in recent years, the Santegian loyalty to Canonism and the seven skies can not be understated.




    [!] A Painter's Rendition of The Siege of Keintania, Citra. 1639 


         The Bolivian Brigade has stood as the defense of Centinela since its establishment in 1654. This fighting force has been known for its commitment to battle, and thus its high casualty rate when battle does not fair its way. Soldiers of the Bolivian Brigade dedicate their lives to the mastery of their choice of the following weapons, The war-axe, longsword, or the most popular, the rapier. These soldiers are taught from the beginning that every battle is fought like their last. Their fierce and ferocious mentality within battle make them a dangerous threat to those that are not prepared to meet them within the field. Santegians when it comes to armor prefer the heaviness and protection of plate armor. Though the sacrifice of speed is unfortunate, the brutish and close range tactics of the brigade means that they only need their strength. The leader of the military, the El Mariscal, is the commander in chief of the brigade and answers only to their liege lords. 

    The current El Mariscal: Javier Bolivar @Chrisoulis777 // Discord: Chrisoulis777#9583



         The Barony of Centinela offers housing to all those who seek it. The spacious homes are enough for residents of one, up to full families. As of current, the Centinela government has also deemed taxes and fees for housing to be unnecessary, meaning that all housing comes at no cost. These spacious houses are given all that are in need of a roof over their heads. Race, culture and beliefs are disregarded when those who are in need of housing come searching. However! Dark spawn and worshippers of Iblees shall never be sanctioned within the Bolivar lands, and will be met with swift and painful deaths. 


    If interested in housing Contact:

    Baron: Arno Bolivar @Your Stepdad // Discord: Gilmore#5671

    El Ministro: Adrian Bolivar @RhythmrhymE // Discord: RhythmrhymE#7874



         The Barony of Centinela is located north-east from the capital of the Principality of Sedan. To find your way to the Barony, head to Eastfleet, and find the Sedanian cart that shall take you right to the city. Then cross the bridge and head straight right to the town!


    ((Cords -670, -340))





    Senor Arno Bolivar, Baron of Centinela


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