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Everything posted by CorweenieTheJedi

  1. Korvic my man, you are a top shelf lad, and an absolute class act. #KorvicForPresidentOfTheUniverse
  2. About time the administration drops the hammer on the right people ???
  3. I appreciate your passion about the issue, and the time it took to write this post. I think it's very important to have open debate about these issues, and I'm happy to see so many people taking to time to bring forward meaningful comments about these things. This is what helps a community grow. +1
  4. Hey, on top of the changes you asked for I also changed my skin to one I made myself.
  5. Benedict Hassenfort Ever since he was old enough to hold a shovel, he had been out in the fields, taking after his mother in being a farmer. Having never met his father, he always asked his mother, Helena, about him. She would always reply with the same answer; “you’ll learn one day” and change the subject. His mother taught him agriculture from a very young age, and other trades such as craftsmanship. Enjoying life, working on the farm and playing with his friends, Benedict's life was as any 13 year olds halfling’s life should be. Simple. It remained that way until one day, a band of orcs were spotted raiding nearby regions. The people of Dunshire were not worried however, assuming the orcs were more focused on the nearby man cities, and that they would be ignored. However, one night, the orcs crashed into the village, and plundered it. Through the valiant efforts of the village sheriff and deputies, most of the halflings were able to escape, while a few deputies stayed to distract the orcs, giving the rest of the village time to run. Few of those deputies made it out alive. Benedict was out with his friends at the time of the attack, and didn't know what was happening until he was spotted by the town's deputies. They scooped up the kids and brought them to the rest of the halflings. When Benedict got there, he didn’t see his mother among the evacuated, and started sprinting back into the village being chased by the deputies, telling him to stay put. Luckily for Benedict, the orcs had already left, realizing that the village was not worth their time, and more interested in the Cloud Temple. He ran straight for his home, where the front door had been torn straight off, and his mother lie dead on the floor. Ever since that day, Benedict wondered if he’d ever meet his father. He was adopted by his uncle’s family and lived with them until he was old enough to start a life for himself. Still a farmer, Benedict has made peace with his mother’s death, but could no longer bear to stay in Dunshire, the emotional wounds too great. He searched for a community that was in need of his skills. He traveled for a few months, and eventually settled in the small village of Brandybrook. While he is happy with the life he has made for himself, a part of him still longs to meet his father. If he ever saw him, he’d have many questions, and possibly a punch to the jaw for abandoning him and his mother.
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