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Everything posted by CorweenieTheJedi

  1. Sevrel reads the missive, eye twitching with confused rage. He crumpled up the missive and threw it into his fireplace, as is customary for a forum roleplay missive, and left his house to find answers.
  2. @Auswolf it's your time to shine man
  3. Can we remove bans on players who don't get a response about their ban within 72 hours as well?
  4. Sevrel did not know Awaiti too closely, though they did share a love for the mali of Elvenesse, and a passion for it's people. He was saddened to hear of her passing. He went to a secluded section of the woods of Elvenesse, with a small bundle of cactus green. He burned the offering, and mumbled a prayer for the elder 'ame, another one of the eldest lost to the sands of time. "Ker’ayla, ehya ahern'nae Awaiti. Mar’haelun ehya mar’maln, myumier nae lin"
  5. I have an emtpy persona slot what do I do with it

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Notic
    3. CorweenieTheJedi


      16 hours ago, Laeonathan said:


      I thought about it

    4. Laeonathan


      You totally should :3 we're finally growing in numbers again!

  6. Sevrel stroked his beard in thought as he looked at the fat chickens. "Who has been feeding these chickens I wonder?" he asked himself before wandering off. The image of the fat chickens would be imprinted on his memory. So plump, so round. Almost voluptuous in shape. He sat in his room, sipping some wine by the fire as his children played, and he quietly mumbled to himself. "Who has been feeding them... who..." the elder 'ker lamented, as he gazed into the burning embers, the mystery toying with his head.
  7. Imagine needing to use your Azdrazi magic to magically spook a bunch of halflings (an ability that apparently cannot be defended against) so that you can escape them.


    Halflings 1 - Azdrazi 0

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. jdesarno


      Ooga booga monsters and magic bad.

    3. CorweenieTheJedi


      @Werew0lfmore than you know man damn

    4. UnBaed


      when a comical fight turns into a way for someone to inflate their ego on mineman Pin on Nickelodeon

  8. One of the letters sent out by Velsyni would reach the hands of Sevrel. He sat in his home with a glass of wine, and read the parchment by the fire as his children played. "Norland eh?" He said to himself as he read "They have always been kind and true of heart, not a bad choice... If you had to settle for a Valah city" He muttered sarcastically. A soft smile crested upon his visage and he placed the letter on his table, and took a sip of wine "At least I am not the only one who wants to do right by our kin" He commented with a nod, before finishing his wine. Later that night, he told his family he would be away for a couple days. He packed his bag, and set off for the north to pay a visit to his old friends in Norland, and to meet this Velsyni, with ideas of hope for the future in his mind.
  9. This missive would be transcribed many times and sent to any and all groups or individuals of the Mali’ker people As I sit here, sailing on the ships to our new land, I think about my past. Being on this ship reminds me of my time as a sailor in my youth, before I decided to settle down and find a home. First Vira’ker, then Asimu’lei, then Ker’Okarn, and then Aegrothond, and now, who knows. I think about our peoples’ past. I think about the many cities we have built. I think about the stories that have been written, by pen and sword alike. I think about the tales of our ancestors, laying the foundations for everything we take for granted. And then, I think about our future. However, I am not sure what to think. I am afraid. I am afraid that once again, the ‘ker will be forced to wander, not having the luxury of having a long term home. One that they can depend on to raise their children in, and give them a sense of belonging. Many places have done this in the past, but with things the way they are now, the future is uncertain at best. Some time ago, I spoke to my friends in the Royal Sylvaen family, and we discussed this. We spoke about how the ‘ker deserve a home. One that will last through time. But, after the discussion, I thought not much more of it. It wasn’t until the Inferi war where I was gravely wounded, where I had some time to rest and think about what I could do to help my people. I realized that what my people needed, was something that I could provide. After much thought, and with the blessing of my friends here in the Elvenesse council, I have decided to give birth to a new community of Mali’ker. A humble home, where we can express our culture, and be around our own kin. One where the needs of all ‘ker are met, and we can live in harmony. This new home will be named the Evarsae’ker, and it will be open to all and any Mali’ker who wish to work together for a brighter tomorrow; and I promise you that I will do everything in my power to make this more then a piece of land, this will be a home. A home where we can grow old, and leave a legacy for the next generation to follow, one that we can all be proud of looking back on at the end of our days. This, is my dream. And as I sail towards these new lands, where our future is unclear, I know one thing. Though I know we are facing down challenging times... I have hope. Signed, Sevrel Valin’dar Each missive would be signed by Sevrel, before they would be sent out to the 'ker that now wander in search of a home. [OOC]: if this sounds like something you are interested in, please feel free to shoot me a message on discord, Cherry Blossom 🌸⛄#9001 and ask any questions you might have. More will follow this post in the coming days, so do keep an eye out 😉 Meme RP encouraged
  10. ((IC)) Name: Burt Hassenfort Race: Halfling Applying For: Librarian Age: 34 Experience: Not much, but a lover of stories, and a desire to preserve history. Citizen of Elvenesse: Yes or No: YES ((OOC)) Time Zone: PST IGN: CorweenieTheJedi Discord: Cherry Blossom 🌸 ⛄#9001
  11. The casual **** talking of flam tickles me with delight.
  12. Not a terrible idea. The only issue I see with it would be it’s implementation in RP. For instance, if I caught wind (irply) that a group of bandits was about to raid my city, normally I would have time to RP rallying people to fight and getting things ready, since people would have to rally at their home base and then run/ride there. With fast travel, that time to prepare would be gone and you would just have people instantaneously showing up. Now to be fair, that’s how most raids happen anyways, but there would need to be clear stipulations to fast travel. Like, are you allowed to fast travel to a place to commit villainy RP? Are you allowed to use it to get to your raid target? What would the cool downs for fast travel be, similar to soul stone? Again, not a terrible idea, and I 100% share the frustration of running for eons to find RP, I’m curious to see how you would implement it. Unless you are just proposing the idea without any sort of idea on how it would work, which is cool too.
  13. I want snow elves to be unshelved
  14. Sevrel's facial expression was largely unchanged when he heard the news of Xavis' death. For years Sevrel had found solace in hating Xavis, but in reality, he was simply trying to cover up the pain of knowing the man Xavis was before his dark fall. Surely he was never perfect, and made many detestable choices, but Sevrel found meaning in serving in Vira'ker under Xavis' rule. He found purpose in protecting the royal (at the time) family, and by extension, Rhaella Ashwood, who became his oldest friend. The memory of chuckling as Xavis was reemed out by Rhaella when she was a child flashed into Sevrel's mind. Among other fond memories of the two, such as besting Xavis in a spar on the beaches of Vira'ker, to the great pleasure of the onlooking Rhaella. Sevrel took a ride to what was Vira'ker, and walked the beach. He looked out to the ocean, and pictured the two of them there with him. The winds blew, as a tear streamed down his cheek… "Ker'ayla, lirran…"
  15. All Good Things... Come To An End... ”I’m glad you’re here with me, Samwise Gamgee... Here at the end of all things...” The day was peaceful. Birds chirped as they flew over the Dinkle River. The bees buzzed around pollinating the flowers. The sun shone brightly upon Brandybrook, the village that Benedict came to so long ago, seeking a place to call home. His time was not always so peaceful. Benedict had been through more battles and conflict than any Halfling had ought to have been in. He had repelled advancements of Uruk raiding parties in the Almenodrim alongside fearsome Oathblade warriors. He had slew great beasts from the Void that threatened Brandybrook. He had sailed the seas and fought the terrors of the undead. He had even marched straight into the Void when it threatened Arcas, alongside an army of Descendants, and once again on Grief’s fortress, where he had rallied the Weefolk to stand up and fight, the battle in which he lost his arm. His brushes with death had been severe, and many, yet he came out on top every time, hanging on to life. Quite possibly via pure stubbornness or disdain for his enemy. No, the Halfling’s tale had not always been a peaceful one. Some would tease him, claiming that there was too much Dwarf blood in him, which would explain the impressive beard. Were that true, Benedict thanked his excess of Dwarf lineage, for it enabled him to protect those who he loved, and keep his village safe. While in retrospective thought, he lay in his bed. He held his baby son, but he had not the energy to get out of his bed. He felt weak, tired, diminished. He knew he was facing down his last day. The door to Benedict’s room would open, and so would enter his two dearest and oldest friends, Taal and Feanor Sylvaeri. They would regard their Halfling friend with a bittersweet smile, as they too knew that today would be the day. They spoke of memories they had together, and with a healthy dose of sarcastic quips from the frail and old Halfling, they laughed together. Several people stopped by to see Benedict, and say their goodbyes. A few members of the Oathblades of Aegrothond came to pay their respects to their fellow warrior, as he had fought alongside them many times. A few tears were shed, but the time was focused on the happier moment of life, and good memories. Benedict was pale, and his veins were darkened a significant amount. His coughing fits got more frequent and more violent. The sickness that took his father, Rollo, was well underway in doing the same to Benedict. He grew tired, and weak. He asked his two Mali friends to bring him outside, so that he may look upon the village, and Dinkle river once again. They granted his request, Taal carrying the baby son, and Feanor carrying Benedict outside. They sat on a hill near his house, looking out. The breeze was light, the sun shone, the sounds of a serene village could be heard in the background. The trio spoke to each other. Taal made a final promise to care for Benedict’s child, as he were one of his own. Hearing that brought peace to Benedict. He leaned on his friend, head resting on Taal’s shoulder, as he was too weak to hold it up himself at this point. He wrapped his arm around Taal’s, and rested his hand on his son. Benedict’s breathe slowed. He commented on the beauty of the day, and rested his eyes for a moment, before looking down to his son. ”Thank you...” He said slowly, his voice exasperated. ”Thank... You...” He said even slower. With that, a long sigh... Benedict grew still, and in the company of his two dearest friends and his son... He passed on, to whatever lay beyond... OOC: What a freaking adventure. I came to LOTC in April of 2019, and started playing Benedict. He was a halfling in his prime, with a wicked beard. Over time, he grew to be so much more than a way to make myself feel jealous for not having as good of a beard. His story helped me learn about myself, and grow as a person. Which is pretty weird for a pixel block man, but whatever. I want to thank everyone who contributed to his story in some way. It was because of you that playing him through his journey has been such an incredible experience. Part of the reason for PKing him is an IRL one. Very soon, I leave for Basic Training for the Canadian Military, and I wanted to conclude his story before I left, as I will be away from the server for a substantial amount of time. The story gave me such an amazing time, I felt I owed it to the little cowboy to see him off properly, and in good fashion. Anyways, bye for now folks. It’s been a slice. So long, and thanks for all the fish...
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