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Found 5 results

  1. An Introduction to MessyMedieval Written for Lord of the Craft, May 2024 (Our gratitude to Llir for allowing us to post links!) What is MessyMedieval? MessyMedieval (or MM for short) is a minecraft building philosophy and design system for Minecraft Roleplay which aims to unite beauty and function in player-scaled builds while remaining accessible to all players. This brief document will help you get acquainted with the basic principles and tendencies of MessyMedieval and clear up common misconceptions about it. We hope this will help you to understand and appreciate the MessyMedieval outlook. We eagerly welcome fellow enthusiasts and critics alike, to our community and build server! Should you have any more questions about our philosophy or community, don't hesitate to post them in the comments! Links Build Server IP - mc.messymedieval.net 🙌 MM Community Discord - Join our active and growing community discord! 🔗 MM Linktree - Links to all our pages and platforms! neatly organized. 📌 MM Pinterest Page - A source for quality reference material and inspiration. Even for non-MM builders! Documents An introduction to MessyMedieval - Shareable Google doc of this thread MM Guide - (a greatly outdated, but historic document to our community) MM Manifesto - A more comprehensive take on the MessyMedieval philosophy, set to be reworked. I will update the link upon it's completion. The Aims and Principles of MM The principles of MessyMedieval are concepts (generally) sequentially instilled in each and every build. While our aim of accessibility represents our commitment to indiscriminately build for a broad audience! The principles of MM I. Purposeful Design: Rather than building arbitrarily, consider the utility and function of a build. This determines contextual factors such as size, layout, location, materials to be used, and in-character utility. “What is the purpose of said build?” II. Structural Integrity: Apply coherent logic to create builds with realistic structure. This entails working with a realistic 1:1 scale (1 block equals 1m³) as well as considering basic physics. For example: even fantasy themed builds should consistently be subject to its own internal laws, such as the existence of magical factors, etc. III. Meaningful detail: Add deliberate detail to your builds that is meaningful to its context. Avoid purely aesthetic techniques such as superficial “layering”, “blockspam”, etc. The placement of every block should be deliberate and justifiable within its context. For example: add small objects such as cups, tools and shelves within a homestead; moss to an old stone wall; and mud along puddles or river banks. The aim of accessibility I. Build in default! We believe builds ought to be accessible to all players, without requiring effort on the side of the beholder. Therefore we recommend building with vanilla textures. graphic mods and resource packs also tend to act as a cover up for lack of technique or skill, and thus impede a builder’s proficiency. We creatively work with the tools the game provides and push them to the limit! Noteworthy tendencies 👌 We adhere to realistic scale, we DO NOT scale up builds to fit in more detail. We learn to work with real 1:1 scale (1 block equals 1m³ and the player character is about 1.85 meter tall). 🎭 MessyMedieval is rooted in Minecraft Roleplay. It is on Lotc that MM’s name was coined and it found its first audience and students. This is because our philosophy addresses the needs of minecraft roleplay effectively and creates deeply immersive environments, which makes it uniquely synergetic to the format. 🧱 Mixing blocks to create new materials is a key practice used by MM builders, evidently inspiring our name. However, we must stress that we do this in an utmost intentional and clear way, rather than making something messy for its own sake. Not every build warrants a messy approach! We carefully consider the balance of texture, brightness and color of blocks to use. 📚 We frequently consult reference material (images, maps, literature, etc.) to inspire us. This grounds our builds in contextual realism and teaches us how to portray an accurate impression of realistic architecture and natural environments. Important Clarifications ❗ “Messy” builds in a “Medieval” setting are NOT necessarily MessyMedieval. With regard to our movement, MessyMedieval ought to be considered a unique branding name and not just the sum of the descriptive terms “Messy” and “Medieval”. ☝️ MessyMedieval builds are NOT limited to a medieval setting, even though the name implies it. Our name was conceived to contrast against the predominant “clean” fantasy builds in early minecraft roleplay, it’s catchy nature, though inaccurate, made it last. 🧠 MessyMedieval is NOT a build style, but a philosophy and design system which allows for any thematic build style to flourish! A brief history of MessyMedieval MessyMedieval began as something rather humble and ill-defined In much earlier days on Lord of the Craft. It’s first expression being a tavern by the name of Crow’s Skuling on the temp-map of Kalos, before the launch of Anthos. At the time, the name MessyMedieval served as a counter-cultural statement against the then predominant “clean” fantasy builds on the server (Stonebrick from bottom to top). Ironically, today, MessyMedieval builds seem to be on the cleaner side of medieval fantasy, nor do we restrict ourselves to just building medieval fantasy styles. In these early days MessyMedieval was strongly associated with House Carrion, until a little after their rise to power over the Empire of Oren. After that, the presence of senior MessyMedieval builders on Lotc has been irregular, which lead to the proliferation of many misconceptions about our movement (or the complete invisibility thereof). Evidently this document is an attempt to straighten the record. Despite our periodic absence, MessyMedieval has left a distinct mark on the building styles of most of the server’s human realms. With many towns approximating our visual aesthetic without having direct ties to our community or build server. The only notably break from this semi-MM style on Lotc, is New Valdev, the capital of Hanseti-Ruska (built by the talented @ErosTea)
  2. Hi everyone! We’ve had Limited Creative (LC) for a while now as our current happy middle ground between pastes and doing it by hand, but we’ve not been entirely clear about what it is, how it works, or much else about it unless you’ve made a modreq. Thus, we’ve put together this little guide so you can stop asking questions and start building! Layman’s Guide to Limited Creative Disclaimer: It Just Works What is Limited Creative? Limited Creative, or LC, is the server’s way of easing the average player’s ability to build through a localized version of at-cost creative mode. LC acts just like default creative mode with the exception of the ability to drop things, access inventories/entities, or place certain blocks such as ores. How does it work? Using a combination of worldguard and fancy tech-folk magic, a region is set up in your name with you set as a Region Owner. Inside the region, you’ll automatically be given LC, a high fashion green outfit indicating you’re in LC, and you can start to build. As a Region Owner, you’ll also be able to add others to the region and they’ll be able to build in LC as well with /rg addmember region_name mc_name. (Ex. /rg addmember lc_laymans_guide SimplySeo) What does it cost? Limited Creative is an at-cost alternative to building in vanilla that exchanges mina for placed blocks while you build. Natural blocks such as cobblestone or dirt are free to place while others will cost 0.1 mina per block. After placing a block, you can break it again to get your 0.1 mina back too. As a part of the region, the lc-balance on /rg info region_name will reflect how much is left for you to build with. (Ex. /rg info lc_laymans_guide) Free Blocks List How do I get set up? Figure out where you want the region. Keep in mind that LC regions can’t overlap with one another. After deciding where you want an LC region, get permission from one of that area’s Region Owners and get your mina together. /modreq at the location you want the region and be ready to send the moderator who answers a screenshot of the permission in discord. When the moderator answers your modreq, they’ll ask for the RO permission, mina, and area you want it set up in. Regions can be hard to set up in a crowded city, so please be patient with us as we get you set up. Build away! While you’re building… Keep in mind the bounds of the region you’ve had set up for you. If you accidentally fly out of the region while 200 blocks in the air, you will drop out of LC and plummet to the earth. Balance running low? /lc pay will bring up prompts that ask for the region you want to pay into and the amount you want to add. If lc_region_name doesn’t work, try just region_name or region name. (Ex. lc_laymans_guide > laymans_guide > laymans guide) LC regions aren’t meant to be long-term projects that take weeks to do, so the default expiry date for regions is 7 days after which you’ll no longer be able to build in the region. This can be adjusted during the setup process, within reason, according to the moderator who sets it up with you. Expiry dates can’t be extended, so endeavor to have your build finished by the given date or it’ll have to be remade. Want to give more detail to your build? /lc stick while in LC will give you a debug stick to use in the region. You may also use client side building mods, such as Litematica and Litematica Printer, to help out. I’m finished building. Now What? When you’re finished building, /lc finish at the location of the region to close it and have the remaining funds returned to your persona. Have fun building! If you’ve read this far, you’re hopefully ready to get your LC region going and get building with ease! If you run into any issues while building or want some more information, /modreq and a moderator will be with you when they can. Special thanks to @SimplySeo for being my test dummy, @teeylin & @TimberBuff for helping me find the free blocks in our sea of documents, and @annabanana1014 for making sure I didn’t miss anything.
  3. MissToni’s Building Commissions So after doing some long thinking and going back and forth on if I were doing build commissions to those that asked me or tried to get one from me in the past I have decided to try and now officially open up commissions, though I am not as fully fledged of a builder as some others are on this server I will do my best to fulfill the wishes of the commissioner. My prices are as of following regardless of if you wish for interior decoration or not: 200 x 200: 150 usd 150 x 150: 120 usd 100 x 100: 100 usd 50 x 50 +/-: 60 usd Paypal Only This includes any and all edits to the build. If you wish for edits AFTER the commission has already been finished and paid for we can discuss an added price depending on how big the changes are. References: One of my recent reference is this keep that I finished this month for my friend @Harald Though credit goes to @_yink_ for the onion towers + design of the big windows along with interior help from her and @ElvenHuntress Another reference from this year was done in the Haense build style. Along with this I can give the reference of @0zark who I have helped on a couple of commissioned projects when it comes to building, one of these being last map’s Kortrevich keep. @beetle & @Phersades has also been someone I have worked for/together with on building and can attest for my quality. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/217093-the-county-of-jerovitz/?tab=comments#comment-1938716 If you wish to commission me I will be in need of a build server for the project. How many business days the build requires depends on the project and or my schedule. But about 1-2 months on average for larger builds. I reserve the right to deny your commission if I believe the references given will be too complex for my building skills, but attempts will be made to challenge myself. If one of your commissions requires terraforming I might end up bringing a friend of mine along for the project, where he/she/they will be given a cut of the paycheck. Contact me on discord if interested: misstoni
  4. A flyer is posted around the city of Karosgrad The Aevaris Architecture Co. Are you a powerful noble looking to move into a new, comfortable and luxurious keep? Perhaps you’re a well-to-do merchant or public servant looking for a modest but well appointed home? Or even a government official looking to commission a new sturdy and practical building? The Aevaris Architecture Company is here to help! Browse the Company’s attached portfolio and contact Ellisar Aevaris in Karosgrad for a free estimate. (OOC: Taking on building jobs, contact jonnyflatz in game or on discord at thevilehobo#5640)
  5. Flyers are distirbuted to as many different parts of Valior as is possible. They read as follows: BUILDERS REQUIRED! Percival Staunton requests as many able hands as is possible, to aid with the reconstruction of Port Vydrik and the County of Westmark. A large keep, a large city and a few ships are required. Further details regarding the county can be attained once a member on the building team. Payment of up to and including 2500 minae will be payed per builder, depending on the quality and amount that they have built. If you are interested in this, please contact Percival Staunton. Sketches of previous constructions are preferable, however, not required. Much of the resources that are required for building will be provided. I would hope to hear from you soon, Percival Staunton of Westmark. OOC: Post below or PM me on Skype, Joearomo for further details. Screenshots of previous builds send via Skype.
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