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  1. Dizah found herself in the Cloud Temple one night in Athera, not remembering much of how she got there. As she ascended from the lower levels, she saw this new world, one which she’d never seen before. She took a long gaze at the large map near the exit, deciding she would head to Cerulin. She took a quick look to her left, smiling as she saw for the first who would be one of her greatest friends from then out. She got his attention, introducing herself. He told her his name, Kolohe Finn. After a short talked, Dizah decided to sing. Leaning against the fence, she knew that Kolohe had begun to fancy her. He offered for her to meet his daughter, whom mysteriously disappeared one day, but she had to be on her way. She looked again for Cerulin, wondering aloud at its location. She heard a voice behind her, and she turned to see Artimec Camoryn, offering her an escort to the city. She smiled and accepted, and they were on their way with a parting wave to Kolohe. An elven week or so later, Dizah met Freya Connex, a young, aspiring performer. Dizah decided to take her on as a student, teaching her to play the flute, pan flute, and ocarina. She payed a few visits to the Druid’s Grove nearby, meeting a few of them and basking in the love of nature. One night, Dizah received word from a friend of hers that there was a women in a tavern on the Stone Road who sought companionship. Being a woman of either sex, Dizah went and met her, forming a relationship with one Kinra Calin. After spending much time with Kinra, Dizah began to slowly fall in love. She travelled to Petrus and sought a ringmaker, purchasing an intricate engagement band. She asked Kinra to meet her one morning, and there, she popped the question. Much to Dizah’s dismay, Kinra said no, stating that love doesn’t exist. Dizah was heartbroken, drinking herself into a stupor and sending for her old friend Kolohe. She told him of her plans to end her own life, to which Kolohe told her to travel, instead. And so, she went west, where she met a young fellow who roused her heart. She returned to the Cerulin area, meeting again with Kolohe to thank him. Weeks later, a warm night in the Sacred Lotus tavern, she sung a final aria of longing for her lost love. Afterwards, she was approached by a man named Oan Frondson, asking if she needed a place to stay. Being low on minas and without an actual home, Dizah accepted, travelling with him to his home in Sylverport. He offered her tea and a bath, and thus began the relationship that would make her forget her love for Kinra. Upon reaching Vailor, Oan and Dizah met up again, and consumated their love. Multiple times. Some time later, Dizah found herself feeling sick in the mornings and growing a tad fatter. She realized with some shock that she was pregnant. She kept this from her lover, fearing that they would not be able to properly raise the child. Eventually, Oan figured it out himself, though he also did not tell his love. Days later, Dizah came clean with Oan, telling him of her suspicions. He told her that he had suspected this as well, and she was relieved. They agreed to raise the child, and when her term was finished, she gave birth to Atin Oanson, the true light of her life. What an unfortunate time, though, for Dizah to feel the call of dryadism, and to follow it. She informed Oan and their good friend, Berilac Goldworthy, of her decision. To her surprise, Berilac was more unhappy than Oan. She became Katavasi, and bonded with a massive oak on the isle of Laureh’lin, far from her child. Yet, nearly every seed, she came to visit him, Atin eventually coming to recognize this leafy new matron as his mother, Katavasi was happy. She lived within her tree in peace. Nobody would bother her or her tree, and she sat in sweet solitude. Not long after she became a dryad, her tree began to fall ill. It withered and died, and Katavasi was sad. Her family and friends begging her to return, Katavasi cast away her Amber Seed, her connection to it slowly dying. Elven days later, she was completely separate from her tree, and the Amber Seed crumbled and turned to dust in the wind. She tried to lift herself from the endless sorrow, but its black, twisted hands kept her submerged in the depths of depression. She decided she would see her son one last time, to apologize and to tell him how much she loved him. Without informing anyone else, she made her way to the volcano to the south of Ker’nor.. Yet, as she sat on the lip of the fiery geyser of Ker'Nor isle, her thoughts fell back to these events. The heat against her face was tantalizing; a means to her end. But, when she thought of her almost-husband, and her son, and Kolohe, and Kinra, and Artimec, and everyone, she knew, beneath it all, she couldn't do this. She stepped to her feet, still telling herself that this was right. Peering down into the bubbling pond of hellfire, Dizah's leg seemed to resist moving forward. She let out a ragged sigh, quickly stepping away from the edge and climbing down the mountainside. She found again the canoe she'd used to come from her tree to the shores of this volcanic blot in the sea, setting off in the opposite direction to pay her dearest friend a visit. (( Sorry, you two. It was eating me up inside and I just can't get rid of Dizah yet.
  2. Golem Industries “We do what we must, because we can.” Introduction Golem Industries is an independent research corporation, with the ambition to become the forefront of knowledge. Founded by two respectable dwarves, they aim to increase to become the spearhead of what is currently the “Age of Industry”. Through research, and commerce they to create a home for scholars and knowledge seekers. Ushering in the what they hope to be an “Age of Enlightenment.” Aims & Objectives Current Aims (Will be updated): Increase our number to fifteen. Create and build a multi-pieced golem. Create Portal device or Portals. Remain Independent. Create a Mechanized suit or something similar. Have fun. Create a Golem with enough sass to rival Paragon Yudora. Enter the Creators Palace and hold a birthday party for him. Current Objectives (Will be updated): Complete the basic construction of Golemic Research Chambers (Headquarters) within the Month. Hold an event every week, and write a post afterwards detailing what happened. Create “Jeeves” the Wood Golem. Create a butlers outfit for Wooden Golem. Within the first month, hold the event “Subject Alpha.” Begin testing on animal type golems within the first two months.· History Chapter 1 - Origins 24th of Sun’s Smile, 1460 - Dared & Tarren Starbreaker begin construction of the Golem Research Laboratory. During construction with their assistant Sharr Irongut, the idea comes to them to form Golem Industries to further their research. Rules & Regulations Overview ((OOC and IC)) Please note that this contract is one that you make with your soul on the line ((meaning it is an IC and OOC agreement)). Golem Industries does not posses any malicious intent towards it’s employees but would like to stress that these terms and conditions are here for safeguard the companies interest. And would like to inform you that the most extreme of these is only to be done in extreme cases. Rules & Regulations : Employee List & Rankings El Presidente [subject to name change] Tarren Starbreaker Dared Starbreaker Head Researcher Researcher Empty Research Assistant Beranabus Whitewolf (Booklight12) Gamril Forkbeard ( _Ritterbruder_ ) Bowman Irongut (Destroyer_Bravo) ---------------------------------- Favoured Test Subject Empty Test Subject Empty Guinea Pig Empty Location Kal’Arkon - Undercity (Headquarters). ((Screenshots to come soon.)) Application ((Yes this post is serious, and it is currently still being edited.))
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