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  1. THE EMBER PROTOCOL 2 MENSIS OVENITIUS 1930 By the grace of GOD and his Three Prophets, we who have willed our covenant’s survival through the Great Expulsion shall duly endeavor to again act as the bulwark of Humanity. To those of pious virtue we compel thee - blow upon our embers and watch as the pyre swells. DEUS VULT, Grand Inquisitor Stefan de Burnett OOC: Friday. August 4. 2023.
  2. A poorly written letter with sloppy handwriting has been placed near the Cloud Temple auction house, pinned with a nail. Wanted: One copy of the Strictures of Yeu Rthulu, preferably in good condition, but not mandatory. Price: Can be discussed. If you come across a copy of this book, or are able to acquire one, please contact Evin Marik, or place a reply below. -Evin Marik
  3. *A few posters are scattered around the realm of Athera, found mostly in pubs and on trees down the stone road. They read:* “The weak will always be led by the strong. Where the strong see purpose and act, the weak follow; where the strong cry out against fate, the weak bow their heads and succumb. There are many who are weak; and many are the temptations to which the weak fall for. Despise the weak for they shall flock to the call of evil and temptation. Pity them not and scorn their cries of innocence - it is better that one hundred innocently fall before the wrath of the Creator than one kneels before the fallen.” - The first of the Disciples of the Seventh Dawn “Praise the Sun!” The Disciples of the Seventh Dawn Upon the 5th of Malin’s Welcome, 1492. The Disciples of the Seventh Dawn see the light, and that light is the Creator; His mercy never ending, and His wrath most terrible. As the pitiful descendants of His omnipotent glory, we’ve been deserving of His wrath, for we squander all that is given so freely, and we side with the fallen, the heretic and apostate. We, The Disciples of the Seventh Dawn, shall lay waste to the guilty and fallen, shall scour the land in hunt of the weak and unworthy, and shall decimate those who stray from the path of righteousness, for it is our sworn and solemn duty as children of the Creator to scour this realm of all His enemies. The Creator observes us all in the sky, his mighty phizog seeing all of his creations rise each morning, and bidding them a safe journey each night, watching over us still. The Sun and the Creator's shining glory are synonymous, and the Disciples of the Seventh Dawn seek to guard the strong and worthy who sleep at night, to guard them from the weak of mind and thought. It is with pride that we praise the Dawn, for it announces a successful night of protection by the strongest of the Creator’s heralds. It is with pride that we look upon the rising Sun. It is with pride that we shout: “Glory to him! Praise the Sun!” The Spoken Rituals of the Seven Dawns: These are spoken on the beginning and end of every Dawn, with the specific incense being burnt for each ritual. For each ritual, the end must be as follows: Shouts of “Glory to the Creator! Praise the Sun!” follow the words and burning of incense, and normal life may resume afterwards. The Merciful Chant of the First Dawn: “The Creator, in His glory, has granted the First Dawn in name of His mercy. In His name, I vow to pity the weak, and to show them the most merciful of the Creator’s actions; To end their weakness, by means of illumination or death. So the Creator wills, and so I shall enact. His word is my command.” This ritual is performed with a single stick of Cedarwood lit. It would be held up high with both hands, and kept high until the sun has fully risen. The Dutiful Command of the Second Dawn: “To provide service and soul in one’s duty is to perform that which the Creator has designed you for. No man, orc, elf or dwarf of strong will shall have a duty of evil, and thus no man nor woman should be allowed to believe they carry such. Any who do are weak, and are to be struck down with holy might, thus completing the duty of the strong, and fulfilling the Command of the Second Dawn.” This ritual is performed with two small dishes of Amber lit. They would be burnt at the same time, each held in one hand until the sun has risen. The Sacred Teachings of the Third Dawn: “It is upon the Third Dawn that the creator saw it fit to make it known in all creatures, from mouse to man, from snake to seabird and from critter to camel, that His hand was that which guided the almighty progression of the world as we know it. It is with this knowledge that he granted us the Seven Dawns, and with this power that he blessed us with the strong to guide the weak into salvation or eradication.” This ritual is performed with three rolls of Cinnamon lit and stuck into a holder or into the ground. They would be burnt at the same time, positioned in front of the Disciple until the sun has risen. The Insightful Wisdom of the Fourth Dawn: “No God as almighty and good as the creator is content with leaving his children with no means of having a future or learning from their past. It was with the Creator’s will that we were granted the ability to remember our past actions and, with our minds and our knowledge, the capability to have an insight, a glimpse, on what is to happen to us in the near future, and how to prepare for such. Be it the construction of a new church or the inevitable end of one too weak to be fit to live, we are able to take a glimpse into the predictable future and plan ahead.” This ritual is performed with four sticks of Frankincense lit. They would be burnt one at a time, beginning much before the sun is risen. After the previous has burned out, the next is lit. This should end at around the same time as the sun has risen. The Guidance of the Fifth Dawn: “No man nor woman of strong will and faith is to tread this land without guidance. We the strong are designed to build the strengths of the others who are strong, and it is with this urge to help and guide that we praise the sun on the fifth dawn. To shepherd the weak into salvation or eradication, and to guide the strong along the path of discipline and righteousness, so that they may too, one day, shepherd the weak as the Creator intended.” Jasmine is burnt on the Fifth Dawn, sprinkled in a circle around all the participants. It is burnt only after the sun’s rise, as guidance requires light. The Peace of the Sixth Dawn: “To fight His fight is our duty, but the Sixth Dawn is given to us as a reward for our unwavering faith. No battles shall be fought on this day, and instead we are to spread the holy word of the Creator. Bread and water is to be given to all, and goodwill may be shown to the weak that have accepted the path of salvation. The strong may collect from all across the realm and feast on fine wine and meat!” Myrrh is burnt in six large bowls that are set upon a large breakfast table. The room must be one lit only by sunlight, and once the first ray of run illuminate the room, the feast may begin. The Discipline of the Seventh Dawn: “He who strays from the path of strength of mind and mettle is he who has lost their worthiness of holding the title of ‘living’. They are to be made a stranger to the realm of the living, and are to be exiled forever in the darkest of pits, never to see the light of the sun nor inhale the crisp air of day ever again. It is with great Discipline that one adheres to the rights granted to them on enlightenment, and it is not without a duty, as both are synonymous; to have Duty is to have Discipline, and vice versa. Those who stray from this path must study the Rituals of the Seven Dawns, lest they be removed from our world.” On this final dawn, Lotus incense is burnt, with a chalk design linking the seven points of the incense trays, in the shape of a sun. A large dinner is prepared at the end of the day. The Rights Of Apprehension: In the capture of servant and fiend you are to use extreme prejudice, the subject of apprehension should be immobile and non-capable of harm. You are to adhere to the rights and regulations upon the land you stand, handing him over to authorities with proof of their treachery, in form of signed confession. If you stand before the authority of none you are to bring him to the monastery for judgement. Diplomatic Stance It is in good consideration that we do not violate nation rights, and that consideration and accountability is held, thus we hold no malicious intent, we remain neutral unless proven otherwise. We only hold the most reverent respect for institutions of the Creator, and would be willing to aid in the spread of His almighty teachings. Ranking: The Sun’s Light The leader, he controls all that happens in the group. The Sun’s Ray One of three advisers closest to the Sun’s Light. Disciples: Each group of Disciples has different tasks relating to the Dawn they represent. The Seventh: This is reserved for the members that follow all the Dawns with equal passion. They are the most respected of the simple disciples, simply because they understand so much of the group and its ways. The Sixth They roam the land, preaching the Creator’s name and glory. They travel much. The Fifth These ones seek new members and initiate them into the rank of ‘The Saved’. They explain the basics of the Disciples of the Seventh Dawn. The Fourth They are the tacticians and leaders of the Seventh. They hold no power over them, but they have greater skill in leading fights than partaking in them. The Third Keepers of Knowledge and Lore, they are the librarians and scholars of the order, rarely fighting of moving out of their place of study. The Second The farmers and keepers of the Church and land. There is much respect for them, since they seek neither glory nor fame in their belief, only the love of helping others. The First They are the fighters and the defenders. The slayers of the weak and purgers of the unworthy. They show mercy to them by purging them. Purging them all... The Saved Initiates. They are given basic robes, and commence the initial training. Wish to join our holy cause? Wish to spread the Creator’s words? Send us a bird: *Below each poster is a smattering of application forms, neatly rolled up in a bag* Your Name: Your Age: Your Race: What is the Creator’s word?: Which Dawn do you admire/follow/respect?: Why do you wish to join? ((OOC:)) MC Name: Do you have Skype?: Do you understand that our goal is to provide fun RP for all, not self-promoting RP? Tell me a joke (This is serious. It better be funny!) :
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