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  1. AND NO MORE FROM THE HAND OF THE FLEPIRKNIGHT FROM THE HAND OF THE GAOLED FROM THE HAND OF THE HERMIT ILDRIUNN LUCIEN ALDRICSON OPENING PRAYER FROM THE VENERABLE FATHER PACO DO I RECITE THIS PRAYER TO SAINT-KING CAIUS OF THE WESTERLANDS. May the Creator protect us And in turn we protect others Let Him be our shield, So that we may be His hammer, ridding this world of darkness. He who stands with me shall be my brother, AMEN CONCLUDING REMARKS TO THE SCHISMATICS To the ‘Enlightened Mind’, I thank you dearly for your response. However, I must point out your copious flaws not only in thinking, but in logic. For it is both in thinking and in logic that the truth may be found of any source, the Scrolls included. I find it remarkable that you would deem me a man ‘blinded’ by Raguel’s arrival when I am a man conversely dismissed by the Mother Church. In many ways, we are quite similar, but merely on different steps of the same path. I too, was once a heretic, and appealed to the Curia, to its members, and to the Pontiff to the redemption of the kobolds. Know this, that every missive I must pen to you, is ten lashings from Adelmar von Kanunsburg that I endure further. Perhaps now it shall be twenty. I do this out of pure devotion to my faith, at my own peril. I have rebuked these claims, but I am punished for it all the same. I invite you to, if you fear for your life, still (which you should not, because if your cause is true, then you will find eternal salvation in the Skies), come to Lemonhill and rend yourself for penance when you see the error in your ways. Your main rebuttals to my points consist simply of discrediting me as an opponent in debate. And, in doing this, you abandon the debate altogether, and instead focus on your opponent as the target of your points. I invite you, instead, to challenge the logic in my arguments. A point that is unfalsifiable is a point that should not, and cannot be raised in argument. You can claim I am ‘blinded’, as you say, by the Saint Raguel, to the same extent I can claim you are being controlled by a cabal of Ibleesian mind magi. Alas, Raguel has not appeared to me in dreams since slaying Lanre Cerusil, and I have not laid eyes upon him since his appearance in Balian. On the other hand, you refuse to let an Army of GOD enter Silasia to check for said Ibleesian mind cabal! I hope then, you see my frustration. I have engaged in theological debate with the great minds of our Mother Church’s current generation, and I have thoroughly enjoyed them, both in outcome and in processu. I had hoped for the same with you. I never approach a debate with closed mindedness. After all, it is through challenging your faith that you strengthen it. In hopes that this can alleviate your struggles, I will be highlighting the good deeds done by St. Raguel, and from there substantiate the rest of my arguments so they are more easily understood, and much less aggressive than they were in the first missive I penned. Firstly, Saint Raguel descended to slay Lanre Cerusil after he himself murdered the late Pontiff Sixtus VI. He tracked him down as Lanre fled through the forest, and impaled the voidal lich through the chest. Then, he bestowed upon the then Cardinal Callahan, and Caius-Brandt, two holy relics, the second of which I was witness to its bequeathment: the holy grail, used to baptize Cardinal Clover (which is no doubt one reason she has become the pious cardinal she is today), and the two scepters of Clement and Evaristus. Beyond this, he has appeared numerous times to give counsel and aid the Canonist. For instance, in my pursuit of Stein, I raised my hand to navigate with the north star, and suddenly then a shooting star appeared to cut across my palm, flame bleeding in its wake. Admittedly, this is one unfalsifiable truth, the very same that I criticized you for referencing earlier on. I hope my honor as a knight, that I do swear to its truth here, is enough to convince you. Though I know not the full mechanisms behind them, I know he too appeared to Saint Gerard, former grandmaster of my own former ilk, the Judites. He was a man, I hear, of immense zeal, who died in combat against an Ibleesian hellknight that I have yet had the pleasure of casting down. Then, of course, the more recent, and much more infamous appearances - Aaun and Hohkmat. The benevolence of these actions is no doubt questionable. After all, the scrolls do teach mercy, acceptance, and redemption of the heathen, rather than the outright execution. But, as I have said before, and I will reiterate now, not only did the citizens of both know of their immolation baptism in advance, they too knew that if they were pure of spirit, that the mercyflame would not harm them. A dead Hohkmati is never a death I would mourn anyway. VERY few, if any, died. Alas, for the rest of your argument, you seem to partake in the very thing you criticize me for: attacks on character. Though, as the author, I will be the first to admit that my own letter was quite targeted and aggressive, I phrased it in such a way that my questions toward you would be most easy to answer and recognise. So, I will rephrase once more: What deception has Raguel brought? Do you rebuke St. Pius of Sutica? Do you rebuke the Blessed Radovid? Do you rebuke the First Sky? For, your dismissal of Lurak and Caurost would suggest such. Were you ever ordained as a priest, if so, by who? What rite do you claim? How, or why, have you swapped between a traditionalist and an Owynist view? How are you not schismatics? I must concede that there are several (around 3, at my latest count) sources pushing this agenda out from Silasia. I apologize, again, if I myself have conflated your voice with the louder voices of others. Alas, in the same way that you have questioned the intent of my writings, I question the intent of yours. Where do you write from? What is your name - why use a pseudonym? I do not use a pseudonym, for my words are mine, to be attributed to my hand. You lack excessively in textual evidence and rapport; your entire argument is constructed around one passage in a series of ramblings only half of Canondom even accepts as legitimate. The incumbent pontificate does not accept it as legitimate. Your interpretation seems to be largely driven by bias. You have gone into your readings wanting a certain outcome from your interpretation, and so your interpretation is thus inherently subjective. Again, I suggest you approach all arguments with open mindedness, rather than reducing my claims against you to libel. This will be my last missive on this matter, as the debate seems to have largely lost steam, and your ineffective responses do not warrant enough of a write for me to be lashed ten times by Adelmar. Wounds do not heal very quickly in damp, dark dungeons. HOLY SER ‘APSINTHION’ THE FLEPIRKNIGHT
  2. THE EMBER PROTOCOL 2 MENSIS OVENITIUS 1930 By the grace of GOD and his Three Prophets, we who have willed our covenant’s survival through the Great Expulsion shall duly endeavor to again act as the bulwark of Humanity. To those of pious virtue we compel thee - blow upon our embers and watch as the pyre swells. DEUS VULT, Grand Inquisitor Stefan de Burnett OOC: Friday. August 4. 2023.
  3. OWYNISM or the Owynist Rite of Canonism Transcribed by Lector Dante de Denesle Issued by his Grace, Bishop Guy de Soissons CONTENT Introduction Dogma Lexicon Core Owynist Beliefs On Multiculturalism On Magicks On Heresy On Heathens On Sexuality and Pleasure On Salvation On Civic Duty Important Rituals Baptism Mass Confession Marriage Cremation Litanies SECTION I: INTRODUCTION It has been nearly two millennia since the creation of our realm. It has been nineteen centuries since Horen and his beloved Juli'el bore Humanity from their love. Above, GOD sits on His ethereal throne, surrounded by His most faithful. HE is the master of infinite souls, by virtue of His incomprehensible being. He is omnipotent, He is omniscient. There is not a single being in this realm which can elude His being. And yet, our world is not paradise. It has been tainted with iniquity and the evils which Iblees wrought. The Deceiver’s tendrils corrupt the unassuming and are heralded by his minions. The great period of sin, foretold in the Vision of Portent, inexhaustibly draws near. And yet, Mankind does not shudder. Mankind does not retreat. Mankind does not blink. For greatest among His soldiers are the Owynists, and they shall not sit idle as GOD’s World is made venal. SECTION II: DOGMA Owynism through the millennium has taken the form of many similar yet opposing ideologies. Some ascribe the teachings of the Second Prophet to a burning desire for honesty and justice; others believe it more effective and more holy to engage in a glorious crusade against the iniquitous. Those who perceive themselves as enlightened have claimed that Owynism is a barbaric, outdated philosophy which holds no place in a contemporary setting. Crusaders retort, claiming that their opposition lost the fire which burns in the souls of men in favor of a life of negligence towards sin. Both schools of thought bear their own virtues and, undoubtedly, they possess their fair share of misinterpretations. The Owynists of today derive their philosophy not from the legends of the White Rose nor the Order of Saint Lucien. Instead, they have acquired their beliefs through the study of Owyn’s own actions, and they seek to mantle his deeds so that their soul might be saved from damnation. It was Owyn who, at the command of GOD, slept in the den of his enemies so that he might protect the virtuous among the Harrenites from their disgraced master. Surrounded by sinners, Owyn authored the Scroll of Spirit which admonished the unvirtuous actions of the descendants and his fellow men. Owyn, upon the seventh year of his servitude, demanded that the pure be liberated from their enslavement so that he might lead them on crusade to reclaim the greatest city of Edel. The Court of Harren refused Owyn’s demands and were met by the Holy Light of GOD when Owyn drew his fiery blade. Its divine aura brandished, the Harrenites were forced to bend the knee in both terror and awe. And yet, Owyn was a man and was prone to sin. He struck his repentant Uncle down in wrath, and GOD became furious, for he had spilt the blood of his kin. And so Owyn sought redemption; he crusaded alone in the fallen city of Edel, where for seven days he slew every last servant of Iblees, and GOD witnessed his penance. Owyn was made the light which shone upon the darkness of the world once again, and was welcomed to the Sixth Sky. Owynists believe that it is of the utmost importance to live as virtuously as Owyn. To achieve this, Owynists willfully go to the lands of the profane and shall offer safeguard to those who are virtuous. Owynists shall spread the Epistles so nobly written within the Scroll of Spirit in order to admonish those who have strayed from GOD’s light. Owynists will crusade, and they will seek to eradicate the servants of Iblees, for the sons of Owyn believe there is no greater proclamation of faith than to lay down their life to save the soul of Mankind. Until the dawn of Paradise, Owynists shall not be lax in their efforts to curb the schemes of the impure, for to lay in wait for the Deceiver’s return is to welcome him. SECTION III: LEXICON Lector noun (plural Lectors). 1. a broad term used by Owynists to describe their doctrinal preachers, equivalent to monk or priest. 2. a zealous soldier, enlightened by Owyn’s wisdom, who strives to inspire those around them in their never-ending quest to uproot evil and defend the virtuous. Pyre noun (plural Pyres). 1. a pit designed for the ignition and containment of varying amounts of flame. 2. an Owynist ritualistic symbol designed to mimic the divine flame of Owyn’s sword, used primarily in cremation, baptism and as decoration in Owynist temples. Litany noun (plural Litanies). 1. a series of petitions usually recited by lectors or clergy members which have the desired effect of increasing the religious fervor of those in attendance. 2. a zealous chant or rhyme spoken before the undertaking of an enterprise, be it war or labor. “Verily, brothers, gather and we shall recite litany to our comrades!” The White Flame noun. 1. the term used by Owynists to describe GOD’s divine essence and presence in the world; a reference to the blinding light emitted by Owyn’s blade which wrought terror into the heart of sinners. 2. A metaphor adopted by Owynists to prescribe a tangible model of their spirit. “The White Flame burns furiously in my being.” The Sword/Blade noun. 1. a metaphor adopted by Owynists to describe their righteous militant actions against the forces of iniquity. “They shall see The Sword fell upon them this day!” The Reaffirmation noun. 1. the ritual wherein an Owynist aspirant undertakes the Path of Owyn so that they might be baptised a second time. The Path of Owyn noun. 1. a seven day period of fasting and penance undertaken by Owynists with each day having its own specific ritual mimicking a stage in the Exalted Owyn’s life. SECTION IV: CORE OWYNIST BELIEFS On Multiculturalism It is a misconception that Owynists despise the other descendant races on the basis of wrath. In reality, Owynists maintain a historical feeling of disgust and hold a desire to purge aimed at foreign tribes who have willfully turned their back upon GOD. Referenced from the Scroll of Spirit, the Epistles serve as the main basis for the Owynist critique of the mixing cultures. In the Epistle to the Jorenites, Owyn admonishes his fellow humans for tolerating and adopting the customs of inferior faiths; it is believed that it results in an innovation in faith which causes mankind to stray from GOD’s Virtue. Owynists maintain a stigma against Human governments who turn a blind eye to foreign faiths and unvirtuous customs within their land. This Epistle is the primary source of xenophobia within Owynist belief; it forewarns the deception of the faithless. In the Epistle to the Elves, Owyn admonishes the descendants of Malin for worshipping worldly entities, be they Beast or Aengul. He reminds the Elves that it was GOD who ushered life into which they worshipped. As the centuries have shown, virtuous elves are the exception rather than the norm. Most elves maintain their heathen faiths or choose to remain atheistic; they also desecrate GOD’s Virtue through their tendency to act in incomprehensibly lustful ways. This decay in morality cannot be tolerated, and thus Owynists find those men who lay with the tribe of Malin as having violated their covenant with GOD. In the Epistle to the Orks, Owyn admonishes the sons of Krug for seeking power through their bloodlust instead of through their faith. The Uruks, however, suffer from the affliction of low intelligence and tend to lack comprehension in Owyn’s words. Orks tend to regress into their animalistic state and continue their belief in evil spirits. Through the centuries, Orcs have also acted as bloodthirsty raiders and murderers who sought to pillage Human lands. This has put Owynists at odds with the Uruks many a time due to their belief in defending the virtuous. Thus, the Owynist is suspicious of the Uruk for he knows their ignorance and wrath is likely to bring destruction to GOD’s faithful. This said, it is foretold that Owyn and Krug would strike down Iblees together; the Owynist remains optimistic towards their potential brotherhood with Uruk-kind. In the Epistle to the Dwarves, Owyn admonishes the stouts of Urguan for believing that GOD could be divided into lesser entities, and that worshipping false idols had led them astray and made their peoples vulnerable to Iblees. Yet, despite this lapse in faith, Dwarves have managed to live relatively morally within their mountain mega-structures. Dwed prefer to dwell within the confines of their mighty walls than polluting Humanity with their false beliefs. As a result, Owynists find little reason to be suspicious of the Dwarven traveller since their intentions are usually related to commerce rather than to sermonize their heresies. Owynists, however, will not hesitate to draw their blades should a Dwarf act antagonistically or insult their Faith. On Magicks Magic derived from any source contrary to GOD is an affront to Him. In the Epistle to the Magi, Owyn admonishes those who practiced the dark arts through the assertion that they sought to become equal to GOD by increasing their own power and, in consequence, the Deceiver’s. Owynists believe that those who dabble with the void are inherently prone to evil. The Scroll of Gospel clearly states that the Void was the realm furthest from GOD and that it was the tool which facilitated Iblees’ corruption. Thus, the concept of merging of both the thirst for power and the usage of the void mimics the unholy betrayal enacted by the Deceiver when she sought to dethrone GOD. Should these magi not repent and out themselves as a threat, voidal mages are usually considered to be purge on sight. In contrast, Aengul magicks are considered taboo by virtue of their acquisition. It is well noted within the Church of Canon that the source of “Deity” magic derives from the worship of Aenguls and other false prophets. As was stated in the aforementioned Epistles, GOD cannot be divided and that which He has created is inferior to Him and is thus undeserving of worship. Therefore, although those magi who use deity magic may hold noble intentions, it is believed that they must repent for falling victim to heresy and defying GOD’s Virtue if they must pay reverence. On Heresy Heresy is an injury to GOD because it implies that an individual understands the tenets and beliefs of the Holy Scrolls and then, out of pride, willingly chose to turn their back on Him. Heresy is most usually attributed to the humans who oppose the Canon and engage in perverse beliefs which undermine GOD. Major examples of heresy include the worship of Aenguls or Daemons, Atheism, or service to the Deceiver and his minions. In the Scroll of Spirit and the Scroll of Gospel, Owyn himself implored the return of heretics into GOD’s light should they offer their repentance. As a result, although Owynists might find it absolutely necessary to purge a heretical entity from this world, it is likely that they will show mercy to the truly repentant sinner should they not be an abomination or necrotic. On Heathens Heathenry is perhaps the most widespread problem which Owynists seek to rectify. Seemingly all non-human descendants and beastfolk are either unaware or are uninterested in learning the wisdom which GOD imparted upon Horen and his sons. It is not expected, however, that those other tribes would be interested in accepting this boon of knowledge as their own wretched curse was alleviated in a manner befitting their race. Owynists believe that there are both virtuous and malicious heathens. Virtuous heathens are those who live virtuously with the values GOD set forth to mankind but are misguided in their doctrinal understanding. Malicious heathens are those who deem their barbaric faiths as being superior and are those who seek to tempt men of Virtue into doubting GOD; these are the types of heathen who are most usually cleansed with steel and flame for their words and ideas seek to corrupt. Thus, Owynists believe that it is their duty to adopt the role of missionary to attempt and convert heathens so that they might not fall to the temptations of devilry and the worship of false idols. On Sexuality and Pleasure Though Owynists ascribe most of their rituals and actions to that of the Exalted Owyn, the more zealous variant adopts a lifestyle derived from the teachings of all prophets, particularly from the Scroll of Virtue. It is frowned upon to act in a promiscuous manner, including flirtation, as it seeks to undermine the Canticle of Temperance with regard to premarital coitus. It is believed that those who engage in such brazen sexual activities usually do so out of a lack of self control or other malicious reasoning; thus, Owynists will commonly prescribe non-lethal forms of punishment to harlots and lechers. It is also encouraged that one consumes meal in quantities only required for survival as it prevents waste and the fall to gluttony. Drunkards and those who partake in the consumption of narcotics are also frowned upon as they seek to use substance to gain hollow pleasure instead of devoting their life to diligent labors and the Lord. To an Owynist, order is the greatest weapon against the forces of iniquity, and thus, those who cannot maintain self-discipline are perceived as being liable to the downfall of everyone around them. On Salvation Understanding the admonishment given unto Godfrey by GOD almighty, Owynists do not claim themselves to be perfect men. Owynists instead acknowledge that they are deeply flawed beings who are prone to sin the same as any other - primarily wrath. The Owynist, however, believes that salvation is granted through the living of a virtuous life and that a righteous path to return to GOD’s embrace is to crusade against evil. Owynists will attempt to use their zeal in positive means to spread as much virtue to their communities before they perish, so that they might find solace in the good deeds they performed in life so that they may rest in paradise. On Civic Duty Civic duty is the willful service to one’s community in a positive and constructive manner. Mantling Owyn in his service to his uncles, Owynists believe that they must do everything in their power to aid the local faithful and protect them from the injustice of governments and the corruption of outsiders. Owynists, as a result, will oftentimes preach in hopes of inspiring those around them to remain true to the tenets of Virtue and will publicly protest acts and ideals they deem immoral. In honor of the Canticle of Diligence, Owynists also believe that they must act as role models for their fellow citizens by embarking on difficult yet productive labors; they will seek to complete their work in a careful and meticulous manner as a testament to their devotion. It is noted, however, that Owynists maintain a respect for local authority and its laws provided that the faith is not slandered. SECTION V: IMPORTANT RITUALS Baptism Baptism, for an Owynist, occurs twice in one’s lifetime. At birth, men and women are expected to receive the holy blessing of GOD and be made Canonist so that they may be anointed with the wisdom of GOD’s word and become one of HIS faithful. An Owynist, however, will undertake a second baptism, or the “reaffirmation” when they are of age, or when first adopting the tenets of Owynism, so that they might reaffirm their zeal to the world. Owynists do not think any less of those who do not undertake the reaffirmation as it is a personal endeavour rather than a dogmatic one. The process of the reaffirmation takes the metaphor of a baptism by fire to a literal degree. It is expected that those who wish to partake in the ritual fast for seven saint’s days and partake in the “Path of Owyn”. Upon the First Day, an aspirant shall undertake pilgrimage to all known public temples of the world and offer prayer within each and every single one, symbolizing Owyn’s escape from Edel to the Grotto of Gamesh. Upon the Second Day, an aspirant shall stoke the flames of Owynist pyres for a period of several hours so that they might understand the discomfort Owyn felt when commanded to serve the man who betrayed his uncle. Upon the Third Day, an aspirant shall recite the admonishments set forth in the Scroll of Spirit to a Lector so that they might understand the wisdom transcribed by Owyn. Upon the Fourth Day, an aspirant shall confess their sins wholeheartedly to an ordained cleric as an act of humbling, for an Owynist knows they are not perfect and will always, in some capacity, require reconciliation with the faith. This mimic’s Owyn’s realization that he had committed the sin of slaying his kin, and how he sought GOD’s forgiveness. Upon the Fifth Day, an aspirant shall embark on a quest of penance prescribed by the aforementioned ordained cleric. Though the actual task of penance differs for all aspirants, it is expected that regardless of the expectations that the aspirant should meet them with fervor and diligence. This symbolizes Owyn’s crusade. Upon the Sixth Day, an aspirant shall reconcile with the ordained cleric and confess once more to any sins that they may have committed in their quest of penance. When completed, the aspirant shall seek total and complete isolation until the time of the final ritual. Upon the Seventh Day, an aspirant shall crawl hands and knees through the aisle of an Owynist temple, surrounded on either side by flame, until they kneel before an altar of GOD. There, they shall be baptised by a Lector, and entrusted with the responsibilities and values of an Owynist. They will even be offered a chance to adopt a new name befitting the faithful. It is at this time the aspirant and their comrades celebrate, for they have suffered and emerged a new man. Mass Scheduled mass is a rare occurrence in Owynism as Lectors are expected to be active and inspiring members of the community. It is believed that GOD’s temples are sacred places of prayer, contemplation and dialectics; thus, they are used primarily for ritualistic purposes. Mass instead is conducted outside, in public, so that it might set ablaze latent fervor held within the souls of working men and women. After all, sermon is oftentimes needed in the most dark and decrepit corners of our realm, and the righteous are afforded no comfort in heathen temples. Owynist temples will also often lack pews as it is believed that one should not sit nor kneel as such an honor is given only to GOD while in prayer. It is advocated that the faith become an active, daily force in the lives of GOD’s chosen. Confession Confession for Owynists is not held in private booths. Owynists believe that if one is truly sorry for their sins, that it is best to open your heart to GOD and expel the fear of judgement by one’s peers. Courage to admit one's faults out loud and in public is considered a virtue to the Owynist as it displays one's genuine desire to repent and show their peers that they wish to do better. Lectors, however, do not presume to be the judge of GOD’s mercy, and thus they believe it prudent to impart wisdom on the confessor instead so that they might take an active role in their own redemption. Marriage Marriage is conducted in a manner similar to typical Canonist tradition albeit with minor cultural differences. Owynists, in particular, will set ablaze pyres along the side aisles of the Cathedral to symbolize the fire of GOD and the righteousness of the proposed holy union. Scented oils are lit at both the narthex and the apse, and those in attendance shall be chauffeured to their places of standing. The Groom shall enter first, adorned with the cloak of his family and will be followed by the Bride adorned with her own. The presiding Priest will offer a prayer and enable Bride and Groom to exchange vows. After this, they shall exchange cloaks and have their hands bound together to symbolize their newfound union before GOD. Kissing in these ceremonies is frowned upon as it seeks to publicize promiscuous behavior; such acts are for the private domain of men and not a temple of GOD. Cremation Cremation is perhaps the most important Owynist ritual in which one can partake. Should any being of any relation to GOD perish, Owynists will seek to provide blessings unto the corpse and set it ablaze. It is believed wholeheartedly that Cremation is a necessary act to safeguard the faithful. The Scroll of Auspice warns of the Era of Strife and the legions of undead which the Deceiver will raise. Owynists deem it essential to turn flesh into ash so that necromancers and beings of great malice cannot resurrect cadavers for their own evil purposes. For the virtuous, it is encouraged that one’s ashes be placed within an urn so that their remains might be honored by their families and not scattered by wind. SECTION VI: POPULAR LITANIES Litany of Intercession Crush your foes, holy Owyn, As you did when you led to people And smote them from skull to greaves! Take pity upon me, wretched and lost as I am And rescue your faithful servant. Litany of the Zealous Convert To the darkness I bring fire. To the ignorant I bring faith. Those who welcome these gifts may live, But I will visit naught but death and eternal damnation on those who refuse them. Litany of Damnation I am the hammer I am the sword in HIS hand, I am the point of HIS spear, I am the gauntlet about HIS fist, I am the bane of HIS foes and the woes of the treacherous, I am the end! This is oblivion! Litany of Salvation Lost in darkness, I long to see your light. Remember your covenant, mighty GOD, with the peoples of your son Horen - that the sun might not set upon us while we hold you in our hearts. Litany of Strength I am a man, Prone to weakness, But I am a warrior of GOD, Where weakness is death, I wish crush my weakness, With the weight of my pride. Litany of War GOD almighty, bestow upon me Your righteous fury and Your furious strength. Let me become the storm that strikes the enemy from Your sight. Litany of Diligence To my labors I keep focus. To my trials I persevere. I embrace the enterprise I have begun, And shall see that it is done right in YOUR name.
  4. http://blogs.westword.com/latestword/jerry%20seinfeld.jpg After perusing a topic regarding Orcs that claims they are combat super-machines that cannot be beaten in a height contest and have a racial population that knows how to swing a big club around since exiting the womb [ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/116484-so-you-think-you-can-1v1-an-orc/ ], I wanted to discuss Orcs and their unruly proportions further and make my own claim that alot of the characteristics of their race are ridiculous and defy the server's basic laws of physics that are vaguely regarded in role play. Their height has grown too large to be considered realistic or fair anymore. One cannot be over 8 feet tall and properly retain ones' balance consistently enough to where you may match others in combat or other related hostile circumstances. Andre the Giant was famed for his height in his wrestling career, and while this almost inhumane height gave Andre an edge against his opponents, it brought about many physical complications in his life. One prominent example of these complications in question was the fact that blood had difficulty circulating through his person on behalf of his large bodymass. On top of circulatory disfunctions, his gigantism weight put pressure on his skeletal structure. Another example of excessively unhealthy height would be Robert Wadlow who, at over 8 feet tall, was forced to wear leg braces so he may mobilize and died at 22 because of the physical wear that his condition brought about. Now, I'm sure the excuse to match these heights and even pass them would be that this is a fantasy setting where things may be vastly different than the real world - and that is a valid point - but being this tall is going overboard. If someone has reached 8 feet of height, they have literally become a giant. Orcs are not giants, they are savage green people with tusks that stand over the normal height of the other races, but not so severely. At most, the tallest Orc (and I express "tallest" as a rare trait) should be 7 feet tall. This includes Ologs, who in their own right may lean more toward 7 feet because of their written traits. Looking at it from a lore standpoint may further express my view. When the four brothers were brought into existence, Krug was the tallest of them when he still retained his more plain, human-esque features. However, when he was corrupted by the fire of Iblees, he did not grow 2 feet taller. This absurd "balanced gigantism" was not a trait or drawback that Krug's descendants were given through blood. It is a common misconception that began since Aegis and has survived up to here. Cutting a fraction from Orcish height would make them both realistic and able to be understood more as a race. Greenskins are Orcs, not giants.
  5. I seriously want to role play a pimp. Not only would it bring can fantastic and lively role play. I would be a good pimp, giving both role play and ooc interviews to my wenches, I would abide by cybering rules. I think people would also like to play brothel wenches too. And feminists who don't want my plans to come to fruition? I am all for equality, but this is a minecraft ROLEPLAYING server. Don't bring Ooc matters into RP. Brothels are legitimate things, that have existed for a loooooooooooooong time. I'll write more but I'm on my phone.
  6. Hecate Acius Nicknames: Cait, Caiti Age: 114 Gender: Female Race: Wood Elf Status Alive and well. Description Height: 5"6 Weight: 127 lbs Body Type: Short and petite. Eyes: A golden amber. Hair: Red Skin: Cinnamon Markings/Tattoos: None Health: Quite healthy. Mostly. Yeah. Not quite right in the head, but she's pretty harmless. Personality: An eccentric girl, she seems, at first glance, to be a bit air-headed, childish and otherwise overly cheerful. She gets strange ideas on occasion and doesn't always seem to be following any rational kind of logic. She is naturally fascinated with how the world and it's various forces work. Doesn't quite fit with the bronze mindset. Just to a fault, honest, and often (to her detriment) blunt. Incredibly loyal to both friends and family, and often has a hard time choosing between the two when they come into conflict, often choosing to abstain from it completely when possible. Recent events have hardened her a bit, causing her to seem more tired, stressed, and mature than usual. Inventory: Nothing much, really. A knife, some alcohol of some sort, occasionally jewels or relics found in her adventures. Now carries around a filtered mask with her in the event of a run-in with rotting bodies, or another event like the plague. Further Details: She's smarter than she looks. As in, a lot smarter. Been raised in a more reserved family, albeit her eccentricities don't always make this completely obvious. Life Style Alignment*: Lawful Neutral Deity*: Yuan Religion: No real name for it yet. Alliance/Nation/Home: The Elven Nation Job/Class: Nothing at the moment. Adventurer and knowledge seeker. Title(s): None. Profession(s): None. Special Skill(s): A powerful memory. Unorthodox problem solving. Agile and nimble. Flaw(s): She doesn't exactly follow normal logic, which can occasionally get her into trouble. Her obliviousness also means she's not exactly the best communicator. Often gets laughed at for her numerous quirks. Her size means she's not particularly physically strong. Can be socially awkward. Magic* Current Status: Has found various sources about how to connect to the void and pull the elements from within. She can connect to the void with relative ease, even with a variety of distractions. Has since cast her first droplet. Sources of Knowledge: http://imgur.com/a/UAYHG (On the Void, Jonathan Elers), http://imgur.com/a/PZA10 (Arcane Magic: Concepts - Kalenz Uradir), http://imgur.com/a/O7Igi (The Elements - Unknown Author), http://imgur.com/a/EEsOf (Evocation - Mythras Ardere), http://imgur.com/a/KJ6fQ (An Introduction to Hydromancy - Rosso (Not so much a tome to learn magic, this one, more just a guide on what may or may not be possible, as he has already explained to others in the past)) Arch-type: Arcane Sub-Type: Water Evocation/Hydromancy Rank: Tier 1 Weakness(es): Fire, Dark Arts Strength(s): Water, Air Current Spell(s): Droplet Weaponry Fighting Style: Either runs and hides or uses the environment to her advantage. Trained Weapon: None. A book, her memory, knowledge, sticks, and bottles of wine. Favored Weapon: None. Archery: The natural affinity of any wood elf. Which is to say, she'd be decent, but she doesn't know such yet. Biography Parents: Solon Acius, father, Mercahe Acius, mother, deceased. Siblings: Hera (Sister) and Ares (Brother) Acius Children: None. Extended Family: Agatha Acius (Grandmother), Cyrus Acius (Grandfather, deceased), Celica Acius (Aunt), Rhea Acius (Aunt), Phanes Acius (Uncle), Neolaia Acius (Adopted Cousin), Thilykos Acius (Adopted Cousin) Pet(s): None. History One of three siblings amongst the Acius family, she was raised in mind with values of self control and restraint, albeit she was a far stranger child than most in her family. After seeing the dramatic and mystical power of various arcane arts, she began, even as a child, to fantasize about having this strange force in her hands. Obsessed with it, her favourite toy as a young child was a small wand. When she was older, at about 25 years of age, the family split up, leaving her lost and disoriented in life. Having little direction in her life but her childhood dreams of magic, she left to make her fortune. She stopped in the Temple of the Monks of the Fringe, to tend to various minor injuries she sustained in the escape from Anthos, but has since then made her way to Lin'ame to find a way in life with her own kinsman. She has since met the majority of her family, barring Celica and Agatha Acius. Finds herself disagreeing with the rivalry a majority of her family holds with the Camoryns, and often meets with them in secret for a drink and a laugh. A bit of a flirt, multiple men have become enamoured with her to an extent. Recently has a haunted look to her eye due to the witness of a brutal murder of an ETHIC's soldier by 3 bandits of unknown affiliation. Has recently cast her first droplet. Her two best friends are Halser Haumel and Aniya Camoryn. Artwork
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