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Found 2 results

  1. MISSION SYSTEM OF URGUAN Massive dwarven scrolls would be pinned to notice boards around the Realm of Arcas. Through the strength and cooperation of the Legion of Urguan, we have created a system for the Mission Board that enables the citizens of Urguan to fulfill their duty to the Kingdom. Each mission entails the mission’s coding for difficulty, location, reward, and the contact you’ll need to begin your work. This new Realm of Almaris is one we’ll need to explore and protect together for the good of all dwarves. “If you want to travel fast, go alone, if you want to travel far and beat the **** out of anything that stands in your path, go with your shield brothers” -Ancient Legionnaire Proverb MISSION CATEGORIES Red: Legion Orange: Urguan Green: Hefrumm Gold: Clans MISSION CODINGS Dark Red: PVP Light Blue: Magic RP LEGION MISSIONS Available for only Legionnaires INDIVIDUAL MISSIONS GROUP MISSIONS MORE MISSIONS & EVENTS COMING SOON KINGDOM MISSIONS Available for all Dwarves GUILDS INSTITUTIONS HEFRUMM MISSIONS Available for all Dwarves (Each mission coincides with Hefrumm’s caste system) URGUANI CLANS Available for all Dwarves APPLICATION The Grand Kingdom Mission Board is always open for those who wish to enlist the help of their brethren. To apply for a task to be received on the board, simply fill out and submit an application as seen below. You will be contacted by Grand Marshal Dimlin Irongut within a few stone days. ~x~ Mission Name: Color Coding (Refer to the Color Key at the beginning of the post for reference) Individual or Group Mission: Requirements: Mission Start: Mission Description: Mission Rewards: Thank you to @Dhaelena @SoulReapingWolf @BDanecker@Luciloo @Titanium430 @Masouri @Elite_Snipes_ @Lady_Dietz @Willstertheking2for the massive help with this post
  2. CASUS BELLI Ius Gentium: The Law of Nations ((All credits to Aetosion for making this.)) Section I: Casus belli: ius ad bellum The following constitute justifications for launching a concerted act of warfare on another nation or settlement. International: •Borders - Geopolitical or military encroachment upon sovereign territory (i.e. The claiming of land by a state within the borders of another) •Reconquest - To return to ownership of the aggressor land she previously held (i.e. The reclamation of land formerly held by a state now held by another) •Property - Significant theft or otherwise deprivation of property by another state (e.g. The theft of great quantities of a commodity or product like iron or gold) •Self-defense - In defense of a confirmed military attack from another state, or in an instance of situational necessity where no other recourse is available (i.e. A response to a significant armed attack or attacks by another state) •Cultural - To defend significant cultural entities or practices from persecution of another state (e.g. A response to serious defamation of religious artifacts dear to a nation by another nation’s government, or the undue persecution of nationals within another state) Intranational: •Independence - To declare independence from a regime incompatible with the citizenry (i.e. As a response to a state oppressing its citizens with unjust laws, undue persecution, or significant administrative impropriety, the secession or separation of one body from a nation) •Deposition - To depose a regime incompatible with the citizenry (i.e. As a response to a state oppressing its citizens with unjust laws, undue persecution, or significant administrative impropriety, the removal of the monarch and administrative body or the accompanying body of laws or both to be replaced by a new governing body or structure or both) •Just law - To fight a war within the provisions established by cultural, common-law, doctrinal, or legal rules within a state. (e.g. The use of arms to enforce the observance of national succession laws) Section I.II: Limitations on Warfare •Proportionality - The violence of the war of the aggressor state should be commensurate to the offenses of the other belligerent, and there must exist a positive proportionality between expected gains of the war and evils resultant of it. •Right Intention - War should only be declared for a right intention, the correcting of suffered wrongs, and not for the express gain of the aggressor. •As Last Resort - War should only be initiated in ultima ratio, as a last resort when legitimate diplomatic measures and mediation have failed to resolve the issue. Section II: Casus Belli: ius in bello When war is declared, certain principles must be upheld during its course, and certain improprieties must be most gravely avoided. •Malum in se - Atrocities committed not for the cause of warfare but instead with the intent for sadistic amusement* will result in judgement against the offenders by all parties. •Distinction - Distinction between combatants and noncombatants must be maintained. Innocents are not to be harmed. •Conduct - Soldiers are representatives of the nations from which they hail. If the soldiers of an army are exhibiting poor and unchivalrous conduct, their fatherland can only be assumed to be unfit to extend its influence. ((The purpose of this is to facilitate the staff’s aim, as described by Shiftnative, to discourage needless war, while creating an RP manner by which to determine whether or not wars are just or needless, preferable to creating purely OOC barriers against warclaims. In this system, warclaims would not be consensual but instead moderated by this set of rules and an enforcing party that need only ensure these rules are maintained by all sides, signed by everyone in the nation leader chat, more or less. Innocent settlements would not be victims of senseless aggression, while militant or imperialistic states could not hide from the consequences of their actions. Just humor me and look at this from a neutral perspective. The lion's share of everybody I talk to has said that the war rules are currently a disgrace. I know that we can do better. We cannot sit on this status quo and be afraid of changing the rules just because it might make people/RP types we don't like more happy and comfortable on the server. Let's take decisive action and make some changes here, for crying out loud. Feel free to suggest any changes, additions or criticism in your reply, but keep it civil and mature. Read the OP thoroughly before posting, I think you'll actually like what I am proposing. It's fair for all sides and I see no reason why we should not set something like this into the rules, and fast. 4.0 is here, it's time to get real and take initiative, OR we can crumble into nothing and lose a very large fraction of the playerbase. All credits to Aetosion for making this.))
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